Tofel Flashcards
ru·di·men·ta·ry\ˌrü-də-ˈmen-tə-rē, -ˈmen-trē\
1 : consisting in first principles : fundamental
2 : of a primitive kind
3 : very imperfectly developed or represented only by a vestige
ru·di·men·tar·i·ly -ˌmen-ˈter-ə-lē, -ˈmen-trə-lē\ adverb
ru·di·men·ta·ri·ness -ˈmen-tə-rē-nəs, -ˈmen-trē-\ noun
rudimentary shelters built by prehistoric peoples
had only a rudimentary knowledge of science
Origin: (see rudiment ).
First use: 1839
Synonyms: crude, low, rude, primitive
Antonyms: advanced, developed, evolved, high, higher, late
ritual KK:[ˈrɪtʃʊəl] DJ:[ˈritjuəl] n. 1. 儀式, 典禮[C][U] 2. (宗教等)儀式的舉行[C][U] 3. 禮儀書[C] 4. 例行公事; 老規矩; 習慣[C] She went through her usual ritual of making sure all the doors were locked before she went to bed. 她上床之前按慣例檢查一下所有的門是不是都鎖上了。 a. 1. (宗教)儀式的, 典禮的[Z][B]
camouflage KK:[ˈkæməˌflɑʒ] DJ:[ˈkæmuflɑ:ʒ] n.[C][U] 1. 偽裝; 掩飾 They covered their tanks with leaves and branches as camouflage. 他們用樹枝和樹葉將坦克偽裝起來。 2. 偽裝物; 掩飾手段; 保護色 Some insects have a natural camouflage which hides them from the attack of their enemies. 有些昆蟲有一種天然的保護色可以防止敵人的襲擊。 vt. 1. 偽裝, 掩蔽; 掩飾 His soldiers were well camouflaged. 他的士兵們已很好地隱蔽起來。 vi. 1. 偽裝起來; 隱蔽起來 They camouflaged in bushes. 他們隱蔽在灌木叢中。
alluvial KK:[əˈluvɪəl] DJ:[əˈlu:viəl] a. 1. 沖積的; 沖積土中的 n. 1. 沖積土; 沖積層[U]
fecund KK:[ˈfikənd] DJ:[ˈfi:kənd] a. 1. 生殖力強的 2. 多產的; 肥沃的; 豐饒的
loam KK:[lom] DJ:[ləum] n.[U] 1. 【地】壤土 We camped there, where the loam was trampled by countless herds of bison. 我們在那裡露了營。那裡的壤土遭到無數群野牛的踐踏。 2. 暗色土, 肥土 The ship was completely buried in the soft loam of the sea bottom. 這條船被完全埋到海底鬆軟的肥土裡。 3. 【建】壚姆, 亞黏土 Truckloads of loam were transported to the construction site. 一輛輛裝滿亞黏土的卡車被運往這個建築工地。 vt. 1. 用壤土(或壚姆等)填 They plan to loam the field. 他們計劃用壚姆填這塊地。
prairie KK:[ˈprɛrɪ] DJ:[ˈprɛəri] n. 1. 大草原; 牧場[C][P1] The vast prairie stretches west to the horizon. 茫茫大草原向西伸展, 直至天邊。
sterile KK:[ˈstɛrəl] DJ:[ˈsterail] a. 1. 不生育的; 不結果實的[Z] He had learnt early in his marriage that he was sterile. 他結婚不久便得知他不能生育。 2. (植物)只具雄蕊的; 雌雄蕊俱無的[Z] 3. 貧瘠的 4. 消過毒的, 無菌的[Z] 5. 枯燥乏味的; 無生氣的 a sterile style 呆板的文體 6. 無效果的, 無結果的
plague KK:[pleɡ] DJ:[pleiɡ] n. 1. 瘟疫[C] Europe suffered many plagues in the Middle Ages. 歐洲在中世紀屢屢遭受瘟疫。 2. 鼠疫[the S] The plague caused thousands of deaths. 鼠疫造成數千人死亡。 3. 【口】天災, 災難, 禍患[C][(+of)] The stores had to cope with a plague of burglaries. 商店不得不設法對付盜賊之災。 4. 【口】討厭的人(或事物)[C] That child is the plague of my life. 那孩子成了我一輩子的煩惱。 vt. 1. 使染瘟疫 2. 使受災禍 Famine has plagued these countries for years. 這些國家遭受飢荒多年。 3. 【口】使苦惱; 煩憂; 折磨[(+with)] A severe back injury plagued him all his life. 嚴重的背傷終身折磨著他。
