Tonify Formulas Flashcards
Si Jun Zi Tang (A)
Qi tonic
ren shen
fu ling
bai zhu
zhi gan cao
-sp/st qi xu
t: pale
P: thin and/or frail
-tonify qi, distinguished by relatively harmonious and moderate nature.
-supports xu spleen qi, caused by improper eating habits, overthinking/overworking
-used for common neurasthenia, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, IBS, diabetes mellitus, uterine fibroids (+qi xu)
c/ci: high fever, heat from xu, constipation, irritability, overuse may cause dry mouth, thirst, irritability
Yi Gong San
Qi tonic
Si jun zi tang + chen pi, sheng jiang, da zao
for sp qi xu + qi stagnation
leading to irregular appetite w stifling sensation in chest
Liu Jun Zi Tang
Qi tonic
Six Gentleman Decoction
si jun zi tang + ban xia, chen pi, sheng jiang, da zao
for sp/st qi xu with damp phlegm
cough of copious thin white sputum
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Tang
Qi tonic
liu jun zi tang + sha ren, mu xiang, xiang fu
sp/st qi xu with damp cold stagnating in MJ
Sheng Ling Bai Zhu San (A)
Qi tonic
ginseng, poria, white atractylodes
ren shen
bai zhu
fu ling
zhi gan cao
shan yao
lian zi
bai bian dou
yi yi ren
sha ren
jie geng
benefit qi, strengthens sp, leach out damp, stops diarrhea
sp and st qi xu w dampness
reduced appetite, loose stool, diarrhea, vomit, weak limbs, emaciation, withered complexion, distention, stifling sensation in chest/epigastrium
T: pale w white coat
P: thin & mod, or xu & mod
-for sp t&t function, regulates ascending and descending fxs
-tonify sp/st + leach out damp, unblock flow of lu qi
-chronic gastritis/bronchitis, nephritis, anemia, diabetes mellitus, leukorrhea from sp xu + damp
yin xu heat
avoid cold greasy harsh foods (for long term diarrhea)
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang (A)
Qi tonic
Tonify Middle to Augment Qi
huang qi
ren shen
bai zhu
zhi gan cao
chen pi
dang gui
chai hu
sheng ma
-sp/st qi xu
-yang qi xu and sinking qi syndrome
T: pale, thin white coat
P: flooding, xu, rootless at middle position on right (sp/st)
-habitual miscarriage
-chronic low fever due to MJ yang qi sunken
Sheng Mai San (A)
Qi tonic
Generate the Pulse Pwd
Ren Shen
Mai Men Dong
Wu Wei Zi
benefit qi, generate fluids, preserves yin, stops xs sweat
- SH causing profuse sweat, exhausting qi, injuring fluids
- Chronic Lu xu cough, qi and yin injured (sparse DTE sputum, SOB, spon sweat, DRY mouth/tongue)
T: pale red, DRY thin coat
P: xu and rapid or xu and thin
-nourishes, clears, astringes
- Lu TB, chronic bronchitis, arrythmias, rheumatic heart dz, CAD, cardiogenic shock, toxic shock, hemorrhagic shock
c/i: high fever w/o qi and yin xu, external pathogenic influence
Si Wu Tang (A)
blood tonic
Four-Substance Decoction
shu di huang
dang gui
bai shao
chuan xiong
nourish blood, regulate LV blood
chong & ren xu with blood xu stag
menstrual issues, abd masses, restless fetus
T: pale
P: thin, wiry or thin, choppy
Tao Hong Si Wu Tang
blood tonic
for cases w blood stagnation
Si Wu Tang (shu di, dang gui, bai shao, chuan xiong)
-bai shao
+tao ren, hong hua, chi shao
c/ci: high fever w yin xu, acute profuse bleeding causing sudden qi collapse
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang (B)
blood tonic
Peony and Licorice Decoction
bai shao
zhi gan cao
chinese herbal painkiller
regulates qi and blood, moderates painful spasms, alleviates pain
muscle spasms due to liver blood and yin xu
irritability, sl chills, calf muscle spasms, hand cramps, abd pain
lv/sp disharmony
Gui Pi Tang (A)
Qi and Blood tonic
Restore the Spleen Decoction
huang qi
long yan rou
ren shen
bai zhu
dang gui
fu shen
suan zao ren
yuan zhi
mu xiang
zhi gan cao
augement qi, nourish blood, strengthen spleen, nourish heart
- sp and ht qi and blood xu (palps, anxiety, forgetfulness, insomnia, pm sweat, feverishness, reduced appetite, withdrawal, pallid complexion)
- sp fails to control the blood: (blood in stool, purpura, severe uterine bleeding, early period with copious pale blood, prolonged period with little flow, leukorrhea
T: pale, thin white coat
P: thin, frail
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang (A)
Qi and Blood tonic
Tangkuei Decoction to tonify the blood
Huang Qi
Dang Gui
5:1 Ratio!!
