TOEFL vocabulary Flashcards
Please say the interpretation (translation) of each word or phrase ALOUD. Finally, you NEED TO CREATE A SENTENCE ALOUD with each word or phrase when you practice! Be creative and make them as long as possible. This is the way in which you will activate these words into your Surface Lexicon.
The university offers a diverse range of courses, from sciences to the arts.
New York is known for its diverse population, which includes people from all over the world.
To ensure
PAST: Ensured
To ensure everyone’s safety, please follow the emergency procedures outlined by the school.
The company implements strict quality checks to ensure the product meets all standards.
Simply put, …
Simply put, global warming refers to the earth’s rising surface temperature.
Simply put, effective communication can greatly improve workplace productivity.
Firefighters are trained to handle various emergencies, not just fires.
When the alarm sounded, the firefighters arrived within minutes to control the blaze.
Afectado/a emocionalmente:
She was upset about the low score on her test, despite studying hard.
It’s common to feel upset after receiving negative feedback, but it’s important to learn from it.
His desk is always messy, covered with papers and books.
A messy room can make it difficult to find important items when you need them.
The old hotel kept its historic facade but renovated the interior completely.
Many companies create a friendly facade to attract more customers.
The way I see it, … / To my mind, …
Reemplazo de ‘‘I think’’:
The way I see it, practicing every day is the key to becoming fluent in English.
To my mind, reading extensively is one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary.
To put out fires (all day)
Resolver problemas:
The team worked tirelessly to extinguish fires all day in the affected forest area.
Firefighters often have shifts that require them to be ready to extinguish fires all day.
To be (un)familiar with sth
Conocer algo (o no):
He is familiar with the streets of London since he has lived there for five years.
Many visitors are not familiar with local customs, which can lead to misunderstandings.
To bring sth
‘Traer’ algo:
PAST: Brought
Please remember to bring your textbooks to class every day.
She always brings her smile to work, brightening everyone’s day.
After a tiring day at work, he likes to relax by watching his favorite TV show.
It can be tiring to climb a hill, but the view from the top is usually worth the effort.
Being overconfident in an exam can lead to careless mistakes.
He was overconfident about the interview and did not prepare adequately.
This trend has not been proven yet, so we cannot rely on customer’s experiences. Moreover, the recent study highlights the need for more advanced research in this area.
She’s not only talented; moreover, she has the discipline to train every day.
To be used to sth
Estar acostumbrado/a a algo:
After living here for a year, he is used to the cold weather.
She is used to waking up early for her morning run.
Caotico / Frenetico:
The city life is hectic but exciting with something always happening.
Managing both work and study can be a hectic schedule for anyone.
The cafe’s patrons enjoy the cozy atmosphere and free Wi-Fi.
Library patrons must return their books by the due date.
Monte, Loma:
The children enjoy sledding down the hill in winter.
It’s quite a challenge to bike up a steep hill.
The teacher showed us how to format our essays properly.
This document needs to be in PDF format before you submit it.
To praise / praise
Elogiar / Elogio:
PAST: Praised
The teacher’s praise motivated the students to work harder.
He received much praise for his honesty and hard work.
Costumbre / Personalizado(a):
In my country, it’s a custom to eat noodles on your birthday for long life.
That car has custom wheels. It looks straight out of the show ‘‘Enchulame la maquina’’.
The game has several levels, each more difficult than the last.
Water levels in the river rise during the rainy season.
Tacaño (a):
He’s known as a cheapskate because he never tips at restaurants.
Don’t be such a cheapskate; sometimes it’s nice to treat your friends.
The sight of the mountains in the morning is breathtaking.
He lost his glasses and couldn’t see any sight without them.
We pitched our tent by the lakeside and camped there overnight.
The festival had many food stalls and tents set up for visitors.
The new smartphone has several features that make it worth buying.
The car’s safety features were highlighted during the presentation.
The establishment of the new library brought many benefits to the community.
This establishment has been serving the locals for over fifty years.
He took a second job to supplement his income.
A stable income is important for planning long-term financial goals.
Waiter / Waitress
Mesero (a):
The waiter was very attentive, ensuring our glasses were never empty.
She worked as a waitress during college to pay her tuition.
Understanding local etiquette is crucial when you travel to different countries.
Business etiquette includes a firm handshake and direct eye contact.
To point out
to indicate or specify)
PAST: Pointed out
The professor pointed out the key areas that needed improvement.
During the meeting, she pointed out several discrepancies in the report.
To go over
to review or examine something carefully:
Let’s go over the notes from today’s lecture to ensure we understand all the concepts.
Before submitting the essay, go over your work for any spelling or grammatical errors.
To Carry out
to perform or complete a task:
PAST: Carried out
The scientists carried out a series of experiments to confirm their hypothesis.
It’s essential to carry out thorough research before writing any academic paper.
