Top 50 Vocab Flashcards
noun – something that is unusual or unexpected
The student’s poor performance on the latest test was an anomaly since she had previously earned excellent grades.
adj. – not easily understood or explained
Politicians have been known to provide equivocal answers to reporters’ questions.
verb – to cause (something) to happen quickly or suddenly
Unforeseen costs can precipitate a budget crisis.
verb – to make (an unpleasant feeling) less intense
A massage can assuage the soreness in your muscles.
adj. – having or showing great knowledge
High school students often struggle with novels that are more erudite than they are entertaining.
adj. – not able to be seen through; not easily understood
Medical jargon includes many opaque terms like macrosomic, which describes a newborn who weighs more than 4,000 grams.
adj. – wastefully extravagant
The prodigal prince bought lavish gifts and planned expensive events.
adj. – very clear and easy to understand
The lecture was lucid and straightforward, allowing the students to fully grasp the concepts presented.
noun – a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand
Scientists continue to research cancer to solve the enigma of its primary cause, which will hopefully lead to a cure.
adj. – intensely enthusiastic or passionate
The child showed a fervid fascination for superheroes, pouring over comic books for hours.
verb – to make (someone) less angry or hostile
A parent may decide to placate a baby with a pacifier.
noun – a strong feel of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something
The great emperor’s crusading zeal led him to conquer many lands.
verb – to restrain oneself for doing or enjoying something
Doctors encourage their patients to abstain from smoking cigarettes.
adj. – a willingness to take bold risks / adj. – showing a lack of respect
The new CEO pursued audacious initiatives to save the company from bankruptcy. / The student’s audacious remark earned her a seat in afternoon detention.
verb – remove the moisture from (something)
The heat and energy from the sun can desiccate even the most hearty plants.
adj. – easily persuaded to believe something
The gullible little boy gave his older sister all of his allowance because she told him she would buy a pony for him.
adj. – deserving praise and commendation
Providing affordable healthcare for all citizens is a laudable goal.
noun – a person who makes an excessive display of learning
Professor Blackwell, a well-known pedant, required his pre-med students to speak in Latin throughout the entire semester.
verb – to waver between different opinions or actions
Undergraduate students often vacillate among various majors before deciding which degree to pursue.
verb – to make (something) impure or weaker by adding something of inferior quality
Many chefs use fresh produce and refuse to adulterate their dishes with canned ingredients.
adj. – given to sudden changes of mood or behavior
The capricious supervisor would hand out raises one day and fire his entire staff the next.
verb – to produce, cause, or give rise to (something)
Political debates can engender controversy regarding the subjects discussed.
adj. – of the same or similar kind
There are very few truly homogenous cultures since social diversity is increasingly widespread.
adj. – tending to talk a great deal
The loquacious professor was known for his five-hour lectures.
adj. – dealing with the problems that exist in a reasonable and logical way instead of depending on theories
A pragmatic approach to legislation can be difficult given the complexities of politics.
adj. – likely to change rapidly and unpredictably
It is possible for a country’s political climate to remain volatile for decades.
noun – lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
Political parties try to engage young voters who are more prone to apathy than older citizens.
verb – to confirm or make more certain
The scientist was able to corroborate his hypothesis with data gathered from multiple sources.
adj. – lasting for a very short time
An ephemeral moment of victory may last mere seconds, but it can remain as a triumphant memory for decades.
adj. – using few words
The student’s laconic response suggested that she did not know very much about the topic the professor was discussing.
verb – make less severe, serious, or painful
We want to mitigate students’ GRE stress by offering helpful study tools.
noun – the state or quality of being correct or proper
The students were instructed to behave with the utmost propriety while on their class field trip.
verb – publicly recommend or support
The governor chose to advocate for a higher minimum wage rather than a tax incentive.
noun – a harsh, unpleasant mixture of sounds
The cacophony of the middle school band warming up was nearly unbearable for the audience.
verb – cause (someone or something) to feel drained of energy; weaken
The boxer used a swift left uppercut to the jaw to enervate his opponent.
adj. – innocent and unsuspecting
The scam artist preyed on ingenuous nursing home residents.
noun – a person who dislikes humankind
The neighborhood misanthrope surrounded his yard with barbed wire to keep people away.
noun – a statement that contradicts itself but might be true
The fact that the retired teacher claimed to hate all pets but adopted seven cats is an intriguing paradox.
verb – regard with great respect
To venerate the fire chief’s forty years of service, the department held a special banquet.
noun – a strong feeling of dislike
The students voiced their antipathy for homework very loudly.
verb – to express contempt for; ridicule
The unreasonable supervise was known to deride his employees on a daily basis.
noun – a speech that praises someone, typically some who has recently died
The rabbi’s eulogy was both heartfelt and inspiring.
adj. – lacking energy
It’s not uncommon to feel lethargic for weeks or even months after major surgery.
adj. – stubbornly refusing to change one’s opinion
The obdurate three-year-old refused to eat any vegetables, no matter how they were prepared.
adj. – seeking to promote the welfare of others
The students were grateful to receive financial support from philanthropic organizations that promote education.
verb – to go back and forth between choices or opinions
Some citizens vote solely along party lines and never waver in their political decisions.
verb – to support or strengthen
The prosecutor worked to find evidence that would bolster her case against the defendant.
noun – a lack of harmony or agreement
The school board’s meeting lasted for hours due to the length debate fueled by dissonance among opinions.
adj. – excessively talkative
The garrulous hair stylist talked to each customer for hours at a time.
adj. – easily influenced; pliable
Children’s moods are often malleable since children are greatly affected by their surroundings.
noun – excessive display of wealth
Owning a mansion doesn’t imply ostentation, but traveling exclusively by private jet certainly can.
verb – avoid telling the truth by not directly answering a question
During the trial, the lead witness was willing to prevaricate in order to protect his friend.