turnpike KK:[ˈtɝnˌpaɪk] DJ:[ˈtə:npaik] n.[C] 1. 公路 2. 【美】收費高速公路 You have to pay a toll to drive on a turnpike. 在收費公路上開車要繳通行稅。 3. (舊時的)收稅關卡
abrupt KK:[əˈbrʌpt] DJ:[əˈbrʌpt] a. 1. 突然的; 意外的 The abrupt change of schedule gave me lots of trouble. 行程突然改變給我造成許多麻煩。 2. (態度等)唐突的, 魯莽的 She was offended by his abrupt manner. 他的粗率無禮的舉止觸怒了她。 3. 陡峭的, 險峻的 She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope. 她不敢騎著自行車衝下陡峭的斜坡。 4. (文章風格等)不連貫的
herd KK:[hɝd] DJ:[hə:d] n. 1. 畜群; 牧群[C][G] We saw a herd of elephants yesterday. 昨天我們見到了一群大象。 2. (常用以構成複合詞)放牧人[C] 3. 【貶】民眾, 百姓[the S] [G] vt. 1. 放牧 Dogs are often trained to herd sheep. 人們常訓練狗來牧羊。 2. 把...趕在一起[O] The chained people were herded back into the dark cellar. 那些帶了鎖鏈的人被一起趕回到黑暗的地窖。 vi. 1. 聚在一起, 成群[Q] The sheep herded for warmth. 羊群聚取暖。
excavate KK:[ˈɛkskəˌvet] DJ:[ˈekskəveit] vt. 1. 挖掘(穴、洞等); 開鑿 They plan to excavate a large hole before putting in the foundations. 他們計劃打地基前先挖個大洞。 2. 發掘(古物等) The archaeologists excavated a buried city. 考古學家發掘出一個埋在地下的城市。 vi. 1. 挖掘; 發掘
depression KK:[dɪˈprɛʃən] DJ:[diˈpreʃən] n. 1. 沮喪, 意氣消沈[C][U] The trip to the seashore brought her out of her depression. 到海邊旅行使她不再抑鬱。 2. 不景氣, 蕭條(期)[C] He lost his job during the great depression. 他在大蕭條時期失業了。 3. 凹地, 漥地[C] Water filled the depressions in the ground. 地上的坑裡積滿了水。 4. 【氣】低氣壓[C] A depression usually brings bad weather. 低氣壓往往帶來壞天氣。 5. 壓低; 降低, 下沈[U][C]
plaster KK:[ˈplæstɚ] DJ:[ˈplɑ:stə] n. 1. 【建】灰泥, 灰漿[U] The walls were in a dreadful condition -- their yellow plaster was peeling off. 牆已經破爛不堪--上面的灰泥都在剝落。 2. 熟石膏, 燒石膏[U] 3. 膏藥; 橡皮膏[C][U] I dabbed the cut and applied a plaster. 我在切開的傷口上塗了一點藥並貼上一塊橡皮膏。 vt. 1. 在...上塗灰泥; 厚厚地塗抹[(+over/with)] My shoes were plastered with mud. 我鞋上沾滿爛泥。 2. 在...上敷貼膏藥 The nurse washed and plastered the wound. 護士清洗了傷口並在上面貼了膏藥。 3. 安慰; 減輕 4. 黏貼; 貼滿[(+on/with)] He plastered his room with pictures of actors and actresses. 他在他房間裡貼滿了男女演員的照片。 5. 使緊貼; 使平服[O] He plastered his hair down. 他把頭髮梳平。 6. 用熟石膏處理 7. 掩飾; 使過分承受[(+with)] They tried to plaster over the differences. 他們試圖掩蓋分歧。 8. 【俚】(徹底)擊敗; 重創 Our football team really got plastered last week. 我們的足球隊上星期遭到慘敗。
profound KK:[prəˈfaʊnd] DJ:[prəˈfaund] a. 1. 深深的; 深刻的; 深切的; 深度的 Her parents' divorce had a profound effect on her life. 她父母的離異對她的生活有很深的影響。 He was in a state of profound shock. 他深受震驚。 2. 淵博的, 造詣深的; 深奧的 It's a profound book. 那是一本深奧的書。 3. 深邃的, 很深的[B] Strange creatures live in the profound depth of the ocean. 在大洋深處生活著一些奇怪的生物。 4. 全然的, 完全的 profound deafness 全聾 n. 1. 【書】深淵; 深海; (靈魂)深處