To invest
PAST: Invested
Invest time, invest money, invest emotions
To display something somewhere
(show, exhibit):
PAST: Displayed
The museum decided to display the ancient artifacts in the central gallery to attract more visitors.
Local cafes often display artwork from community artists on their walls to support and promote local talent.
(schooling, learning):
Education plays a pivotal role in shaping the economic prospects of a country.
The disparity in education levels between urban and rural areas can significantly impact regional development.
(creators, painters):
Artists often draw inspiration from their surroundings, which is evident in the diversity of their work.
Contemporary artists are exploring digital mediums to express traditional themes in innovative ways.
(dubious, questionable):
The plan seemed sketchy and lacked the detail needed to assure the investors.
Some areas in the city are considered sketchy and are generally avoided after dark due to safety concerns.
In order to
(to, for the purpose of / PROPOSITO):
In order to improve your language skills, it is essential to practice speaking and writing regularly.
Students must organize their schedules effectively in order to manage their coursework and extracurricular activities.
(as, during the time that / DURANTE):
While studying the effects of pollution, the scientist discovered a correlation between air quality and public health.
While many enjoy the convenience of online shopping, others prefer the tactile experience of buying in-store.
To finance
(put money into, finance):
PAST: Financed
Many investors are looking to invest in renewable energy projects due to their potential for long-term profitability.
Governments around the world invest heavily in education to ensure a better future for the next generation.
(rare, unusual):
It’s uncommon to find such a diverse range of cuisines in a small town, making it a culinary hotspot.
Encountering such an uncommon species in its natural habitat was a thrilling experience for the researchers.
Animo’ que tengas; (atmosphere, ambiance):
The mood of the meeting shifted dramatically after the CEO announced the merger.
Rainy days often bring a somber mood to the city, which can be seen in the quieter streets and subdued activity.
To receive something / someone
PAST: Received
Universities receive thousands of applications each year, and they must carefully evaluate each one to select the best candidates.
During the conference, the keynote speaker will receive an award for her groundbreaking research in environmental science.
Advantage / Disadvantage
Ventaja / desventaja
(SYNONYMS: benefit/drawback, pro/con)
One advantage of online learning is the flexibility it offers to students who have busy schedules.
A disadvantage of living in a big city is the high cost of living, which can be a burden for many residents.
(Demonstrative pronoun; SINGULAR): Este / Esta
- Distance: CLOSE -
This new technology has the potential to revolutionize the healthcare industry by providing more accurate diagnoses.
The results of this experiment were surprising, showing a significant increase in productivity.
(Demonstrative pronoun; PLURAL):
Estos / Estas
- Distance: CLOSE -
These findings suggest that there is a correlation between diet and cognitive function.
Students should take advantage of these resources available at the library to improve their research skills.
(Demonstrative pronoun; PLURAL):
Eso / Esa - Aquel
- Distance: FAR -
That policy change has greatly impacted the economy, leading to increased employment rates.
Researchers discovered that the new drug was more effective than previously existing treatments.
(Demonstrative pronoun; PLURAL):
Esos / Esas - Aquellos / Aquellas
- Distance: FAR -
Those who participate in extracurricular activities tend to perform better academically.
The professor highlighted those points during his lecture to emphasize their importance.
To focus
(SYNONYMS: concentrate, center. Concentrarse, enfocarse)
PAST: Focused
To excel in the TOEFL, students need to focus on improving their vocabulary and grammar skills.
The study aims to focus on the effects of climate change on coastal ecosystems.
Traffic jam
(Synonyms English: Roadblock, Congestion)
(Synonyms Spanish: Embotellamiento, Atasco)
“I was stuck in a traffic jam so long, I aged a year between the bakery and the bank.”
“This congestion is moving so slowly, I could’ve walked my dog across the country by now.”
Next to …
(Synonyms English: Beside, Adjacent)
(Synonyms Spanish: Al lado de, Junto a)
“I sat next to a mime at the party; it was the quietest dinner ever.”
“Living next to a bakery has its perks, like knowing you’re always just a roll’s throw from breakfast.”
(Synonyms English: Misinformation, Propaganda)
(Synonyms Spanish: Desinformación, Propaganda)
“I read so much disinformation online that I might win an award for the most misinformed person of the year.”
“Believing disinformation on the internet is like trusting a squirrel with your nuts.”
(Synonyms English: Even though, Though)
(Synonyms Spanish: Aunque, A pesar de)
“Although I know I should diet, the donut shop keeps calling my name.”
“I decided to take up jogging, although my body thinks I’m chasing the ice cream truck.”
To complain
(Synonyms English: Grumble, Moan)
(Synonyms Spanish: Quejarse, Lamentarse)
“I would complain about waking up early, but my coffee hasn’t kicked in yet to care.”
“He loves to complain about the weather; it’s his favorite indoor sport.”
