SUBLIMAZE (FENTANYL) Dosages: Induction, Intraop, Pediatric, Epidural, Infusion, Post-op pain
Induction: 2-5mcg/kg Intraop: 2-20mch/g Pediatric: 1mcg/kg Epidural: 50-100mcg Infusion: 25-50mcg/hr Post-op pain: 0.5-1.5mcg/kg
SUBLIMAZE (FENTANYL) indication, mechanism of action
PAIN, Stimulates μ receptors, Activation of μ receptors opens potassium channels inhibiting action potentials from firing in pain pathways throughout the CNS
SUBLIMAZE (FENTANYL) concern/complication
Greatest risk for respiratory depression is during peak action. High doses = chest wall rigidity. Highly lipid soluble. 75% first pass pulmonary uptake
MIDAZOLAM (VERSED) Dosages: Premed, Sedation, Induction
Premed: 0.07-0.15 mg/kg
Sedation: 0.01-0.1 mg/kg
Induction 0.1-0.4 mg/kg
MIDAZOLAM (VERSED) Mechanism of action, indication
BENZODIAZEPINE, Binds to the alpha subunits on the GABA-A receptor and leaves chloride channels open which hyperpolarizes the postsynaptic cell within the cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex, and thalamus.
MIDAZOLAM (VERSED) Concern/complication
pH dependent ring opening phenomenon in which the ring remains open at pH values <4 thus maintaining water solubility and closes at pH values >4 making it highly lipid soluble. Cleft palate in neonates.
LIDOCAINE correct dose
1-1.5 mg/kg
4mg/kg (300mg)
7mg/kg (500mg)
LIDOCAINE mechanism of action, indication
LOCAL ANESTHETIC Blocks Na channels from inside he cell membrane. Occlusion of open Na channels inhibits the Na permeability thus slowing the rate of depolarization. Interruption of pain signal transmission.
LIDOCAINE concern/complication
Infiltration 0.5-1%, IVRA 0.25-5%, Epidural: 1.5-2%, Spinal: 1.5-5%
DIPRIVAN (PROPFOL) induction and maintenance dose
1.5-2.0 mg/kg
Induces GA by facilitating inhibitory neurotransmission by GABA-A receptors—binds to the beta subunit on the GABA-A receptors. Results in sedative/hypnotic effects. GABA-A receptors activated, transmembrane chloride conductance increased=hyperpolarized postsynaptic cell membrane and functional inhibition of postsynaptic neuron.
DIPRIVAN (PROPFOL) concern/complication
High lipid solubility. Discard 6 hours after opening. Pain with injection. Caution in the elderly and hypovolemic patients. Decreases ICP, CMRO2, and CBP.
SUCCINYLCHOLINE (ANECTINE) standard and spasm dose
1.0-1.5 mg/kg
Spasm: 0.25-1mg/kg
SUCCINYLCHOLINE (ANECTINE) mechanism of action, indication
Neuromuscular Blocking Agent, Depolarizing NMB attaches to one or both alpha subunits of the nAchRs and mimics action of Ach (partial agonist). Causes depolarization of the postjunctional membrane.
SUCCINYLCHOLINE (ANECTINE) concern/complication
Do not give if trauma is > 24 hours, Caution in renal failure due to increased K
ROCURONIUM (ZEMURON) standard, bolus, priming 10% ID dosages
0.6-1.2 mg/kg
Bolus 0.06-0.6 mg/kg
Priming 10% ID 0.5mg, give 3-5 min before intubation
ROCURONIUM (ZEMURON) mechanism of action, indication
NDMR quaternary amniosteroid, competes for cholinergic receptors at the motor end plate.
ROCURONIUM (ZEMURON) concern/complication
Onset time is decreased and DOA prolonged with increasing doses
CV stable, good for infusions (mix 200mg in 100mLD5W for 2mg/ml)
VECURONIUM (NORCURON) standard, bolus, gtt and priming 10% ID dosages
Bolus 0.01-0.05mg/kg
Gtt 1-2mcg/kg/min
Priming 10% ID 0.5-1.0mg
VECURONIUM (NORCURON) mechanism of action, indication
Intermediate NDMR that competes with cholinergic receptors at the motor end plate. 1/3 as potent as pancuronium. Vagotonic effects can occur when combined with opioids.
