Tongue and pulse 160 Flashcards
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ma Huang Tang
Ephedra Decoction
P: floating and tight
T: twc
Pulse and Tongue for:
Gui Zi Tang
Cinnamon Twig Decoction
T: thin white moist coat
P: floating and moderate or weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ge Gen Tang
Kudzu Decoction
T: Thin White coat
P: Floating and tight
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xaing Su San
Cyperus and Perilla Leaf Powder
P: floating
T: normal
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xiao Qing Long Tang
Minor Blue Green Dragon Decoction
P: Floating tight
T: moist
Pulse and Tongue for:
Sang Jue Yin
Mulberry Leaf and chysanthemum
P: Floating and rapid
T: normal or red with thin white coat
Pulse and Tongue for:
Yin Qiao San
Honey suckle and forsythia powder
P: Rapid and floating
T: red tip with thin white or thin yellow coat
Pulse and Tongue for:
Chai Ge Jie Ji Tang
Bupleurum and kudzu decoction to release the muscle layer
T: red or normal with thin yellow coat
P: Floating slightly surging and rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Sheng Ma Ge Gen Tang
Cimicifuga and Kudzu Decoction
P: Floating and rapid
T: red and dry
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ren Shen Bai Du San
Gensing Powder to Overcome Pathogenic Influences
P: floating soggy possibly weak
T: normal greasy white coat
Pulse and Tongue for:
Jia Jian wei Rui Tang
Modified polygonatum ordoratum decoction
P: rapid
T: dark red
Pulse and Tongue for:
Da Cheng Qi Tang
Major Order the Qi Decoction
T: dry yellow or dry black coat
P: deep excessive pulse
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xiao Chen Qi Tang
Minor Order the Qi Decoction
T: old looking dirty and dry with yellow coating
P: slippery rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Tiao Wei Cheng Qi Tang
Regulate the Stomach and Order the Qi Pill
T: Yellow coat
P: slippery rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ji Chuan Jian
Benefit the River Flow Decoction
T: swollen wet
P: slow deep
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ma Zi Ren Wan
Hemp Seed Pill
T: dry yellow coat
P: deep rapid or floating choppy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Run Chang Wan
Moisten The Intestines Pill from Master Shen’s Book
T: dry
P: thin
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xiao Chai Hu Tang
Minor Blupureum Decoction
T: thin white
P: wiry
Pulse and Tongue for:
Si Ni San
Frigid Extremities Decociton
P: wiry
T: red with yellow coat
Pulse and Tongue for:
Tong Xie Yao Fang
Important Formula for Painful Diarrhea
P: moderate or thin
T: thin white coat
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xiao Yao San
Rambling Powder
P: wiry empty
T; pale-red
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ban Xia Xie Xin Tang
Pinellia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium
P: wiry, rapid
T: thin, yellow, greasy coat
Pulse and Tongue for:
Gan Cao Xie Xing Tang
Licorice decoction to Drain the Epigastrium
P: wiry and rapid
T: thin yellow and greasy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Sheng Jiang Xie Xin Tang
Fresh Ginger Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium
P: wiry and rapid
T: thin yellow and greasy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Bai Hu Tang
White Tiger decoction
t: red with dry yellow coat
P: surging, full or slippery, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zhu Ye Shi Gao Tang
Lophatherus and Gypsum Decoction
T: red with dry thin coat
P: empty, rapid, thin
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qing Ying Tang
Clear the Nutritive level decoction
T: Dry Scarlett
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xi Jiao De Huang Tang
Rhinoceros Horn and Rhemannia Decoction
T: dry scarlett tongue with prickles
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Huang Lian Jie Du Tang
Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity
T: red with yellow coat
P: full rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xie Xin Tang
Drain the Epigastrium Decoction
T: red with greasy yellow coat
P: full rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Pu Ji Xiao Du Yin