exploit@2 KK:[ɪkˈsplɔɪt] DJ:[iksˈplɔit] vt. 1. 剝削 He is accused of exploiting child labor. 他被指控剝削童工。 2. 利用; 利用...而自肥 We should exploit our rich resources to expand the economy. 我們應該利用我們豐富的資源發展經濟。 3. 開發, 開採, 開拓 They are exploiting the oil under the sea. 他們在開發海底石油。
grinding KK:[ˈɡraɪndɪŋ] DJ:[ˈɡraindiŋ] a. 1. 磨的; 碾的 2. 刺耳的 3. 令人難以忍受的; 惱人的
shiver@1 KK:[ˈʃɪvɚ] DJ:[ˈʃivə] vi. 1. 發抖, 打顫[(+with)] As the temperature dropped abruptly, the campers were shivering all over with cold. 由於氣溫驟降, 野營者冷得渾身發抖。 2. 發出顫聲 n. 1. 顫抖[C] The breeze gave a shiver to the surface of the lake. 微風吹得湖面顫動。 2. 寒顫[the P] That strange noise gave me the shivers. 那奇怪的響聲使我不寒而慄。
reptile KK:[ˈrɛptl] DJ:[ˈreptail] n.[C] 1. 爬行動物; 爬蟲類 Snakes, lizards, and crocodiles are reptiles. 蛇、蜥蜴和鱷魚是爬行動物。 2. 可鄙的人, 卑鄙屈節的小人 a. 1. 爬行動物(似)的; 爬行的 The land is teeming with reptile life. 這片土地多爬行動物。 2. 卑下的, 卑躬屈節的
deceptive KK:[dɪˈsɛptɪv] DJ:[diˈseptiv] a. 1. 迷惑的, 騙人的 2. 虛偽的; 欺詐的
friction KK:[ˈfrɪkʃən] DJ:[ˈfrikʃən] n. 1. 摩擦; 摩擦力[U] Friction causes a rolling ball to stop finally. 摩擦力使得一隻滾動的球最終停了下來。 Constant friction wore out the heels of my shoes. 不斷的摩擦磨損了我的鞋跟。 2. 不和, 爭執[U][C] political friction between two countries 兩國間政治上的不和
neglect KK:[nɪɡˈlɛkt] DJ:[niɡˈlekt] vt. 1. 忽視, 忽略 He was so busy that he neglected his health. 他忙得連身體健康都無法顧及。 2. 疏忽, 玩忽 He was dismissed for neglecting his duty. 他因玩忽職守而被解雇。 3. 漏做, 忘了做[Y][+to-v][+v-ing] She neglected paying the fine. 她忘了繳罰金。 Don't neglect to brush your teeth. 不要忘了刷牙。 He neglected to return the book. 他忘了還書。 n. 1. 忽略; 疏忽; 疏漏[U][(+of)] These children were in a state of virtual neglect. 這些孩子實際上處於無人照管的狀態。 The house hasn't been painted for years and years -- it's a sad case of neglect. 這間屋子已經多年沒有粉刷了--這是個可悲的疏忽的例子。 He has shown a persistent neglect of duty. 他一貫玩忽職守。
hereditary KK:[həˈrɛdəˌtɛrɪ] DJ:[hiˈreditəri] a. 1. 世襲的, 傳代的 a hereditary peerage 世襲爵位 2. 遺傳的 a hereditary disease 遺傳病
cosmopolitan KK:[ˌkɑzməˈpɑlətn] DJ:[ˌkɔzməˈpɔlitən] a. 1. 世界性的, 國際性的 New York is a very cosmopolitan city. 紐約是個國際大都會。 2. 世界主義的; 無狹隘偏見的; 四海為家的 She has a very cosmopolitan outlook on life. 她有四海一家的人生觀。 3. 【生】世界的, 遍生的, 廣佈的 n.[C] 1. 世界主義者; 四海為家者 rootless cosmopolitans 四海漂泊的人 2. 世界各地都有的東西 3. 【生】世界種
substantiate KK:[səbˈstænʃɪˌet] DJ:[səbˈstænʃieit] vt. 1. 證實, 證明...有根據 2. 使實體化