A Play
Synonyms in Spanish: Obra, Actuación
“I watched a play that was so dramatic, the characters probably needed a vacation after the final curtain!”
“During the last performance, the actor forgot his lines so often, the audience needed a script too.”
Synonyms in English: Scheme, Stratagem
Synonyms in Spanish: Artimaña, Estratagema
“His ploy to skip school involved a fake fever so believable, even the thermometer was fooled.”
“She used a clever ploy to avoid doing chores; she pretended to be invisible, and surprisingly, it worked for a whole hour!”
Synonyms in English: Scheme, Plan
Synonyms in Spanish: Complot, Trama
“The plot of their weekend getaway was so secretive, even the GPS was left guessing.”
“They hatched a plot to surprise their friend with a birthday party so elaborate, it included a map and a treasure hunt.”
To bankrupt something or someone
Synonyms in English: Ruin, Break
Synonyms in Spanish: Arruinar, Quebrar
“He tried to bankrupt his piggy bank by buying every candy in the store, but all he got was a stomachache.”
“The business plan was so bad, it could bankrupt a billionaire with just the summary.”
To found something
Synonyms in English: Establish, Create
Synonyms in Spanish: Fundar, Crear
“She founded a club for people who can’t whisper, but meetings are never a secret.”
“He decided to establish a society for procrastinators, but the first meeting has been postponed indefinitely.”
In spite of / despite
Synonyms in English: Regardless of, Even with
Synonyms in Spanish: A pesar de, Pese a
“In spite of the rain, they held the picnic indoors and had a beach party in the living room.”
“Despite having directions, he got lost in his own backyard.”
Synonyms in English: Customized, Fitted
Synonyms in Spanish: A medida, Personalizado
“She had a dress so tailored for the event, it arrived at the party before she did.”
“His tailored suit was so sharp, it could cut through a tense meeting like a knife.”
Synonyms in English: Advantageous, Helpful
Synonyms in Spanish: Beneficioso, Útil
“Eating carrots is so beneficial that I think I can see tomorrow.”
“Finding a shortcut on his way home was beneficial; he saved ten minutes and discovered a new ice cream shop.”
Synonyms in English: Gratifying, Satisfying
Synonyms in Spanish: Gratificante, Satisfactorio
“Cooking a meal from scratch was so rewarding, the kitchen decided to take the next day off.”
“He found teaching so rewarding that even his chalk was proud.”
Synonyms in English: Caring, Compassionate
Synonyms in Spanish: Amable, Bondadoso
“She was so kind that even the statues smiled back at her.”
“He’s the kind of person who’d give you a slice of pizza, even if it was his last one.”
Synonyms in English: Liking, Taste
Synonyms in Spanish: Preferencia, Gusto
“My dog has a preference for gourmet food; he turns his nose up at anything that doesn’t come with a silver spoon.”
“Her preference for horror movies means we’ll need extra popcorn and maybe a comfort blanket.”
To support something or someone
Synonyms in English: Back, Uphold
Synonyms in Spanish: Apoyar, Sostener
“He’s so supportive, he’d attend a snail race if his friend were competing.”
“I support my coffee habit with a dedicated budget line; it’s essential for my morning meetings.”
Regulation (s)
English synonyms: rule, standard
Spanish synonyms: reglamento, normativa
“When I heard about the regulation requiring silence in the library, I thought it was so strict, even the books couldn’t shut up!”
“Due to the new speed regulation, my grandmother is finally driving at the legal limit, which she calls ‘racing mode’.”
To implement something
English synonyms: to execute, to apply
Spanish synonyms: implementar, aplicar
“I tried to implement a new workout routine, but my couch protested by being too comfortable.”
“The school decided to implement a ban on mobile phones, suddenly making window staring the new trend.”
English synonyms: questionnaire, poll
Spanish synonyms: encuesta, sondeo
“I filled out a survey about laziness and left half of it blank for dramatic effect.”
“In a survey asking if I exercise, I ticked ‘Yes’—moving my pen counts, right?”
English synonyms: intimidating, formidable
Spanish synonyms: desalentador, intimidante
“Facing a mountain of dishes after dinner was more daunting than climbing an actual mountain.”
“The thought of speaking English was daunting, until I realized autocorrect was more confused than I was.”
To calculate something
English synonyms: to compute, to reckon
Spanish synonyms: calcular, computar
“I tried to calculate my chances of winning the lottery, but I think I needed a calculator for my calculator.”
“When asked to calculate the tip at a restaurant, I conveniently remembered I needed to make a phone call.”
English synonyms: workforce, staff
Spanish synonyms: mano de obra, personal
“We’re short on manpower at the office, so my plant has been promoted to assistant.”
“Using manpower to solve the IT issue turned out to mean just turning the computer off and on again.”
