Tones (1) Flashcards
- Define the tones expressed.
- Analyse the piece.
‘I love my wife bonus - deal with it’
To me, there can be nothing more feminist than believing that staying home to take care of our daughter - as well as the day to day washing, ironing, cooking and cleaning - is just as worthy of a wage as going out to a job outside the home.
- Tone(s):
Assertive - showing a confident and forceful personality.
Authoritative - expressing a commanding and self-confident attitude.
Reasonable - having sound judgement; fair and sensible. - Analysis:
The author’s assertive and reasonable tone inclines the opposed audiences to meet ‘eye to eye’. Her repetition of the workload undertaken by housewives - “day to day washing, ironing, cooking, and cleaning” - reflects her reasonable tone, putting emphasis on her reasoning and logic in her argument. This positions the audience to infer her arguments are non biased, therefore find them more convincing. Whilst her overall assertive tone conveys her viewpoint unto the reader, positioning them to be more likely to agree.
- Define the tones expressed.
- Analyse the piece.
Organ donation rates in Australia are shamefully low. It is heartbreaking to think of all the lives that could have been saved if only we were more giving.
- Tone(s):
Sentimental - showing feelings of tenderness/sadness.
Ashamed - showing embarrassment or guilt because of one’s actions. - Analysis:
The authors ashamed and sentimental tone persuades the audience of non organ donors to consider donating. The authors use of inclusive language, “we”, positions the reader to feel included in the sense of shame he expresses. The authors sentimental tone emphasises the effect of emotive language used. This positions the reader to respond with a deeper level of emotions and share the writers viewpoint that Australians should be more generous for people’s lives.
- Define the tones expressed.
- Analyse the piece.
Ignorant hoons who put others’ lives at risk by speeding should cop a lifetime driving ban.
- Tones:
Assertive - showing a confident and forceful personality.
Restrained - prevent oneself from displaying or giving way to strong emotions. - Analysis:
The authors assertive and restrained tone persuades the audience to agree that “hoons” who put lives at risk should “cop a lifetime ban”. The authors assertive yet restrained attack on the “ignorant” hoons degrades them though delivers it in an unbiased fashion. This positions the reader to more openly adopt the author’s degraded view of hoons and become more likely to agree. The idea that life endangering hoons are allowed on the streets appeals to the audiences sense of fear. This positions them to feel like taking action to lessen the threat to themselves. Whilst the short but concise assertion ensures a clear deliverance of the problem, emphasising the overall effect.
- Define the tones expressed.
- Analyse the piece.
So come on bloggers, pod casters, and video casters - let’s make this years Blog Action Day bigger than ever! If we all post together on an issue of global importance we truly can make a difference.
- Tone(s):
Optimistic - showing hope and confidence about the future.
Encouraging - giving hope for future success.
Enthusiastic - showing intense and eager enjoyment and interest. - Analysis: