To Kill A Mockingbird Test Review CH 5-10 Flashcards
What does Jem admit to Scout regarding his torn pants?
When he went to get them back, they were sewn up and folded.
What 3 things happen when Jem goes onto the Radley property?
Dill lies to Atticus to protect Jem, A gun shot is fired, Jem gets caught in a fence and takes his pants off to escape
On Dill’s last night in Maycomb, Dill and Jem decide to
Go on the Radley property and look through a window to get a glimpse of Boo.
Which adult in the neighborhood does Scout begin to bond with?
Miss Maudie
Why did Mr. Radley fill the hole in the tree with cement?
It was filled with cement to keep Boo from trying to make contact with the kids.
What “apocalyptic event” happens in chapter 8?
snow fall
What happens to Miss Maudie’s home?
It catches fire
What is Scout’s real name?
Jean Louise Finch
Whose house burns down?
Miss Maudie’s
Who tells Jem that it is a sin to kill mockingbirds?
On what writer did Harper Lee base Dill?
Truman Capote
Jem and Scout got what for Christmas
Air rifles
This character explains that the children shouldn’t shoot mockingbirds because the birds don’t “do one thing but make music for us to enjoy…and sing their hearts out for us. “
Maudie Atkinson
Who is Tim Johnson?
A mad dog.
Who shoots and kills Tim Johnson?
Atticus Finch
He is the sheriff of Maycomb Country, but he’s not very good with guns.
Heck Tate
How does Jem feel about telling people at school about One Shot Finch?
He doesn’t tell people because he respects Atticus’s choice not to talk about it.
How does the town feel about Atticus defending Tom Robinson?
They hate it and call him names behind his back.
Why does Scout punch her cousin, Francis?
He calls Atticus a terrible name.
Does Atticus expect to win the trial?
No. He knows the jury will be racist.
What does Uncle Jack learn from Scout and Atticus?
Always listen to both sides of a story.
What quality best describes Miss Stephanie?
Someone who loves to gossip.
What causes school to be canceled?
Who does the first snowman look like?
Mr. Avery