Tonify Yin Flashcards
Nan Sha Shen
1) *moisten lung/stop cough
2) moisten ext
3) nourish St/ generates fluids/ clears heat
Bei Sha Shen
1) nourish Lu/ clear heat
2) nourish St/ generate fluids
Tian Men Dong
1) nourish Kid yin/ clear Lu heat
2) moisten Lu/ nourish Kid/ *generates fluid
- moisten intestine
- breast lump/mastitis
Shi Hu
1) nourish yin/ clear heat/ *generate fluid
2) enrich Kid yin/ decrease xu heat
3) tonify Kid/ augment essence/ *brighten vision
* strengthen low back and knees
Bai He
1) moisten Lu/clear heat/ *suppress cough
2) clear Heart/ *quiet spirit
Nu Zhen Zi
1) nourish and tonify Liv/Kid
2) augment Liv & Kid/ clear xu heat
3) augment Liv & Kid/ *improve vision
Hei Zhi Ma
1) supplement Liv & Kid
2) nourish blood
3) moisten dryness/ *lubricate intestines
* premature graying
Gui Ban
1) nourish yin/ *subdue yang
2) supplement Kid/ *strengthen bone
3) nourish blood/ stabilize Ren & Du
4) cools blood/ *stops bleeding
5) noursh blood/ tonify Ht
6) *promote healing of sores and ulcerations
* generates flesh
Bei Jia
1) nourish yin/ *subdue & anchor yang
2) *activate blood/ unblock menses/ *dissipates nodules
3) heavily anchors & descends
* unblocks and facilitates function of blood vessel