English synonyms: wholesome, beneficial
Spanish synonyms: saludable, sano
“I tried a healthy recipe from a cookbook, and even the blender said it was too much effort.”
“My dog and I switched to a healthy diet; now we both sneak snacks when the other isn’t looking.”
English synonyms: neatness, tidiness
Spanish synonyms: limpieza, pulcritud
“I embrace cleanliness so much that even my cleaning supplies have their own shower.”
“My idea of testing cleanliness is wearing white socks on the floor—five minutes tops!”
English synonyms: newlywed, spouse
Spanish synonyms: novia, esposa
“The bride threw the bouquet with such force, it qualified as an Olympic sport.”
“The bride was so bright, her glow could’ve guided ships at sea.”
English synonyms: bridegroom, newlywed
Spanish synonyms: novio, esposo
“The groom was so nervous, his knees were auditioning for a music band.”
“At his wedding, the groom danced like he was trying to stomp out a fire.”
English synonyms: visitor, attendee
Spanish synonyms: invitado, huésped
“We had a guest last night who loved our dinner so much, he even ate the burnt parts with a smile.”
“The party guest arrived so early, we thought he came to help set up.”
English synonyms: ashamed, mortified
Spanish synonyms: avergonzado, apenado
“I was so embarrassed when I waved back at someone who wasn’t waving at me—I started directing traffic.”
“I sang so loudly in the shower, the neighbors knocked to see if I was okay.”
Synonyms in English: Approximations, Guesses
Synonyms in Spanish: Estimaciones, Aproximaciones
“My estimations of the number of jellybeans in the jar were so off, I think I set a new record for inaccuracy.”
“When I estimated how long the TOEFL exam would take, I felt like a weatherman predicting the weather—completely unsure!”
To reply to emails or an email
Synonyms in English: Respond to emails, Answer emails
Synonyms in Spanish: Responder a correos, Contestar correos
“Replying to emails during my study break felt like swapping a textbook for a keyboard—both need fast fingers!”
“I replied to an email so quickly, my computer asked if I was a robot.”
To enhance something
Synonyms in English: Improve, Augment
Synonyms in Spanish: Mejorar, Potenciar
“I tried to enhance my vocabulary for the TOEFL, and now even my dog understands English!”
“Enhancing my pronunciation for the exam, I sounded less like a native speaker and more like a parrot.”
Synonyms in English: Valuable, Rewarding
Synonyms in Spanish: Valioso, Gratificante
“Studying for the TOEFL is so worthwhile that even my dreams are in English now.”
“Joining a study group was worthwhile; we shared so many snacks, I learned recipes along with vocabulary.”
Synonyms in English: Location, Site
Synonyms in Spanish: Lugar, Sitio
“The venue for the TOEFL was so fancy, I thought I’d accidentally walked into a royal banquet.”
“Choosing a quiet venue for studying is essential; my last one had more distractions than a circus.”
Skill (s)
Synonyms in English: Ability, Expertise
Synonyms in Spanish: Habilidad, Destreza
“Developing my listening skills for TOEFL felt like tuning a radio to find a station without static.”
“I’ve honed my writing skills so much, I think my pen is mightier than a lightsaber.”
To be committed to something or someone
Synonyms in English: Dedicated to, Devoted to
Synonyms in Spanish: Comprometido con, Dedicado a
“I’m so committed to passing the TOEFL that I read dictionaries for fun now.”
“Being committed to learning English isn’t just a goal; it’s an adventure where every conversation is a new episode.”
To put out fires
Synonyms English: Extinguish fires, Quell emergencies
Synonyms Spanish: Apagar fuegos, Sofocar emergencias
“As an architect, I’m not just designing buildings; I’m always putting out fires, especially when clients change their minds like they change socks!”
“Half my job seems to be quelling emergencies in the office; today, I used my coffee to extinguish a literal fire in the break room microwave!”
To meet sb
Synonyms English: To encounter, To come across
Synonyms Spanish: Encontrarse con, Toparse con
“When I went to meet the new client, I didn’t expect to encounter a childhood friend who’s now a famous interior designer!”
“Every time I go to a construction site, I come across someone who mistakenly thinks I’m the safety inspector. Maybe it’s the helmet!”
Through thick and thin
Synonyms English: In good times and bad, Through ups and downs
Synonyms Spanish: Contra viento y marea
“We’ve been through thick and thin together in this firm, from surviving coffee shortages to winning design awards.”
“My drafting pencil and I have been through ups and downs, from sketching beautiful buildings to rolling off the desk into oblivion.”
To meet someone (met = past)
Synonyms English: encounter, come across
Synonyms Spanish: encontrarse con, toparse con
“I met the new CEO at the elevator; it was like bumping into a celebrity at a supermarket—I was starstruck and speechless!”
“When you meet someone new at a party, it’s like opening a surprise gift—you never know what you’re going to get.”
