Top-6 Flashcards
I’m crazy about seafood
I’m a big fish eater Or coffee drinker
I’m a chocolate addict
I’m a pizza lover
براي خوش آمدن
I’m watching my weight now
I am not crazy about seafood
I don’t care of steak
I’m not much of a pizza eater Or coffee drinker
دوست نداشتن
I’ll pass on a …
I’m on a diet
Please help yourself
براي تعارف
It doesn’t agree with me
بخورم حالم بد ميشه
I’m trying to lose weight
It’s against my religion
I’m allergic to …
I’m avoiding sugar
It looks like chicken
I’m just pulling your leg , silly
I’m kidding
All of a sudden
You look down
You look sad
Catch on fire
آتش گرفتن
believe it or not
how do you like that
I’m really surprise
you can’t always judge a book by its cover
I know that
I’m just not really into abstract
I know that
fooling around
همينجوري چرخيدن بدون قصد خاص
I couldn’t hurt
كار كرد كرد نكرد هم نكرد
that takes care of it
fixed it
that does the trick
fixed it
take a look
look at
that may do the trick
ممكنه كار كنه
the exam was as easy as I expected
I know that
I’ll check it out
I’ll check it completely
perform music or perform movie for first time
he has a right to know his son ok
I know that
it seems natural
as of this moment
I can’t keep up with you
I know that
accuse of
I know that
keep up with the news
follow news
I spend just as much time on a computer as most people
I know that
they didn’t charge us for …
I know that
they undercharge me
they overcharge me
I know that
they gave me too much change
I know that
they gave me more than I order
I know that
whose … is this
مال چه كسي هست …
it is unlikely that
It seems unlikely what you say or …
it is likely that …
I know that
guess what ?
حدس بزن چي شده
it’s going to cost me an arm an a leg
let’s split
put your self in the owner’s shoes
I know that
a drop in the bucket
I know that
I couldn’t face himself
I know that
out of hand
مهار نشدني
از دست در رفته
in other hand
از طرف ديگه
on every hand
از همه طرف
that’s only two weeks away
فقط دو هفته مونده يا وقت است