Top Ten Quotes Flashcards
Quote-Lines 1-3
“Experience, though noon auctoritee
Were in this world, is right enough for me
To speke of wo that is in mariage;
How would you use lines 1-3?
The Wife is a rebel
Challenges conventions
Set in time
Morality, authority, marriage etc
Quote- Lines 154-155
An housbonde I wold have, I wol nat lette,
Which shall be bothe my detour and my thral,
How would you use lines 154-155?
Shows she is a candid and open character
Proving typical female stereotype
Challenges convention
Morality and authority
Quote-Lines 401-402
Deceite, weping, spinning God hath yive
To wommen kindely, while that they may live.
How would you use lines 401-402?
AO4- St Paul and the seven deadly sins
Exegesis linked with deceit
Deceit link with The Rivals-takes pride in this
Ironic- upfront
Quote-Lines 688-90
For trusteth wel, it is an impossible
That any clerk wol speke good of wives,
But if it be of hooly seines lives,
How Would you use lines 688-690?
Women as inferior- an accepted convention
AO4-Women didn’t expect a place in hierarchy
Quote-Lines 817-818
And whan that I hadde geten unto me,
By maistrie, al the soverainetee,
How would you use lines 817-818?
Turning point- shift in power
Challenged convention
Anti-feminist writing- who is being mocked?
Was the narrative being satirical- Chaucer’s viewpoint?
Quote-Lines 886-888
He saugh a maide walking him bighorn,
Of which maide anon, maugree hir heed,
How would you use lines 886-888?
Catalyst of the tale
Theme of honour against perception- Knights
AO2/AO4-208-214 of General prologue
Quote-Lines 1036-1040
“My life lady, generally,” quod he,
“Wommen desiren to have soverainetee
As wel over hir housebound as hir love,
And for to been in maistrie him above.
How would you use lines 1036-1040?
Rhyming Couplets
Vulnerability- desire mastery and love
Quote-Line 1162
For gentilesse cometh fro God allone.
How would you use line 1162?
Religion and God
Honour and Nobility
Motif- idea of gentilesse
Quote-Line 1231
I put me in your wise governance;
How would you use line 1231?
Mastery and female sovereignity
AO4- body belonged to the man after marriage
Positive- she’s giving him consent
Quote-Lines 1261-1262
And eek I praye Jhesu shorte hir lives
That wol nat be governed by hir wives;
How would you use lines 1261-1262?
Referring to Jesus- Ironic- obliterating religion
Rhyme- sounds proverbial
It is not religious to want to punish someone
Female dominance- juxtapose 1231
One voice- parallel with end of prologue