TOP Flashcards
Criteria for termination (4)
<24wks and continuation has greater risk to physical/mental health of mother/existing children.
if termination prevents permanent grave injury to mother’s physical/mental health
if continuing pregnancy poses a risk to the mother’s life
if the foetus is likely to become severely handicapped
Before TOP (5)
must check for intrauterine pregnancy
screen for chlamydia-increased risk of post-op salpingitis
pre-abortion bloods: FBC, ABO/rhesus, coagulopathies, HIV, HBV. Anti-D if rh -ve.
post-op prophylactic Abx-metronidazole+azithromycin
counselling on contraception
Medical TOP (4)
anti-progesteron: mifepristone +prostaglandin: misoprostol:
- mifepristone displants the foetus
- misoprostol expels the foetus
- if <9wks can take both on same day, if >9wks take misoprostol 1-3d after
ensure sufficient analgesia w. NSAIDs
will require feticide at 22wks w. potassium chloride
- if >24wks, considered stillbirth and needs registering
- if signs of life, will require death certificate
- medical TOP considered late if >9wks and early if <9wks
Surgical TOP (5)
pre-op cervical priming w. misoprostol if:
- > 10wks gestation
- <18yrs old
analgesia w. NSAIDs
prophylactic Abx: metronidazole+azithromycin
vacuum aspiration:
- 7-13 wks
- under LA
dilatation and evacuation:
- 13-24wks
- under GA
- USS used
- requires priming
NB: no impact on fertility
After TOP
must do pregnancy test 3wks later
common complications of TOP (3)
retained products
cervical trauma
rare complications of TOP (4)
haemorrhage-increased risk with more advanced gestation
uterine perforation/rupture
failure of TOP
slight increased risk of premature labour in future pregnancies if surgical