Top GRE words "Q" "R" & "S" Flashcards
To make thinner or sparser.
Ex: Since the atmosphere RAREFIES as altitudes increase, the air at the top of a very high mountain if too thin to breathe.
Silent, reserved.
Ex: Physically small and RETICENT in her speech, Joan Didion often went unnoticed by those upon whom she was reporting.
Effective writing or speaking.
Ex: Lincoln’s talent for RETHORIC was evident in his beautiful Gettysburg Address.
Ex: Many animals are QUIESCENT over the winter moms, minimizing activity in order to save energy.
To satisfy fully or overindulge.
Ex: His desire for power was so great that nothing les than. Omelette control of the country could SATIATE it.
Causing sleep or lethargy.
Ex: The movie proved to be so SOPORIFIC that soon loud snore were heard throughout thee theater.
Deceptively attractive; seemingly plausible but fallacious.
Ex: The student’s SPECIOUS excuse for being late sound it legitimate but was proved otherwise when her teacher called her home.
Unemotional; lacking sensitivity.
Ex: The prisoner appeared STOLID and unaffected by the judge’s harsh sentence.