tonify qi, generate blood
blood xu heat sxs
HEAT sensations in muscles! red face, irritability, thirst with desire for WARM WATER, sores that refuse to heal for a long period of time after ulceration
Zhi Gan Cao Tang (Fu Mai Tang) (B)
Qi and Blood tonic
Prepared Licorice Decoction
Restore the Pulse Decoction
zhi gan cao
sheng di huang
ren shen
da zao
mai men dong
e jiao
huo ma ren
gui zhi
sheng jiang
qing jiu
augment qi, nourish yin and blood, restore the pulse
- qi and blood xu: knotted or intermittent pulse, palps with anxiety, irritability, insomnia, emaciation, SOB, constipation, dry mouth/throat
- LU atrophy due to consumption: dry cough, no sputum , sparse sputum, threadlike blood in sputum, emaciation, SOB, dry stool, insomnia, spon sweat, intermittent low fever
T: pale, shiny
P: irregular, slow irreg, thin, faint, forceless, rapid
*irreg pulse with throbbing palpitation and dry cough
Ba Zhen Tang (A)
Qi and Blood tonic
Eight Treasure Decoction
ren shen
bai zhu
fu ling
zhi gan cao
shu di huang
dang gui
bai shao
chuan xiong
qi and blood xu syndromes
Blood - pallid complexion, palps w anxiety, light headedness and/or vertigo
Qi - reduced appetite, SOB, laconic speech, easily fatigued extremities,
T: pale, white coat
P: either thin and frail, or large, xu, w/o strength
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang (A)
Qi and Blood tonic
All-Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
ren shen
bai zhu
fu ling
zhi gan zao
(si jun zi tang)
dang gui
bai shao
shu di
chuan xiong
(si wu tang)
rou gui
huang qi
WARMS and tonifies qi and blood
qi and blood xu with COLD sxs
Tai Shan Pan Shi San (B)
Qi and Blood tonic
Taishan Bedrock Pwd
ren shen
huang qi
bai zhu
zhi gan cao
(si jun zi tang - fu ling +huang qi)
dang gui
bai shao
shu di
chuan xiong
(si wu tang)
huang qin
sha ren
xu duan
nuo mi
augment qi, nourish blood, strengthen kd and sp, calm fetus
pregnant women with qi and blood xu syndrome
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan (A)
Yin tonic
6 ingredient pill with rehmannia
shu di
shan zhu yu
shan yao
ze xie
mu dan pi
fu ling
KD: Shu di, ze xie
LV: shan zhu yu, mu dan pi
SP: shan yao, fu ling
kd and lv yin xu
sore weak low back/knees, heel pain, dizziness, vertigo, tinnitus, HA, diminished hearing, pm sweats, spon/pm emissions, hot palms/soles, chronic dry/sore throat, xiao ke
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan (B)
Yin tonic
mod of liu wei di huang wan
for yin xu with vigorous fire (steaming bone, pm sweat, tidal fever, chronic UTI), LJ DH / LJ xu heat
add zhi mu and huang bai
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan
Yin tonic
mod of liu wei di huang wan
for lv and kd yin xu with blurry dry eyes
add gou qi zi and ju hua
Du Qi Wan
Yin tonic
mod of liu wei di huang wan
for kd qi xu with sob, wheezing, hiccupping
add wu wei zi
Hu Qian Wan
Yin tonic
hidden tiger pill
huang bai (jiu chao)
zhi mu (jiu chao)
shu di
bai shao
gui ban (jiu zhi)
hu gu (zhi)
suo yang
chen pi
gan jiang
enrich yin, descend fire, strengthen sinews/bones
ATROPHY due to kd (bone) and lv (sinews) yin xu with fire flaring up sxs
atrophy, wasting of muscles of legs and feet, difficulty walking, 5 center heat, spon emissions
Zuo Gui Wan (A)
Yin tonic
Restore the (left) kidney pill
shu di
shan zhu yu
shan yao
gou qi zi
gui ban jiao
lu jiao jiao
tu si zi
chuan niu xi
true yin xu with essence and marrow depletion syndromes
true yin xu with kd essence xu
dizziness, vertigo, sore weak low back and knees, spon or pm emission, spon sweat, pm sweat, dry mouth and throat
t: red, shiny, peeled
P: rapid, thin
true yin xu with kd essence xu
Zuo Gui Yin (B)
Yin tonic
mod of zuo gui wan
for mild yin xu
shu di
shan yao
gou qi zi
fu ling
shan zhu yu
zhi gan cao
Er Zhi Wan (A for Chang)
Yin tonic
Two - Solstice Pill
nu zhen zi
han lian cao
add sang shen for stronger effect
kd and liver yin xu
with heat rising/yin xu heat sxs
premature graying or loss of hair
Da Bu Yin Wan (B)
Yin tonic
great tonify the yin pill
shu di (jiu zheng)
gui ban (su zhi)
zhi mu (jiu jin chao)
huang bai (chao)
zhu ji sui (pig bone marrow)
feng mi (honey)
yin xu FIRE rising sxs