To confuse, to miss Flashcards
He can manage, he’s able
قَد حالو
Your F daughter can manage it
بنتك قد حالها
To confuse
خَرْبَط، بْيِخَرْبِط
I was confused
انا خَرْبَطِت، كنت مْخَرْبِطةَ
He confused me
هو خَرْبَطْني
To pass (pass by, time passes)
مَرّ، بْيِمُرّ
Time passes quickly
الوَقِت بْيِمُرّ بِسُرْعة
Come see me = pass by me M !
مُرّ شوفْني !
When you F finish pass by the director because he wants to see you.
بَس تْخَلّْصي مُرّي على المُدير عَشان بِدّو اِياكي
The one who passes by somewhere/someone
مارِر، مارّةِ
Yesterday I was passing by my grandma.
امبارح كُنْت مارّةِ عند سِتّي.
The exam went without problems
الاِمْتِحان مَرّ عَ خير marr 3a chér
The argument passed without further problems, it ended up well
الطُوشةِ مَرَّتْ عَ خير
I changed my mind
انا غَيَّرِت رَأيي