TOOTHWEAR Flashcards
What is tooth surface loss?
EVERYTHING = caries, trauma, developmental problems, tooth wear
What are the types of tooth wear?
PHYSIOLOGICAL = normal process and increases with age, associated with normal function
PATHOLOGICAL = occurs if the remaining tooth structure or pulpal health is compromised or the rate of tooth wear is in excess for what is expected
What are some causes of tooth wear?
- attrition
- abrasion
- erosion
- abfraction
What is attrition?
The physiological wearing away of tooth structure as a result of tooth to tooth contact
Where are attritive lesions found?
The occlusal and incisal contacting surfaces (early appearance is of a polished facet on a cusp or flattening of incisal edge)
What is attrition typically related/caused by?
Parafunctional habit
How does attrition present?
- polished facet of cusps
- flattened incisal edge
- reduction in cusp heights
- shortened clinical crown
What is abrasion?
The physical wear of tooth substance through an abnormal mechanical process independent of occlusion
- involves foreign object or substance repeatedly contacting the tooth
Where is the commonest area to find abrasion?
Labial/buccal, cervical on canine and premolar teeth (aggressive toothbrushing)
How can abrasion manifest on incisors?
Notching of incisal edges
What is erosion?
The loss of tooth surface by a chemical process that does not involve bacterial action.
What is the most common type of pathological tooth wear?
What causes erosion?
Chronic exposure of dental hard tissues to acidic substances which can be extrinsic or intrinsic
How does erosion present in the mouth?
EARLY STAGES = enamel surface is affected with loss of surface detail, surfaces become flat and smooth
LATER = dentine becomes exposed
How do erosion lesions clinically present?
Typically bilateral
- concave lesions without chalky appearance of bacterial acid décalcification
What can transparent incisal edges suggest?
What is abfraction?
The loss of hard tissue from eccentric occlusal forces leading to compressive and tensile stresses at the cervical fulcrum areas of tooth
You suspect a patient with heavily restored anterior teeth is suffering from erosion, what would be a sign?
Teeth are affected BUT restorations are not
How does abfraction present?
Loss of tooth substance at the cervical margin
(cracks in tooth substance which causes tooth substance to chip out)
What causes abfraction?
Caused by biomechanical loading forces
- results in flexure and failure of the enamel and dentine at a location away from the loading
What clinical signs would suggest a patient is suffering from abfraction?
V shaped tooth loss where the tooth is under tension
- classically sharp rim at the ACJ
In order to prevent or reduce tooth loss due to wear you must…:
- recognise the problem
- grade its severity
- diagnose the likely cause or causes
- monitor the progression of disease
What are some medical history causes fo tooth wear?
- medications with low pH
- medications which dry the mouth
- eating disorders
- alcoholism
- heart burn
- hiatus hernia rumination
When examining a patient with toothwear, what must you asses when looking at occlusion?
- FWS checked
- resting face height and OVD
- any dento-alveolar compensation?
- record overbite & overjet
- are there stable contacts in centric relation
- check tooth contacts in excursive movements