Tooth Filling Flashcards


Types of Dental Fillings


The top dentist in the Yonkers helps you decide the best material for your dental fillings. It depends on the location of the tooth and your budget. Choices include:

Gold fillings. The strongest material used for dental fillings, gold works well for high-pressure molars or for those who have a mercury allergy. It’s pricier than the other materials.
Porcelain fillings. Porcelain is used when the filling is in a noticeable place and where there’s less bite pressure. It’s pricier than mercury fillings, but it mimics the look of your natural teeth.
Mercury fillings. These are actually made of a silver amalgam, in which mercury is mixed with silver, tin, zinc and copper. The other elements keep you safe from the mercury. One of the toughest materials used for fillings, it’s been in use for more than 150 years. Mercury fillings are the most affordable option for dental fillings.
Composite resin fillings. Composite resin is a tooth-colored plastic mixed with silica and other materials to mimic the look of natural teeth. Less expensive than porcelain, it can be used on noticeable teeth.
Inlays and onlays. These are made from a mold of your mouth. The gold, porcelain or composite material is cemented into place over the cleaned-out cavity. An example is a crown, which actually strengthens the tooth.
Temporary fillings. In emergency cases or while filling material is being made, a temporary filling can keep your tooth safe while you return to your day-to-day life. These typically last about two weeks.

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Procedure for Dental Fillings


Do fillings hurt? Cavities hurt more. Your Yonkers dentist, open on Saturdays, wants to relieve your pain. You’ll find your pain after tooth filling has disappeared completely. Your dentist:

Takes X-rays and probes to find the exact location of your cavity
Administers a local anesthetic to keep the pain signals blocked
Uses a small dental drill to remove the decayed material
Cleans and disinfects the cavity after extracting all the decay
Protects the healthy root or nerve in your tooth by inserting a base or liner, which reduces any sensitivity after filling
Does one of the following, depending on your choice of filling material:
Takes an impression and make the filling, if you’ve chosen an inlay or onlay, which is cemented into place
Packs your tooth with the amalgam or porcelain filling material and as it quickly hardens, carves it to your tooth shape
Places several layers of composite resin into the tooth, building it up slowly and curing it with a blue light
Shapes, cleans and polishes your tooth to make the filling fit your bite

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Filling for Repairs


If you have damaged a tooth through a poor bite or trauma, or if you develop an irritating rough spot, your Yonkers dentist, open Saturdays, uses filling material to repair the tooth. Enamel erosion that leads to tooth sensitivity can also be resolved this way, so your tooth isn’t sensitive after filling.

Whether you receive dental fillings for cavity repair or to fix a traumatized tooth, recovery and aftercare are the same. Some slight soreness in your jaw muscles and surrounding tissue may occur temporarily. Otherwise, adhere to good oral hygiene care for the health of your teeth and gums.

The purpose of dental fillings is to make your tooth, now decay-free, as much like a normal tooth as possible for use in chewing and speaking. Reducing cavity-filling pain and tooth sensitivity allows you to return to your normal life activities. Being aware of sugary foods and drinks, commit to good oral hygiene and continue your regular checkups to keep your smile bright and pain-free.

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