TMJizzle Flashcards
What are the structures of the TMJ joint? (3)
Mandibular condyle (mandible) articular fossa (temporal bone) articular eminence (temporal bone)
What are the ligaments that limit mandibular movement? (4)
Temporomandibular lig.
capsular lig.
stylomandibular lig.
sphenomandibular lig.
What is the attachment location of the temporomandibular ligament?
attaches from zygomatic arch to neck of condyle
What forms the lateral part of the capsular ligament?
temporomandibular ligament
What are the borders of the fibrous capsule (capsular ligament)?
Upper: temporal bone, around the circumference of the articular fossa and articular eminence
Lower: around neck of condyloid process of mandible
What are the attachments of the stylomandibular ligament?
from styloid process of temporal bone to posterior angle of the mandible
What are the attachments of the sphenomandibular ligmanent?
from angular spine of sphenoid bone to lingual of mandible
What two structures articulate with the disc in the TMJ?
the condyloid process of the mandible and the mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
The ligament that limits the amount of movement of the mandible and attaches from the inferior surface of the neurocranium to the lingula of the mandible is the
sphenomandibular ligament
Where on the temporal bone does the mandible function?
on the posterior inferior portion of the articular eminence