Top 15 Acupoints In Horse Flashcards
1 CUN= what in the horse?
- The length if the first tail bone of the horse
- The width of the last rib of each horse
How many CUN is it from shoulder to elbow?
Where is LU-1 located?
1.5 CUN lateral to the pectoral sulcus
In the 1st intercostal space
What is the indication for LU-1?
- shoulder pain
- cough
- equine asthma (RAO or IAD)
Where is LI-4 located?
-distal and medial ti base if splint bone
-between medial splint bone and cannon bone
-cranial to suspensory ligament
When is LI-4 indicated?
- general pain management
- dental disorders
- facial paralysis
- angidrosis (non-sweater)
- tendinitis
- fever
- immunodeficiency
- upper respiratory tract infections
- nasal discharge/congestion
Where is ST-36?
- 3 CUN below at-35
- 0.5 CUN lateral to cranial aspect of the tibia crest
- 0.5 CUN distolateral to the cranial aspect of the finial tuberosity
- over cranial tibialis muscle
When is ST-36 indicated?
- gastric ulcer
- colic
-food stasis, constipation or impaction - diarrhea
- general weakness
Where is SP-6 located?
- 3 CUN proximal to medial malleolus
- caudal to the tibial border
- causal to the saphenous vein
When is SP-6 indicated?
- diarrhea
- genital discharge
- help parturition
- infertility
- abnormal estrous cycles
- hernia
- urinate incontinence
- Yin deficiency (help cooling)
Where is HT-7 located?
- on the caudolateral aspect of the radius
- just proximal to the accessory carpal bone
- caudal to the insertion of the lateral ulnar muscle
When is HT-7 indicated?
- shen disturbance
- stall anxiety
- trailer phobia or other abnormal behavior issues
- restlessness
Where is SI-9 located?
- large depression along the caudal border of the deltoid muscle
- at the juncture of
> deltoid muscle
> lateral head of the triceps brachii
> long head of the triceps brachii
When is SI-9 indicated?
- shoulder pain
- forelimb lameness
- general pain relief
Where is BL-11 located?
- cranial to the withers at the level of the 2nd vertebral space
- 1.5 CUN lateral to dorsal midline
When is BL-11 indicated?
- arthritis
- abnormal bony changes
- cough, heaves
- cervical stiffness
- forelimb lameness
Where is KID-3 located?
- between the medial malleolus of the tibia and the calcaneal tuber
- cranial to tarsal sheath
When is KID-3 indicated?
- kidney disease
- urinary leakage
- dysuria
- abnormal estrous cycles
- infertility
- back pain
Where is PC-6 located?
- 3 CUN proximal to the radiocarpal articulation
- just cranial to the flexor carpi radialis muscle
- directly cranial to the chestnut
When is PC-6 indicated?
- anxiety
- restlessness
- head shaking
- other abnormal behavioral issues
- paralysis of forelimbs
- master point for chest/cranial abdomen
- confluent point with Yin-Wei channel
Where is LIV-3 located?
- on the craniomedial aspect of the cannon bone
- at the level of the head of the medial splint bone
When is LIV-3 indicated?
- liver Qi stagnation
- general pain management
- abnormal estrous cycle
- fetlock pain
- paralysis of hind limb
Where is GB-34 located?
- craniodidtal to the head of the fibula
- in the groove between the long and lateral digital extensors
When is GB-34 indicated?
- tendinitis
- tendon or ligament injury
- weak tendon/ligament
- hind end weakness
Where is Bai-hui located?
- on the dorsal midline
- at the lumbosacral space
When is Bai-hui indicated?
- permission point
- relaxation
- back pain or weakness
- hind quarter pain or weakness
- hip pain
- colic
- diarrhea
- Yang Deficiency
Where are Shen-shu, Shen-peng, and Shen-jiao located
- Shen-shu: 2 CUN lateral to Bai-Hui
- Shen-peng: 2 CUN cranial to Shen-shu
- Shen-jiao: 2 CUN caudal to Shen-shu
When are Shen-shu, Shen-peng, and Shen-jiao indicated
- relaxation, calming point
- back pain or weakness
- hind limb pain or weakness
- disorders associated with kidney/water element
> arthritis
> urinary tract disease
> infertility
Universal points for back pain?
7 lumbar points:
- bai-hui
- bilateral shen-shu, shen-peng, and shen-jiao
Hip, sacral pain?
7 lumbar points
- bai-hui
- bilateral shen-shu, shen-peng, and shen-jiao
GB-34 (if suspect tendon/ligament issue)
LI-4 (pain and head)
Lumbar 7
- bai-hui
- bilateral shen-shu, shen-peng, and shen-jiao
Equine Asthma
Bai-hui (permission point/relax)
If worse in summer (heat)
-Yin deficiency? Use SP-6
If worse in winter (cold)
-Yang deficiency? Use bai-hui