To know someone (knew = past)
Synonyms English: be acquainted with, be familiar with
Synonyms Spanish: estar familiarizado con, conocer a alguien
“I know my best friend so well, I can order for him at a restaurant without him saying a word—it’s like being psychic but only at meal times.”
“To know someone isn’t just remembering their name; it’s remembering their coffee order and whether they’re a cat or dog person.”
So far, …
Synonyms English: up to now, until now
Synonyms Spanish: hasta ahora, hasta el momento
“So far, my English course has been so exciting that even my dreams are in English!”
“So far, the only thing I’ve learned in cooking class is that I’m better at ordering takeout.”
Synonyms English: freeway, expressway
Synonyms Spanish: autopista, carretera
“Driving on the highway for the first time felt like being in a racing video game, except the cars weren’t virtual!”
“I thought highway hypnosis was a myth, until I missed my exit three times!”
Drive - Drove - Driven
Synonyms English: operate, pilot
Synonyms Spanish: conducir, manejar
“I’ve driven so many different cars in my life, I could be a stunt driver in a movie.”
“Last year, I drove across the country, and all I got was this incredible sense of accomplishment and a few extra pounds from roadside diners.”
Synonyms English: achievement, success
Synonyms Spanish: logro (sustantivo), éxito
“Finishing this English book is an accomplishment I’m proud of; next, I’m tackling War and Peace in the original Russian!”
“My greatest accomplishment this year? I learned how to make coffee that doesn’t taste like burnt toast.”
To accomplish something
Synonyms English: achieve, complete
Synonyms Spanish: alcanzar, completar
“I managed to accomplish my goal of jogging every morning, by moving my alarm clock across the room.”
“To accomplish mastering the flute, I only had to annoy my family for two straight years.”
To expand something
Synonyms English: enlarge, extend
Synonyms Spanish: ampliar, extender
“I tried to expand my vocabulary, and now I can’t stop using the word ‘plethora’ in every sentence.”
“We decided to expand our garden; it’s so big now, we might need a map to find our way out.”
Therefore, …
Synonyms English: thus, consequently
Synonyms Spanish: por lo tanto, en consecuencia
“I studied all night for my TOEFL exam, therefore, if I yawn during the test, it’s not because the grammar section is boring.”
“I can cook Italian, Chinese, and Mexican dishes, therefore, my kitchen often looks like a food festival gone wild.”
Synonyms English: Multiple, Various
Synonyms Spanish: Varios, Diversos
“I’ve watched several episodes of ‘The Grammar Guru,’ and now my verbs are more tense than I am!”
“In my house, there are several opinions about pizza toppings, and yet, we all agree that pineapple doesn’t belong there.”
Synonyms English: Diverse, Varied
Synonyms Spanish: Diverso, Variado
“My music tastes are so eclectic that my playlist goes from classical opera to hard rock—confusing even the most sophisticated algorithms.”
“She has such an eclectic style in fashion; one day it’s all vintage, and the next, she looks like she’s walked out of a space opera.”
Synonyms English: Deep, Intense
Synonyms Spanish: Profundo, Intenso
“The last book I read was so profound that I forgot to eat—now that’s food for thought!”
“I tried to make a profound statement in class today, but all I got was a profound silence.”
Synonyms English: Progressive, Complex
Synonyms Spanish: Avanzado, Complejo
“I attended an advanced yoga class accidentally and twisted myself into a pretzel.”
“My phone is so advanced that it starts ringing before people even call me.”
Stage / Stages
Synonyms English: Phase, Level
Synonyms Spanish: Etapa, Fase
“In the early stages of learning English, I thought ‘synonyms’ were a type of cinnamon!”
“Life is like a play, and I swear some people don’t know they’re still at the rehearsal stage.”
To be concerned about sth
Synonyms English: Worried, Troubled
Synonyms Spanish: Preocupado, Inquieto
“I’m so concerned about my English exam that even my coffee needs a calming tea.”
“He’s always concerned about missing the bus; it’s like waiting for a plot twist in a boring movie.”
Synonyms English: Dirty, Grimy
Synonyms Spanish: Sucio, Mugriento
“My room got so filthy during exam week, you’d need a GPS to find the bed.”
“After the muddy soccer game, my clothes were so filthy they stood up and walked themselves to the laundry.”
Synonyms English: Reasonable, Inexpensive
Synonyms Spanish: Asequible, Económico
“I found an affordable laptop for school, but it’s so slow, I could finish a novel between loading screens.”
“Affordable travel is great until you realize your budget hotel is actually a tent.”
To afford sth
Synonyms English: Manage, Budget for
Synonyms Spanish: Permitirse, Costear
“I can barely afford my caffeine addiction, let alone my rent.”
“If I could afford to travel anywhere, it’d be to the bank for a loan.”