Universal Benefit Decoction to Eliminate Toxin
T: Red with powdery white or yellow coat
P: floating full or rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Liang Ge San
Cool the Diaphragm Powder
T: Yellow or white coat
P: rapid, slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qing Wen Bai Du yin
Clear Epidemics and overcome toxin decociton
T: dark red tongue, dark and scortched lips
P: submerged, thin or floating, rapid large
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang
Ephedra, Apricot Kernal Gypsum and Licorice decoction
T: yellow coat
P: slippery, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xie Bai San
Drain the White Powder
T: red with yellow coat
P: thin, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xie Huang San / Drain the Yellow Powder - 190
T: red dry
P: rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qing Wei San / Clear the Stomach Powder - 191
T: red
P: slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Yu Nu Jian / Jade Woman Decoction -193
T: red with yellow coat
P: floating, slippery, empty and large
Pulse and Tongue for:
Dao Chi San / Guide Out the Red Powder -195
T: red
P: rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Long Dan Xie Gan Tang / Gentiana Decoction to Drain the Liver -201
T: red with greasy yellow coat
P: slippery, wiry, rapid, full
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zuo Jin Wan / Left Metal Pill - 205
T: red with yellow coat
P: wiry, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Shao Yao Tang / Peony Decoction - 207
T: greasy, slightly yellow coat
P: slippery, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Bai Tou Weng Tang / Pulsatilla Decoction - 210
T: red with yellow coat
P: wiry, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qing Hao Bie Jia Tang
Artemisia Annua and Soft Shelled Turtle Shell Decoction
T: red with little coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qing Gu San
Clear the Bones Powder
T: red with little coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Dang Gui Liu Huang Tang
Tangkuei and 6 yellow Decoction
T: red dry
P: rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xaing Ru San
Elsholtzia Powder
T: white greasy coat
P: floating
Pulse and Tongue for:
Liu Yu San
Six to one powder
T: thin, yellow, greasy coat
P: soggy rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Li Zhong Wan
Regulate the middle Pill
T: pale with white coat
P: deep thin
Pulse and Tongue for:
Wu Zhu Yu Tang
Evodia Decoction
T: not red with a white slippery coat
P: slow and thin or wiry
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xiao Jian Zhong Tan
Minor Construct the Middle Decoction
T: Pale with white coat
P: thin, wiry, moderate
Pulse and Tongue for:
Dian Jian Zhong Tang
Major Construct the Middle Decoction
T: slippery white coat
P: thin and tight or slow and wiry or hidden severe cases
Pulse and Tongue for:
Si Ni Tang
Frigid Extremities Decoction
T: plae with white slippery coat
P: deep and thin or minute
Pulse and Tongue for:
Da Chai Hu Tang
Major Bupleurum Decoction
T: yellow coat
P: wiry & full
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ge Gen Huang Lian Huang Qin Tang
Kudzu coptis and Scutellaria Decoction
T: red with yelllow coat
P: rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Bai He Gu Jin Tang
Lily Bulb to Preserve Metal
T: Dry red with little coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Da Bu Yin Wan / Great Tonify Yin Pill -372
T: red dry
P: rapid and full in the proximal position
Pulse and Tongue for:
Du Qi Wan / Capital Qi Pill - 368
T: red with little coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Er Zhi Wan / Two Ultimate Pill - 383
T: red dry
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Liu Wei Di Huang Wan / 6 ingredient Pill with Rhemannia -365
T: red with little coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qi Ju Di Huang Wan / Lycium, Crysanthium, and Rhemannia Pill -368
T: red with little coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Yi Guan Jian/Linking Decoction - 381
T: red dry
P: thin weak, empty wiry
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan / Anemarhena, Phellodendron and Rhemannia Pill - 369
