ToP FINAL Flashcards
A quality or dimension of experiencing life and ourselves. It has to do with depth, value, relatedness, hearth and personal substance.
Mirror Neurons
An approach that emphasizes personal growth, resilience, and the achievement of human potential. Grew out as an alternative to psychoanalysis.
A position in which a child needs to adapt to the outer world too soon-before the authentic self is “solid”/child loses touch with own subjectivity
“Being” in the world, who you are in relation to life
Characterized by a lifelong pattern of irresponsible, antisocial behavior such as lawbreaking, violence, and other impulsive, restless acts. This includes deceitfulness, and reckless disregard for safety of self and others.
Antisocial Personality Disorder
A follower of Sigmund Freud who broke with his teacher over the fundamental point of what motivates or drives human behavior. Believed that social interaction was the driving force behind behavior and the development of the personality.
Erik Erikson
A process in which “the client is one who comes actively and voluntarily to gain help on a problem but without any notion of surrendering his own responsibility for the situation.”
Client-Centered Therapy
Theory that affirms that each existence is unique; we cannot generalize experiences, allow for the examination of the experiencing individual, and states that you are responsible for creating/finding meaning in your life.
A Kleinian concept in which unconscious thoughts and wishes that were not necessarily reality are considered real, creates the world of the imagination
Depressive Position
A process in which clients learn to explicitly identify and accept whatever negative thoughts and feelings arise, without trying to eradicate them or letting them derail healthy behavior
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Coined the term “good enough” parenting and part of the object relations school of thought
Donald Winnicott
The association between environmental stimuli and the organism’s responses
Rare moments of rapture caused by the attainment of excellence or the experience of beauty
Peak Experiences
An approach to psychology that emphasizes the study of observable behavior and the role of the environment as a determinant of behavior
Humanistic Theory
A state in which the infant feels that he is the all-powerful center/his or her wish makes things happen
Subjective Omnipotence