To inherit sth
Synonyms English: Receive, Acquire
Synonyms Spanish: Heredar, Recibir
“I inherited my grandpa’s antique watch and his talent for being late.”
“She inherited her mother’s wisdom and her father’s puns, a true recipe for disaster at parties.”
Synonyms English: Deal, Discount
Synonyms Spanish: Ganga, Oferta
“I thought I found a bargain on shoes, but it turns out, two left feet isn’t a metaphor.”
“During sales, my mom hunts for bargains like she’s in a reality TV competition.”
Synonyms English: Transformative, Revolutionary
Synonyms Spanish: Cambio de vida, Revolucionario
“Switching from coffee to tea was supposed to be life-changing, but now I just fall asleep faster.”
“The life-changing magic of tidying up: I cleaned my room and found my childhood aspirations.”
Synonyms English: Overwhelmed, Buried
Synonyms Spanish: Agobiado, Desbordado
“I’m so swamped with homework, I need a lifeboat to get to my desk.”
“Ever been so swamped at work that you consider naming your desk pillow?”
Synonyms English: Due date, Time limit
Synonyms Spanish: Fecha límite, Plazo
“Deadlines approach faster than new episodes of my favorite series.”
“I treat deadlines like my diet—ignore them until I can’t anymore.”
Synonyms English: Aspiring, Driven
Synonyms Spanish: Ambicioso, Emprendedor
“I’m so ambitious I plan to procrastinate tomorrow.”
“Being ambitious in the snack aisle means leaving with more chips than you can carry.”
Synonyms English: Range, Extent
Synonyms Spanish: Alcance, Ámbito
“The scope of my English project is so vast, it might include a sequel.”
“Exploring the scope of my cooking skills usually ends with a call to the nearest pizza place.”
Synonyms English: Overseas, Internationally
Synonyms Spanish: En el extranjero, Fuera del país
“Studying abroad sounds glamorous until you realize your laundry still won’t do itself.”
“When I traveled abroad, I was so excited to speak English that I even talked in my sleep.”
Synonyms English: Relish, Appreciate
Synonyms Spanish: Disfrutar, Gozar
“I enjoy long romantic walks… to the fridge.”
“You should enjoy every sandwich as if it’s your last, especially if your sibling keeps stealing your lunch.”
Global warming
Synonyms English: Climate change, Environmental warming
Synonyms Spanish: Calentamiento global, Cambio climático
“Because of global warming, my snowman now files for unemployment every winter.”
“If global warming continues, I might start selling beachfront property in Antarctica.”
Fossil fuels
Synonyms English: Coal and oil, Non-renewable resources
Synonyms Spanish: Combustibles fósiles, Recursos no renovables
“Fossil fuels are so old-fashioned, my car is demanding an electric friend.”
“In a world running on fossil fuels, my dream car is a spaceship—no traffic and zero emissions!”
To displace sth
Synonyms English: To relocate, To move
Synonyms Spanish: Desplazar, Mover
“I tried to displace my cat from the couch, but now I’m the one looking for a new place to sit.”
“The magician claimed he could displace himself to Hawaii; turns out, he just hides in the closet.”
Here’s the thing:
Synonyms in English: The point is, The fact is
Synonyms in Spanish: He aquí la cosa, El punto es
“Here’s the thing: when you let a beaver design a dam, it’s quite the architectural feat—just don’t expect a guest room!”
“The fact is, giving a toddler the blueprint can lead to some innovative house designs—ever seen a fort made of pillows?”
On the other hand, …
Synonyms in English: Alternatively, Conversely
Synonyms in Spanish: Por otro lado, En cambio
“On the other hand, letting my cat choose the wallpaper might explain why my walls look like a giant scratching post.”
“Conversely, if we let nature design our homes, we might all end up living in very chic treehouses.”
Therefore …
Synonyms in English: Consequently, As a result
Synonyms in Spanish: Por lo tanto, En consecuencia
“We used mud and straw for the walls, therefore, our house is eco-friendly but a nightmare to clean.”
“As a result of using chocolate bars as beams, our house smells great but melts in the sun.”
Synonyms in English: Multifaceted, Cross-disciplinary
Synonyms in Spanish: Interdisciplinario, Multidisciplinar
“Our interdisciplinary design team included a baker, so our house is made of gingerbread.”
“The cross-disciplinary project ended up with a greenhouse in the living room—great for oxygen, bad for privacy.”
To group sth / sb
Synonyms in English: To assemble, To cluster
Synonyms in Spanish: Agrupar, Reunir
“We decided to group all the wooden furniture in one corner, which was a great idea until the bonfire party.”
“When you cluster a bunch of architects without a plan, you get a very opinionated art exhibit.”
Based on sth
Synonyms in English: Founded on, Derived from
Synonyms in Spanish: Basado en, Fundado en
“Our new house is based on a child’s drawing, so the proportions are a bit… imaginative.”
