"To what extent do humans possess the capacity for intentional and autonomous decision-making, and how does this capacity relate to the concept of free will?" Flashcards
Philosophical position that states human beings possess free will: we are able to deliberate about choices consciously and rationally and subsequently make free choices.
Criticisms of Sartre (A)
Existentialism proposes a moral nihilism leads to pure caprice
It seems to value individual freedom above the search for what is right or good.
Existentialism denies a piori values and says every choice is equally absurd .: no basis to pass judgement to others
Hence, existentialism fails to provide a means for criticism or holding accountable the immoral as long as one is living authentically – even if an authentic individual is a murder or a Nazi
Criticisms of Sartre (B)
The weight of responsibility means that it is no surprise people use excuses to lessen the burden e.g. blame it on childhood traumas, social circumstances and genetic makeup
Sartre counters by saying these people are just in Bad Faith: one is in denial of innate freedom due to pressures from society and biology. He illustrates this with the Homosexual in Being and Nothingness. The homosexual is in bad faith because he blames his homosexual conditions for his homosexual actions, whilst Sartre argues that it is his homosexual actions (which he has freedom and responsibility for) that define him as a homosexual.
I think Sartre is far too optimistic about freedom
There are many biological factors and societal factors that are too far out of one’s control or are too significant to deny. For example, there is increasing evidence for a biological (esp. genetic) basis for homosexuality.
Hard Determinism
Biological determinism is the theory according to which our choices and actions are often strongly influenced by aspects of our biology
Markku Linnoila established a link between low levels of serotonin and impulsive behaviour Linked low levels of serotonin to over 1000 arsonists in mental institutions and prisons of New York Serotonin helps people control their impulses, and those with low serotonin were more likely to lack “self control
Benefits of Hard Determinism
Secondly, accounting for determinism may make us more tolerant and empathetic/sympathetic to differences/plights rather than just blaming it totally on the responsibility of the person (as Sartre would)
Criticisms of Hard Determinism
The consequence of hard biological determinism is that it will eliminate the notion of responsibility If people have no real freedom to act, they cannot be held responsible for their actions The man whose genes force him to act violently is no more to blame than someone forced to be violent under gunpoint Begs the question: to what extent should we excuse criminals (e.g. lessen sentences) if we determine certain biological markers e.g. serotonin levels?
Soft Determinism
Biological determinism presents a strong case against Sartre’s radical freedom. However, it is possible to criticise the hard biological determinist view and propose a soft determinism instead
Soft determinism argues that whilst there are many external factors influencing our decisions, an element of freedom still remains All events are the inevitable result of a set of causes However, some of those causes are internal causes that we have some control over We are able to determine ourselves at least partially .: actually have some free will
Two scientific counter-examples for Soft Determinism?
Epigenetics: studies of gene regulation and demonstrate genes as “switches” that may be turned on or off at certain points in time due to environmental factors .: we can determine what influences us based on how we interact with the world