Top 100 Phrases Flashcards
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Hello’?
How do you say ‘Thank you’ in Japanese?
What is the meaning of ‘Sayounara’?
Translate ‘Ogenki desu ka?’ to English.
How are you?
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Yes’?
How do you say ‘No’ in Japanese?
What does ‘Sumimasen’ mean?
Excuse me / I’m sorry
Translate ‘Eigo o hanasemasu ka?’ to English.
Do you speak English?
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Good morning’?
Ohayou gozaimasu
How do you say ‘Good night’ in Japanese?
Oyasumi nasai
What does ‘Wakarimasen’ mean?
I don’t understand
Translate ‘Mizu o onegaishimasu’ to English.
Please give me water
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I love you’?
How do you say ‘I’m hungry’ in Japanese?
Onaka ga suita
What does ‘Daijoubu desu’ mean?
It’s okay / I’m fine
Translate ‘Kudasai’ to English.
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I am sorry’?
Gomen nasai
How do you say ‘What is your name?’ in Japanese?
Anata no namae wa nan desu ka?
What does ‘Oishii’ mean?
Translate ‘Chizu o misete kudasai’ to English.
Please show me the map
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘See you later’?
Mata ne
How do you say ‘I am lost’ in Japanese?
Michi ni mayoimashita
What does ‘Sugoi’ mean?
Translate ‘Tanoshii desu’ to English.
It’s fun
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Help!’?
How do you say ‘I don’t know’ in Japanese?
What does ‘Kawaii’ mean?
Translate ‘Nani ga arimasu ka?’ to English.
What do you have?
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Welcome’?
How do you say ‘I’m tired’ in Japanese?
What does ‘Kekkou desu’ mean?
No, thank you
Translate ‘Koko wa doko desu ka?’ to English.
Where is this place?
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I need help’?
Tasukete hoshii
How do you say ‘I’m happy’ in Japanese?
What does ‘Yamete’ mean?
Stop it
Translate ‘Kono shokuji wa oishii’ to English.
This meal is delicious
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Goodbye for now’?
Ja ne
How do you say ‘Please take care’ in Japanese?
Odaiji ni
What does ‘Mochiron’ mean?
Of course
Translate ‘Anata wa doko ni ikimasu ka?’ to English.
Where are you going?
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘See you tomorrow’?
Mata ashita
How do you say ‘I am a student’ in Japanese?
Watashi wa gakusei desu
What does ‘Kore wa nan desu ka?’ mean?
What is this?
Translate ‘Sukoshi nihongo o hanasemasu’ to English.
I speak a little Japanese
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I am from…’?
Watashi wa … kara kimashita
How do you say ‘I like it’ in Japanese?
Suki desu
What does ‘Ii desu ne’ mean?
That’s good
Translate ‘Kawaii ne’ to English.
So cute
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘What time is it?’
Ima nanji desu ka?
How do you say ‘It’s okay’ in Japanese?
What does ‘Hai, arigatou’ mean?
Yes, thank you
Translate ‘Watashi wa shufu desu’ to English.
I am a housewife
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Let’s go’?
How do you say ‘I am busy’ in Japanese?
What does ‘Oishisou’ mean?
Looks delicious
Translate ‘Ashita wa yasumi desu’ to English.
Tomorrow is a holiday
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I am learning Japanese’?
Nihongo o benkyou shiteimasu
How do you say ‘What do you want to eat?’ in Japanese?
Nani o tabetai desu ka?
What does ‘Tanoshimi ni shiteimasu’ mean?
I am looking forward to it
Translate ‘Koko ni kite kudasai’ to English.
Please come here
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I have a question’?
Shitsumon ga arimasu
How do you say ‘Can you help me?’ in Japanese?
Tasukete moraemasu ka?
What does ‘Oishikute, ureshii’ mean?
It’s delicious, I’m happy
Translate ‘Wakarimashita’ to English.
I understand
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I am sorry for the inconvenience’?
Gomen nasai, go meiwaku o okake shimasu
How do you say ‘Where is the bathroom?’ in Japanese?
Toire wa doko desu ka?
What does ‘Kore wa anata no desu ka?’ mean?
Is this yours?
Translate ‘Watashi wa kuruma o motteimasu’ to English.
I have a car
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I want to go home’?
Uchi ni kaeritai
How do you say ‘What is your favorite food?’ in Japanese?
Anata no sukina tabemono wa nan desu ka?
What does ‘Sugoi desu ne’ mean?
That’s amazing
Translate ‘Anata wa totemo yasashii’ to English.
You are very kind
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘I’m looking for…’?
Watashi wa … o sagashiteimasu
How do you say ‘This is my friend’ in Japanese?
Kore wa watashi no tomodachi desu
What does ‘Bikkuri shita’ mean?
I was surprised
Translate ‘Yatta!’ to English.
I did it!
What is the Japanese phrase for ‘Can I take a picture?’
Shashin o totemo ii desu ka?
How do you say ‘I am happy to meet you’ in Japanese?
Oai dekite ureshii desu