“This building is founded on sustainability principles, and also, apparently, an ancient burial ground.”
Synonyms in English: Spot, Location
Synonyms in Spanish: Lugar, Sitio
“I found the perfect place for my new house—too bad it’s in my neighbor’s backyard.”
“The location of our new office is ideal, if you don’t mind the local skunks as neighbors.”
Synonyms in English: Unsteady, Wobbly
Synonyms in Spanish: Inestable, Inseguro
“Our homemade skyscraper is a bit unstable; it sways more than a dance club on a Saturday night.”
“That wobbly bridge in the garden was designed by an artist, not an engineer, so cross at your own risk.”
Synonyms in English: Circumstances, State
Synonyms in Spanish: Condiciones, Circunstancias
“Under the current conditions, our sandcastle qualifies as beachfront property.”
“Given the state of our budget, our new building is less ‘skyscraper,’ more ‘ground-hugger.’”
To run something (a business, an agency, a construction site, etc)
Synonyms in English: To operate, To manage
Synonyms in Spanish: Dirigir, Gestionar
“Running a construction site with toddlers means more sandcastles and fewer office buildings.”
“I decided to manage the building project myself, which explains why the kitchen is now in the attic.”
That’s a start
Synonyms in English: It’s a beginning, It’s an initiation
Synonyms in Spanish: Es un comienzo, Es un inicio
“So, we’ve put the door up; that’s a start—now, if only we could decide on where the walls go.”
“We’ve laid the first brick of our eco-home, that’s a beginning. Only 9999 more to go!”
Synonyms English: Unsteady, Wobbly
Synonyms Spanish: Inestable, Tambaleante
“The chair was so unstable, it felt like I was riding a rollercoaster every time I sat down.”
- “After drinking too much coffee, I was as wobbly as a jelly on a trampoline.”
Delay - Delayed
Synonyms English: Postponement, Hold-up
Synonyms Spanish: Retraso, Demora
“The flight was delayed so long, I had time to learn a new language and knit a sweater.”
- “This hold-up is so bad, I could have walked to my destination faster than the bus is moving.”
Synonyms English: Nonprofits, Charities
Synonyms Spanish: ONGs, Organizaciones Benéficas
“NGOs are like superheroes without capes; they save the world one grant at a time.”
- “Charities are the only places where being a ‘busybody’ is actually a good thing.”
Synonyms English: Ledge, Rack
Synonyms Spanish: Estante, Repisa
“My shelf is so cluttered, it looks like a garage sale exploded on it.”
- “That ledge is holding on to more secrets than my high school diary.”
Synonyms English: Mandarin, Clementine
Synonyms Spanish: Mandarina, Clementina
“This tangerine is so sweet, it’s like nature’s candy with a vitamin C bonus.”
- “Peeling a mandarin is the only time I feel like a treasure hunter.”
Synonyms English: Skins, Rinds
Synonyms Spanish: Cáscaras, Pieles
“The peels from my snack made the floor look like a citrus battlefield.”
- “Trying to peel an orange without making a mess is like performing a magic trick.”
Synonyms English: Shriek, Yell
Synonyms Spanish: Grito, Alarido
“Her scream was so loud, it could have woken up a hibernating bear.”
- “When he saw the spider, his shriek echoed through the whole neighborhood.”
To knock sth over
Synonyms English: To topple, To overturn
Synonyms Spanish: Derribar, Voltear
“I was so clumsy, I managed to knock over a tower of books with just a sneeze.”
- “My cat’s mission in life is to topple every glass of water I leave unattended.”
Synonyms English: Tableware, Crockery
Synonyms Spanish: Platos, Vajilla
“After the party, the sink was filled with more dishes than a restaurant on a Saturday night.”
- “My least favorite magic trick is when the dirty dishes multiply overnight.”
Synonyms English: Therapist, Counselor
Synonyms Spanish: Psicólogo, Terapeuta
“My psychologist says I need to stop worrying about things I can’t control, like the weather and my hairline.”
- “Talking to a therapist is like having a professional best friend who never gets tired of your stories.”
Aunt / Uncles
Synonyms English: Relatives, Kin
Synonyms Spanish: Tíos, Familiares
“My aunts and uncles are like a comedy troupe; every family gathering turns into a stand-up show.”
- “Visiting my relatives always involves eating too much and laughing until it hurts.”
Wish - wished … I wished I …
Synonyms English: Hope, Desire
Synonyms Spanish: Desear, Anhelar
“I wished I could fly, but my only superpower is being able to find the nearest coffee shop.”
- “He wished for a million dollars, but all he got was a coupon for a free taco.”
Synonyms English: Standard, Caliber
Synonyms Spanish: Calidad, Cualidad
The quality of our blueprints is so high that even the printers ask for an autograph. *
Our building materials have such a high standard that they make other architects green with envy.