P: flooding proximal pulse( rear) on both wrists
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zou Gui Wan / Restore the Left Kidney Pill - 371
T: red shiny
P thin and rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zou Gui YIn / Restore Left Kidney Decoction - 372
T: red and dry with peeled coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
You Gui Yin
Restore Right Kidney Decoction
T: pale swollen
P: thin weak especially at proximal position
Pulse and Tongue for:
You Gui Wan / Restore Right Kidney Pill - 401
T: pale swollen
P: thin weak especially at proximal position
Pulse and Tongue for:
Jin Gui Shen Qi Wan / Right Kidney Pill from the Golden Cabinet - 395
T:pale, swollen with thin white moist coat
P: empty or weak, deep and minute at proximal position
Pulse and Tongue for:
Er Xain Tang
Two immortal decoction
T: pale swollen
P: thin and weak especially at the proximal positon
Pulse and Tongue for:
Dang Gui Bu Xue Tang
Tangukei Decoction to Tonify the Blood
T: pale
P: surging , big, empty
Pulse and Tongue for:
Shao Yao Gan Cao Tang / Peony and Licorice Decoction - 344
T: pale no coat
P: thin
Pulse and Tongue for:
Si Wu Tang / Four Substance Decoction - 333
T: pale
P: thin , wiry or thin, choppy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zhi Gan Cao Tang / Honey Fried Licorice Decoction - 356
T: pale shiny
P: consistently irregular or slow irregular or thin and weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Yu Peng Feng San
Jade Windscreen Decoction
T: Pale with white coat
P: floating empty
Pulse and Tongue for:
Si Jun Zi Tang / Four Gentlemen Decoction -309
T: Pale
P: thin weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Sheng Mai San / Generate the Pulse Powder - 328
T: Pale red tongue with dry thin coating
P: empty thin possibly rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Shen Ling Bai Zhu San / Gensing Poria and Atractylodes Powder - 314
T: pale with white coat
P: thin,empty, moderate
Pulse and Tongue for:
Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang / Tonify the Middle and Augment the Qi Decoction - 317
T: pale twc
P: Empty weak forceless
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ba Zhen Tang
8 Treasure Decoction
T: pale
P: thin weak, large, empty, without strength
Pulse and Tongue for:
Gui Pi Tang
Restore the Spleen Decoction
T:Pale with thin coat
P: thin and weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Tai Shan Pan Shi San
Powder that Gives Stability to Mount Tai
T: pale with thin coat
P:thin and weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Shi Quan Da Bu Tang
All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction
T: pale and dusky with thin white coat
P: thin weak deep, possibly slow
Pulse and Tongue for:
Mu Li San
Oyster Shell Powder
T: pale red
P: thin weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Si Shen Wan
4 Miracle Pill
T: pale with thin white coat
P: deep slow weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Jin Sou Gu Jing Wan
Metal Lock Pill to Stabilize the Essence
T: Pale
P: thin weak
Pulse and Tongue for
Zhen Ren Yang Zang Tan
True Man’s Decoction to Nourish the Organs
T: Pale
P: thin & slow
Pulse and Tonge for
San Piao Xiao San
Mantis Egg Case Powder
T: pale
P: thin weak slow
Pulse and Tongue for:
Shou Tai Wan
Fetus Longevity Pill
T: slippery coat
P: weak & deep
Pulse and Tongue for:
Gu Jing Wan
Stabilize the Menses Pill
T: red
P: rapid wiry
Pulse and Tongue for:
Gan Mai Da Zao Tang
Licorice Wheat and Jujube Decoction
T: red with sparse coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Huang Lian E Jiao Tang
Coptis and Ass Hide Gelatin Decoction
T: red withvdry yellow coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Suan Zao Ren Tang
Sour Jujube Decoction
T: red and dry
P: wiry thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Tian Wan Bu Xin Dan
Emporer of Heaven’s Special Pill to Tonify the Heart
T: red with little coat
P: thin rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Yue Ju Wan
Escape Restraint Pill
T: red, purple, tongue, with yellow greasy coat
P: wiry, slippery, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Chai Hu Shu Gan San
