Top German Verbs Flashcards
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to break”
Infinitive is brechen
Present is bricht
Imperfect is brach
Perfect is gebrochen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to eat”
Infinitive is Essen
Present is isst
Imperfect is aß
Perfect is gegessen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to go” or “to travel”
Infinitive is fahren
Present is fährt
Imperfect is fuhr
Perfect is gefahren
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to like something”
Infinitive is gefallen
Present is gefällt
Imperfect is gefiel
Perfect is gefallen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect of the verb “to find”
Infinitive is finden
Present is findet
Imperfect is fand
Perfect is gefunden
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to give”
Infinitive is geben
Present is gibt
Imperfect is gab
Perfect is gegeben
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect of the verb “to go”
Infinitive is gehen
Present is geht
Imperfect is ging
Perfect is gegangen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to have”
Infinitive is haben
Present is hat
Imperfect is hatte
Perfect is gehabt
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to help”
Infinitive is helfen
Present is hilft
Imperfect is half
Perfect is geholfen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to come”
Infinitive is kommen
Present is kommt
Imperfect is kam
Perfect is IST gekommen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to read”
Infinitive is lesen
Present is liest
Imperfect is las
Perfect is gelesen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to take”
Infinitive is nehmen
Present is nimmt
Imperfect is nahm
Perfect is genommen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to see”
Infinitive is sehen
Present is sieht
Imperfect is sah
Perfect is gesehen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to speak”
Infinitive is sprechen
Present is spricht
Imperfect is sprach
Perfect is gesprochen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to wear/carry”
Infinitive is tragen
Present is trägt
Imperfect is trug
Perfect is getragen
What is the infinitive, present, imperfect and perfect for the verb “to become”
Infinitive is werden
Present is wird
Imperfect is wurde
Perfect is IST geworden