To Be (Verb with Tenses) Flashcards
I am
Eu sunt
You are (singular)
Tu ești
He is
El este
She is
Ea este
We are
Noi suntem
You are (plural)
Voi sunteți
They are (m)
Ei sunt
They are (f)
Ele sunt
To be (infinitive)
A fi
I was (past imperfect)
Eu eram
You were (singular, past imperfect)
Tu erai
He was (past imperfect)
El era
She was (past imperfect)
Ea era
We were (past imperfect)
Noi eram
You were (plural, past imperfect)
Voi erați
They were (m, past imperfect)
Ei erau
They were (f, past imperfect)
Ele erau
I will be (indicative)
Eu voi fi
You will be (singular indicative)
Tu vei fi
He will be (indicative)
El va fi
She will be (indicative)
Ea va fi
We will be (indicative)
Noi vom fi
You will be (plural, indicative)
Voi veți fi
They will be (m, indicative)
Ei vor fi
They will be (f, indicative)
Ele vor fi
I was (present perfect indicative)
Eu am fost
You were (singular, present perfect indicative)
Tu ai fost
He was (present perfect indicative)
El a fost
She was (present perfect indicative)
Ea a fost
We were (present perfect indicative)
Noi am fost
You were (plural, present perfect indicative)
Voi ați fost
They were (male, present perfect indicative)
Ei au fost
They were (f, present perfect indicative)
Ele au fost
I will be (popular future)
Eu o să fiu
You will be (singular, popular future)
Tu o să fii
He will be (popular future)
El o să fie
She will be (popular future)
Ea o să fie
We will be (popular future)
Noi o să fim
You will be (plural, popular future)
Voi o să fiți
They will be (m, popular future)
Ei o să fie
Ei or să fie
They will be (f, popular future)
Ele o să fie
Ele or să fie