VECURONIUM (NORCURON) concern/complication
Reconstitute with sterile water
Gtt 20 mg/100mL D5W for 0.2mg/mL
10mg of powder reconstituted with 10mL of saline
concentration: 1mg/mL
CISATRACURIUM (NIMBEX) standard, bolus, gtt, and priming dose
Bolus 0.02-0.1mg/kg
Gtt 1-5mcg/kg/min
Priming 1-2mg
CISATRACURIUM (NIMBEX) mechanism of action, indication
Isomer of atracurium, competes for cholinergic receptors at the motor end plate.
CISATRACURIUM (NIMBEX) concern/complication
Laudenosine is a metabolite of metabolism that can cause seizures.
Histamine release can cause tachycardia, hypotension, bronch- and laryngospasm.
NEOSTIGMINE Reversal, max, w/atropine, w/ glycopyrrolate, MG Tx dose
Reversal 0.05mg/kg MAX DOSE 5mg With Atropine 0.015mg/kg With Glycopyrrolate 0.01mg/kg MG Tx 15-375mg PO QD
NEOSTIGMINE mechanism of action, indication
Reversal of NDMRs, treatment of MG, postoperative ileus, and urinary retention. Inhibits hydrolysis of acetylcholine by inhibiting achetylcholinesterase at the esteric site.
NEOSTIGMINE concern/complication
Cholinergic effects SLUDBBM
Cholinergic Crisis –> S/S: N/V, sweating, brady- or tachycardia, excessive salivation, sweating, bronchospasm, weakness, and paralysis. Treat with 10mcg/kg Atropine Q 3-10 min
GLYCOPYRROLATE (ROBINUL) dose with neostigmine or pyridostigmine
0.2mg for each 1mg of Neostigmine or 5mg of pyridostigmine
GLYCOPYRROLATE (ROBINUL) mechanism of action, indication
Quaternary ammonium anticholinergic. B/c of its polar nature it does not cross the BBB. It antagonizes muscarinic symptoms induced by cholinergic drugs. It produces less tachycardia than atropine.
GLYCOPYRROLATE (ROBINUL) concern/complication
Reduces LES tone, spincters in the GI tract are relaxed by nitric oxide that is released by the parasympathetic NANC fibers.
Can increase IOP—caution in pts with glaucoma. Use with caution in pts with BPH, MG, paralytic ileus, or ulcerative colitis. SEs orthostatic hypotension, dry mouth, and urine retention.
ATROPINE correct dose
- 01-0.02mg/kg
vial: 0.4mg/mL - 014 mg per mg of edtophonium
ATROPINE mechanism of action
Tertiary amine antimuscarinic It antagonizes muscarinic symptoms induced by cholinergic drugs. Tachycardia.
ATROPINE concern/complication
Crosses the blood/brain barrier; in large doses produces excitation/delirium. Can increase IOP—caution in pts with glaucoma. Use with caution in patients with BPH, MG, paralytic ileus, or ulcerative colitis
HYDROMORPHONE (DILAUDID) analgesic IV and PO, Spinal, Epidural infusion/bolus, and intrathecal dose
Analgesia 0.01-0.04mg/kg (0.5-2.0mg) Q4-6hr 2-4mg PO q4-6hr Spinal 0.1-0.2mg ( Epidural Infusion 0.15-0.3mg/hr Epidural Bolus 1-2mg Intrathecal 0.1mg
concentration: 2mg/mL
HYDROMORPHONE (DILAUDID) mechanism of action, indication
Opiate agonists that is a hydrogenated ketone of morphine. 7x more potent than morphine. Effects on CNS and organs containing smooth muscle.
HYDROMORPHONE (DILAUDID) concern/complication
Can causes drowsiness, euphoria, resp depression, interference with adrenocortical response to stress at high doses. Releases histamine.
Prolonged analgesia by alpha agonists such as clonidine.
Reduce the dose in the elderly,
hypovolemic, or patients on other sedatives. Biliary smooth muscle spasm.
REMIFENTANYL (ULTIVA) Induction, Gtt, Bolus, MAC, MAC gtt dose
Induction 1mcg/kg over 30-60sec Gtt 0.5-4mcg/kg/min Bolus 1mcg/kg MAC 0.5-1mcg/kg over 30-60 sec MAC gtt 0.025-0.1mcg/kg/min *not recommended as sole agent*