Bupleurum Powder to spread the Liver
P: wiry
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ban Xia Hou Po Tang
Pinellia and Magnolia Bark Decoction
T: moist or greasy white coat
P: wiry slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Lian Fu Wan
Galangal and Cypress Pill
T: white coat
P: wiry and possibly tight or slow
Pulse and tongue for:
Wu Ling San
5 Ingredient Powder with Poria
T: white tongue
P: floating
Pulse and tongue for:
Tian Tai Wu Yao San
Top Quality Lindera Powder
T: pale with white coat
P: slow or wiry
Pulse and tongue for:
Ding Chuan Tang
Arrest Wheezing Decoction
T: greasy yellow coat
P: slippery and rapid
Pulse and tongue for:
Nuan Gan Jian
Warm the Liver Decoction
T: pale especially at sides and root
P: deep and tight
Pulse and tongue for:
Su Zi Jiang Qi Tang
Perilla Fruit Decoction for Directing Qi Downward
T: white, greasy or slippery
P: slippery weak
Pulse and tongue for:
Xuan Fu Dai Zhi Tang
Inulla and Hematite Decoction
T: white slippery coat
P: wiry, deficient
Pulse and tongue for:
Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang
Tangerine Peel and Bamboo Shavings Decoction
T: tender red
P: empty rapid
Pulse and tongue for:
Ding Xain Shi Di Tang
Clove and Persimmon Calyx Decoction
T: pale with white coat
P: submerged, slow
Pulse and tongue for:
Tao He Cheng Qi Tang
Peach Pit to Order the Qi
T: Purple with thin yellow coat
P: submerged full, choppy
Pulse and tongue for:
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Drive out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood Decoction
T: Dark red with dark spots on sides
P: Choppy, wiry, tight
Pulse and tongue for:
Ge Xia Zhu Yu Tang
Drive Out Stasis from Below the Diaphragm Decoction
T: Dark red with dark spots on sides
P: Choppy, wiry, tight
Pulse and tongue for:
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
Drive Out Blood Stasis in the Lower Abdomen Decoction
T: Pale
Pulse and tongue for:
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
Drive Out Stasis from a Painful Body Decoction
source text does not say
Pulse and tongue for:
Bu Yang Huan Wu Tang
Tonify the Yang to Restore Five Tenths Decoction
T: white coat
P: moderate
Pulse and tongue for:
Fu Yan Hou Xue Tang
Revive Health by Invigorating Blood Decoction
T: dark with stasis spots
P: wiry
Pulse and tongue for:
Sheng Hua Tang
Generation and Transformation Decoction
T: pale-purple or pale with purple spots
P: thin choppy deep
Pulse and tongue for:
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan
T: purple with dark spots and white or yellow coat
P: choppy
Pulse and tongue for:
Wen Jing Tang
Warm the Menses Decoction
T: dusky pale purple with thin coat
P: deep, slow thing choppy wiry
Pulse and tongue for:
Shi Xiao San
Sudden Smile Powder
T; Purple
P: deep, choppy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Dan Shen Yin
Salvia Drink
T; Purple
P: choppy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Shi Hui San
Ten Partially Charred Substance Powder
T; Red
P: rapid
Pulse and tongue for:
Xiao Ji Yin Zi
Cephalanoplos Decoction
T; red with thin yellow coat
P: forceful, rapid
Pulse and tongue for:
Huai Hua San
Sophora Japonica Flower Powder
T: red
P: wiry or soggy, rapid
Pulse and tongue for:
Jiao Ai Tang
Asshide Gelatin and Mugwort Decoction
T; pale
P: thin weak
Pulse and Tongue for
Cang Er Zi San
Xanthium Powder
T: normal or yellow coat
P: Floating or rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Chuan Xiong Cha Tiao San
Ligusticum Powder to be Taken with Green Tea
T: Thin White coat
P: floating
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xiao Hou Lou Dan
Invigorate the Collaterals Special Pill
T: White moist coat
P: wiry, slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xiao Feng San
Eliminate Wind Powder from Orthodox Lineage
T: Yellow or white coat
P: Full, rapid, floating
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zhen Gan Xi Feng Tang
Sedate the Liver and Extinguish Wind Decoction
P: Wiry Long full
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ling Jiao Gou Ten Tang
Antelope Horn and Uncaria Decoction
T: deep red, dry or burnt with prickles
