Top Frequency List Flashcards
abolish (verb)
put an end to, destroy
abridge (verb)
reduce the length of, shorten
abstemious (adjective)
moderate, esp in eating and drinking
accent (verb)
to give importance or attention to something
accolade (noun)
anything given as a sign of respect, approval, or appreciation
acquiesce (verb)
to give in or go along with something, even if you don’t want to
affirmation (noun)
act of confirming something is true
amass (verb)
gather or collect a large amount of something
ambivalence (noun)
a state in which you can’t make a decision, having both positive and negative feelings
ambulatory (adjective)
related to moving or walking around
ameliorate (verb)
to improve or make better
amity (noun)
bond between people or countries that get along well
anchor (noun)
anything that gives or seems to give stability or security
antediluvian (adjective)
very old, old-fashioned, or primitive
ascendancy (noun)
position in which one has control or power; supremacy; domination
atrophy (noun)
weakening, loss, wasting away, break-down or growth halt of something such as a body part, plant, person, place or thing
bane (noun)
something that will kill, destroy or distress someone
bizarre (adjective)
very strange, odd
blunder (noun)
foolish mistake
bungle (noun)
a mistake or a failure
burgeon (verb)
to grow or blossom
capitulate (verb)
surrender or give in to all demands, give up, stop resisting
capricious (adjective)
impulsive or unpredictable
clemency (noun)
the act of showing mercy or kindness to an offender or enemy
coalesce (verb)
grow or join together, to unite or merge into one group
cohere (verb)
to stick together or hold together
coherent (adjective)
sticking together or easy to understand
compress (verb)
press together, or to make something more compact
confide (verb)
trust someone enough to tell your secrets, worries or thoughts
confidential (adjective)
secret, private, or shown in trust
confound (verb)
confuse someone, defeat an enemy or foil a plan
congeal (verb)
to solidify, especially by cooling, or to take shape, especially to form a satisfying whole
contaminant (noun)
substance that contaminates another substance, the air, water
converge (verb)
move or come together at the same point from different places or directions
convivial (adjective)
something or someone that is festive and good company
copious (adjective)
large amount of
corroborate (verb)
take an action to make something more certain, to validate
corrugate (verb)
shape something into parallel grooves
corrupt (adjective)
dishonest or deteriorated
cursory (adjective)
done quickly with only a small attention to detail
daunt (verb)
intimidate someone
debilitate (verb)
weaken, make sick, or destroy
deplete (verb)
to diminish or use up the supply of something
discrepancy (noun)
lack of agreement, or an instance of this; difference; inconsistency
disentangle (verb)
To clear up or resolve, to free from something that entangles, confuses
disputatious (adjective)
fond of arguing
dispute (verb)
disagree or argue
distend (verb)
stretch out, make swollen, expand
drawback (noun)
a disadvantage or negative feature, shortcoming or flaw
efface (verb)
to rub out, as from a surface; erase; wipe out, hide
effervesce (verb)
to give off gas bubbles, as carbonated beverages; bubble; foam
enhance (verb)
make something better or improve the condition of something’s cost, value, attractiveness
enigmatic (adjective)
puzzle or riddle that can’t be understood
ephemeral (adjective)
very short lifespan or lasts for a very short time