Tooth wear and Indirect Restorations Flashcards
When are fixed restorations possible in tooth wear cases?
If 50% of structure still present above gingival margin
- Can consider crown lengthening surgery if this is not available
What are the issues with tooth preparation in wear cases?
Lack of occluso-gingival height (occlusal surface to top of gingival margin)
-> Little room for retention and resistance form
Lack of occlusal and palatal space
Severely compromised teeth
What can be done to maximise retention and resistance when placing indirect restorations on worn teeth?
Grooves/Inlays- reduce radiation of rotation
Parallel preps
Margins & occluding surfaces
Surgical Crown lengthening
What materials can be used for indirect restorations in tooth wear cases?
Metal ceramic
-> metal on biting surfaces
-> porcelain on aesthetic areas (may only be some of the cusp)
How are grooves prepped?
Cut down long axis of the tooth
-> parallel with path of insertion and removal
-> tell technician you want metal fitting surface of crown to go into groove
How can adding an inlay style prep to your crown prep be beneficial?
Walls give retention
-> good if high aesthetic demand
Why is it important to check radiographs before cutting grooves and inlays?
To check for position of pulp
What is the issue with no ferrule?
It is unlikely that the tooth will be restorable with crowns
-> lack of resistance form
What can be used to help us assess restorability of teeth?
Dental Practicality Index
What are the positives of parallel preps?
Aids retention of crown in shortened teeth
What are the issues with parallel preps?
Technician has less space to develop aesthetics leading to opaque crowns
-> inform patient that aesthetic compromise is likely
What can be done of worn teeth have large sub gingival restorations?
- Put core material in to restore deep cavity
- Electrosurgery- remove gum to ensure accuracy of impression and create ferrule
- Palatal groove- may be a better position in relation to pulp
What are the advantages of metal palatal surfaces in anterior teeth?
Opposing arch bites on metal
Useful in erosion cases
Minimal prep required due to thin metal
What are the advantages of a curved prep for porcelain?
Prevents debonding and crack propagation
-> esp helpful in wear cases where there is increased load
How can reinforced composite be helpful when restoring near the gingival margin?
Autocured- so will set in these conditions