P: wiry, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin
Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction
T: red with yellow coat
P: wiry, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Xing Su San
Apricot Kernel and perilla Leaf Powder
T: dry with white coat
P: slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Sang Xing Tang
Mulberry Leaf and Apricot Kernal Decoction
T: red with white coat
P: floating, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang
Eliminate Dryness and Rescue the Lungs Decoction
T; Dry
P: empty, big, rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Mai Men Dong Tang
Ophiopogon Decoction
T: dry, red with little coat
P: empty & rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
PIng Wei San
Calm the Stomach Powder
T: swollen with thick white greasy coat
P: Moderate, slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Yin Chen Hao Tang
Artemisia Yinchenhao Decoctio
T: greasy yellow coat
P: Slippery or soggy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ba Zhen San
8 Herb Powder for Rectification
T: yellow greasy coat
P: Slippery and rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Er Miao San
Two Marvel Powder
T; Greasy yellow coat
P: slippery or soggy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zhu Ling Tang
Polyporus Decoction
T; Red with dry yellow coat
P: floating
Pulse and Tongue for:
Wu Pi San
5 Peel Powder
T: White greasy coat
P: deep moderate
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zhen Wu Tang
True Warrior Decoction
T: Pale/purple swollen tongue with teeth marks and a white slippery coat
P: deep, thin, weak
Pulse and Tongue for:
Shi Pi Yin
Bolster the Spleen Decoction
T: thick greasy coat
P: submerged and slow, thin
Pulse and Tongue for:
Bei Xie Fen Qing Yin
Dioscorea Hypoglauca Decotion to Separate the Clear
T: pale with white coat
P: submerged
Pulse and tongue for
Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang
Poria, cinnamon Twig Atractylodis and Licorice Decoction
T: pale and swollen with white slippery coat
P: wiry or soggy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qiang Hou Sheng Shi Tang
Notopyerygium Decoction to Overcome Dampness
T: white coat
P: floating
Pulse and Tongue for:
Juan Bi Tang
Remove Painful Obstructions from Awakening of the Mind in Medical Studies
T: thick white coat
P: slow, slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Du Hou Ji Sheng Tang
Angelica Pubesens and Sangjisheng Decoction
T: Pale with white coat
P: thin, weak, slow
Pulse and Tongue for:
Gui Zhi Shao Yao Zhi Mu Tang
Cinnamon Twig, Peony and Anemarrhena Decoction
T: white, greasy coat
P: wiry, slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Huo Xiang Zhen Qi San
Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi
T: white greasy tongue
P: Moderate and soggy
Pulse and Tongue for:
Er Chen Tang
Two Cured Decoction
T: swollen, thick, white, greasy coat
P: slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Wen Dang Tang
Warm the Gallbladder Decoction
T: greasy, yellow coat
P: rapid and slippery or wiry
Pulse and Tongue for:
Qing Qi Hua Tan Wan
Clear the Qi and Transform Phlegm Pill
T: greasy yellow coat
P: slippery and rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Bei Mu Gua Lou San
Fritilaria and Trichosanthes Fruit Powder
T: red and dry with little coat
P: rapid and thin
Pulse and Tongue for:
San Zi yang Qin Tang
Three Seed Decoction to Nourish One’s Parents
T: white greasy coat
P: slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Ban Xia Bai Zhu Tian Ma Tang
Pinellia, Atractylodis and Gastrodia Decoction
T: white, greasy, coat
P: wiry, slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Zhi Sou San/ Stop Coughing Powder - 815
T: thin white coat
P: moderate and floating
Pulse and Tongue for:
Bao He Wan
Preserve Harmony Pill
T: yellow and greasy
P: slippery
Pulse and Tongue for:
Wu Wei Xiao Du Yin
Five Ingredient Decoction to Eliminate Toxin
T: red with yellow coat
P: rapid
Pulse and Tongue for:
Yang He Tang / Yang Heartening Decoction (Balmy Yang Decoction)-
T: very pale
P: submerged thin, forceless
Pulse and Tongue for:
Wei Jing Tang
Reed Decoction
T: red with greasy coat
P: slippery, rapid