Tools Flashcards
What is stasis?
Lack of change
Do chimpanzees use tools?
Yes. However they don’t alter the tool in any way, which is a key difference
What is the earliest tool use?
Cut marked herbivore bones from 3.4 million years ago (A. afarensis). From the Dikika area, no actual stone tools were found
What are the oldest actual stone tools?
- From Lomekwi, Kenya (Lake Turkana Basin) dated to 3.3 million years ago
- Referred to as the Lomekwian industry
- Made by kenyanthropus and/or A. afarensis
What is the Oldowan industry?
- Named after Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Found in same beds as H. habilis
- Mostly in east Africa, dated between 1.6 - 2.5 million years ago
- 1 million year long industry
What are mode 1 stone tools?
Remove flakes from cores. Flakes and cores used as tools (no actual shapes)
- Oldowan, Lomekwian
What are mode 2 stone tools?
Cores shaped into symmetrical bifaces; cores used as tools.
- Acheulean
What are mode 3 stone tools?
Cores shaped to give many types of flakes. Both cores and flakes are used as tools, and is reused/re-sharpened
- Levallois, Mousterian
What do the tools look like in the Oldowan industry?
- Understanding of fracture mechanics
- Cores: flakes removed, sharp edges and tips
- Flakes: products of flaking
- Hammerstones: used for flaking other rocks
How were Oldowan tools made?
Hard hammer percussion. Made up mostly of detached flakes.
What are Oldowan tools used for?
- Flakes are used for a variety of tasks, like cutting scraps of meat
- Cores are used for chopping trees or smashing open bones to get to the marrow (has nutrience)
What were Oldowan bone tools used for?
- Found in Sterkfontein and dated to 2 million years ago
- Probably used for digging tubers and termite mounds
What are some evidence of meat eating in association with stone tools?
- Olduvia Gorge and Koobi Fora are littered with animal bones dated from 1.5 - 2 million years ago
- Could be carnivore site, hominin butchery site, or natural process (like floods)
- Association of bones and stones show evidence of meat eating
- Marks on animal bones seem to be from stones and not teeth
What hominins made/used Oldowan tools?
- Homo habilis
- Homo erectus
- Australopithecus garhi
- Australopithecus africanus
- all Paranthropus’
This is in a 1.6 - 2.6 million year time span
What are Acheulean tools?
- Appears 1.8 million years ago in Africa then Eurasia (until 300k years ago, a period of stasis)
- Biface replaces core as main
- Predefined shape, sharp edge all around
- Requires an image of final form (symmetry)
- Oldowan tools were still being used
What are Acheulean axes?
- Large bifaces
- Long, sharp edge, rounded side suggest butchery
- Microwear pattern suggest meat and plant processing
- Flakes still used
Who made Acheulean tools?
- Homo erectus 1.8 million years ago
- Increased cranial capacity and reliance with meat supports that theory (later hominins also use these type of tools)
Where are Acheulean tools found?
Africa and south/west Eurasia
- Not associated with asian Homo erectus or Dmansi hominins
What are the food resources types?
Collected foods: ripe fruit and leaves
Extracted foods: (protection) tubers, termites, honey, fruits with hard shells, nuts
Hunted foods: must be caught or trapped
Hunting and extracting are complex skills requiring learning. Collecting favoured larger brains (earlier birth and longer juvenile periods which means longer learning periods)