Tonality Flashcards
Anoushka Shankar/Noa Lembersky - Burn
C# minor -> Asian-inflected form of non-functional tonality -> (raised 7th B# establishes feeling of minor key)
Coda slips through A minor and F major
Anoushka Shankar - Breathing Under Water
Tonal centre of C#
Db major
Bridge centre around A
Moves to modal A major
Anoushka Shankar/Norah Jones - Easy
Db major
Moves to be based around G
Mixolydian mode sounds major
The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby
Dorian mode -> C# adds hopefulness
???G major/E minor???
The Beatles - Here There and Everywhere
G major -> dorian mode
C nat -> Aeolian character
Pivot to G minor
The Beatles - I Want to Tell You
Centred A major
The Beatles - Tomorrow Never Knows
C mixolydian
Courtney Pine Love and Affection
E major
Courtney Pine Lady Day and John Coltrane
C minor
Courtney Pine Inner State of Mind
C dorian mode
Igor Stravinsky - Introduction
Igor Stravinsky - Les augures printaniers
Igor Stravinsky - Jeu du rapt
Herrmann - Prelude
Rooted in A minor -> Atonal
Herrmann - The City
Herrmann - Marion
C major
Herrmann - The murder
Herrmann - The Toys
Herrmann - The Cellar
Herrmann - Discovery
Herrmann - Finale