ToM Cognitive Development Flashcards
What is the definition of Theory of Mind (ToM)?
ToM is the ability to reflect on the contents of one’s own and others’ mind and the ability to infer others’ mental state (beliefs, desire, intentions, emotions) and to use these inferences to explain, predict and affect others’ behaviour.
What are the key components of Theory of Mind?
- The mind exists
- The mind contains mental states
- Mental states are different and separate from reality
- Mental states change over time
- Mental states are subjective
How does Theory of Mind help in social situations?
ToM allows us to understand and make sense of the social reality around us.
What is the difference between Theory of Mind and empathy?
Empathy involves sharing feelings and understanding others’ emotions, while ToM relates more to understanding mental states and beliefs.
What are the three components of empathy?
- Sharing feelings
- Understanding the feeling
- Compassion (desire to alleviate others’ negative feelings)
What distinguishes perspective taking from Theory of Mind?
Perspective taking is related to perception and involves seeing content from another’s viewpoint, while ToM involves attributing mental states to others.
What is mind reading in the context of Theory of Mind?
Mind reading refers to the process of using ToM to interpret others’ mental states.
What is the Theory Theory of ToM?
ToM is a domain-specific set of mental-state concepts used to explain and predict behavior, developed through hypotheses and data.
What is the Simulation Theory of ToM?
We understand others by simulating their mental states, projecting our own experiences onto them.
What are some implications of Theory of Mind for clinical psychology?
Many clinical conditions, such as borderline personality disorder, psychosis, and autism, share problems in mentalizing.
At what age do children start to show an understanding of others’ needs and desires?
Around 1½ to 2 years of age.
What is the Reality-Appearance task?
A task that shows children younger than 3 struggle to recognize that objects can be misleading in their appearance.
What is the Sally-Anne test designed to assess?
Children’s understanding of false beliefs about the location of an object.
What is the developmental hypothesis regarding children’s understanding of false beliefs?
Children’s ToM undergoes a major conceptual change in early life, with improvements in understanding false beliefs as they age.
What are the stages in Wellman’s scale of Theory of Mind development?
- Diverse desire
- Diverse beliefs
- Knowledge access
- Contents false beliefs
- Explicit false beliefs
- Beliefs emotion
- Real apparent emotion
What is the significance of cross-cultural differences in Theory of Mind development?
Children from different cultures may show varying abilities in ToM tasks, indicating that ToM is sensitive to environmental factors.
True or False: Theory of Mind is purely a theoretical construct.
False. ToM is used in everyday life to interpret social situations.
Fill in the blank: Children younger than _____ years old find it difficult to recognize that objects can be misleading in their appearance.
What does the term ‘meta-represent’ refer to in the context of ToM?
The ability to understand that one’s mental state can differ from reality.
What role does prior conceptual knowledge play in children’s learning of Theory of Mind?
Prior conceptual knowledge influences the presence and amount of learning.
What does the ToM scale establish?
A progression of conceptual achievements that pace theory-of-mind understanding in normally developing children and a method for measuring that development
Is the ToM scale sensitive to differences in performance within specific age groups?
No, it is not sensitive to differences within specific age groups but identifies ‘early’ and ‘late’ mastery of specific concepts
What does the Wellman scale measure?
The development of theory of mind in children
True or False: Children younger than 4 cannot understand false beliefs.
What are the two types of tasks used to assess understanding of false beliefs in children?
- Explicit tasks
- Implicit tasks
What characterizes explicit tasks?
Responses are declarative, involve decision-making processes, and require cognitive resources
What characterizes implicit tasks?
Non-declarative responses, no decision-making process, and not verbal
What is the violation of expectation paradigm?
If things go against expectations, then eye-gaze duration increases
What was the object used in the experiment testing false belief understanding?
Watermelon slice
What are the four conditions in the false belief experiment?
- TB_green
- TB_yellow
- FB_green
- FB_yellow
At what age do infants begin to show a representation of theory of mind?
As young as 15 months
What is mentalism in the context of theory of mind?
The idea that ToM is very early and that implicit understanding exists from a young age
What is minimalism in the context of theory of mind?
Infants have an implicit understanding of behavior that evolves into an explicit understanding of mental states
What is the significance of repeated behaviors in infants’ understanding of mental states?
They help children distinguish mistakes from intentional behavior
Can theory of mind be learned later than preschool years?
Yes, it is possible
What is the role of executive functions (EF) in theory of mind development?
EF are key in the construction of ToM and continue to depend upon EF in adulthood
What are the two systems of cognitive processes in theory of mind?
- System 1: less effortful and more automatic
- System 2: flexible and effortful
What qualitative changes occur in mindreading concepts during middle childhood?
Performance improves, with older children making fewer errors than younger ones
What is the director task in the context of ToM?
A task that measures perspective-taking abilities by requiring participants to follow a director’s instructions
What is the relationship between executive function and theory of mind?
There is a strong concurrent relationship and correlations between memory function and EF
What are the two possibilities for the development of automaticity in ToM processes?
- Original features develop in infancy
- Effortful processes become automatized with practice
What factors influence ToM development in middle childhood and adolescence?
- Increased cognitive abilities
- Opportunities for practice
- Changes in social environment
How do social relationships affect theory of mind development?
They can predict social behavior and enhance understanding of others’ thoughts and feelings
What is a method to study socio-cultural effects on theory of mind?
Using tasks like the strange story tasks to compare responses across different cultural contexts
What is the focus of the study on socio-cultural effects on Theory of Mind (ToM)?
The study compares Australian children and adults using strange story tasks to assess ToM in context.
Participants respond to questions about characters’ strange behaviors, with familiarity to names and objects improving performance.
What do participants demonstrate regarding familiarity with names and objects in ToM tasks?
Participants are faster and more accurate when familiar with the name and object.
This highlights the influence of cultural context on ToM.
What role does culturally-acquired knowledge play in mindreading?
Culturally-acquired knowledge helps in ‘flashing out’ directly-available information for appropriate mindreading inferences.
What is the proposed shift in perspective regarding ToM research?
Shift from children’s acquisition of mindreading concepts to the social and cognitive processes enabling these concepts.
This emphasizes flexibility and efficiency in applying ToM.