Synonyms English: Vogue, Fashion
Synonyms Spanish: Tendencia, Moda
The latest trend in architecture is so avant-garde that our buildings look like they belong in a sci-fi movie. *
Following the new fashion, we designed a building that’s more Instagrammable than a celebrity’s breakfast.
To remove something
Synonyms English: Eliminate, Erase
Synonyms Spanish: Eliminar, Quitar
We had to remove that wall because it was as useful as a screen door on a submarine. *
To eliminate the old design, we needed more erasers than a first-grade art class.
Word/Phrase: To take (as in llevar)
Synonyms English: Carry, Transport
Synonyms Spanish: Llevar, Transportar
Every effort is worth it.
Synonyms English: All the hard work pays off, Every bit of effort counts
Synonyms Spanish: Cada esfuerzo vale la pena, Todo esfuerzo cuenta
Every effort is worth it when the building stands tall and makes the cover of Architectural Digest. *
All the hard work pays off when clients gasp and say, “Wow, you built that?”
Synonyms English: Harmful, Damaging
Synonyms Spanish: Perjudicial, Dañino
Forgetting to double-check measurements can be as detrimental as trying to build a house out of Jenga blocks. *
Using subpar materials in construction is so damaging, it’s like asking a termite to be your contractor.
Synonyms English: Insolvency, Failure
Synonyms Spanish: Bancarrota, Quiebra
“After spending all his money on avocado toast, he faced bankruptcy faster than a tech startup in a bad market.”
“Her shopping spree in San Francisco led to bankruptcy, but at least she looked fabulous doing it.”
To be broke
Synonyms English: Penniless, Impoverished
Synonyms Spanish: Arruinado, Sin un centavo
“Living in San Francisco means you might be broke, but at least you’ll have great Instagram photos.”
“He joked that he was so broke he couldn’t even pay attention.”
To lead to something
Synonyms English: Result in, Cause
Synonyms Spanish: Conducir a, Dar lugar a
“Living together in a tiny San Francisco apartment can lead to a strong relationship or a dramatic breakup.”
“Spending too much on dates can result in financial ruin, but it might also cause a proposal.”
Synonyms English: Grown-up, Responsible
Synonyms Spanish: Maduro, Responsable
“He thought he was mature until he had to choose between paying rent or buying concert tickets.”
“Being mature in a relationship means sometimes choosing a quiet night in over partying all night in the city.”
Synonyms English: Dedication, Devotion
Synonyms Spanish: Compromiso, Dedicación
“His commitment to running every morning impressed his girlfriend, even though it often led to him napping through brunch.”
“A romantic commitment in San Francisco often means finding joy in both the city’s beauty and its outrageous rent.”
To solve something
Synonyms English: Resolve, Fix
Synonyms Spanish: Resolver, Solucionar
“They had to solve the mystery of the missing keys before they could enjoy their day out in San Francisco.”
“He tried to fix their communication issues by suggesting romantic walks across the Golden Gate Bridge.”
Synonyms English: Hallway, Passage
Synonyms Spanish: Pasillo, Corredor
“The narrow corridor of their apartment building made moving furniture a romantic bonding experience.”
“They often met in the corridor for secret chats, away from their noisy roommates.”
Synonyms English: Result, Consequence
Synonyms Spanish: Resultado, Consecuencia
“The outcome of their cooking experiment was surprisingly delicious, considering they usually burned toast.”
“Their romantic evening had an unexpected outcome: an engagement.”
Synonyms English: Exclusion, Disregard
Synonyms Spanish: Marginación, Exclusión
“As an architect, if you let your innovative ideas gather dust, you’re contributing to the marginalization of your own creativity.”
“Skipping those design meetings might lead to the marginalization of your voice—next thing you know, you’re decorating bathrooms instead of building skyscrapers!”
To have some SETBACKS
Synonyms English: To face difficulties, To encounter obstacles
Synonyms Spanish: Tener contratiempos, Sufrir reveses
“Our blueprint had some setbacks when the client decided they wanted a pool on the roof. Apparently, gravity is just a suggestion!”
“Every architect has setbacks, like when your perfectly planned wall somehow ends up with a window to nowhere.”
Synonyms English: Anomaly, Deviation
Synonyms Spanish: Irregularidad, Anomalía
“That sudden irregularity in the floor plan might mean your building ends up with a surprise sunroom… in the basement.”
“Spotting an irregularity in the structure? Don’t worry—just call it ‘avant-garde’ and double your fee!”
Adore (Verb)
Synonyms English: Love, Cherish
Synonyms Spanish: Adorar, Amar
“I adore my work as an architect so much that I even dream about blueprints… though my dreams sometimes involve them chasing me.”
“My clients adore their new kitchen so much, they’re considering moving their bed in there—who needs a bedroom when you’ve got granite countertops?”