TMJ & Occlusion Flashcards
Type of cartilage surrounding TMJ
Thick avascular fibrous CT (NOT HYALINE like every other joint)
Which portion of TMJ is thick bone?
articular eminence
In the lower compartmet of the TMJ, _______ occurs.
In the upper portion, _______ occurs
lower rotation
upper translation
Imaging the TMJ:
_______ can observe bony structures
_______displays hard tissue well
_______ Gold standard of imaging. Can show disc
CAT Scan
The _______ ligament(s) attach the disc to the head of the condyle and restrict movement of the dic away from the condyle. Also divide the TMJ into superior and inferior cavities, each filled with synovial fluid.
Collateral Ligaments
The _______ ligament prevents lateral movements of TMJ, retains and secretes synovial fluid.
capsular ligament
The main stabilizing ligament of TMJ preventing posterior and inferior displacement and limits rotational opening of jaw.
Temporomandibular ligament
Ligament that initiates translation of condyle down articular eminence and limits posterior movement to protect retrodiscal tissue
temporomandibular ligament
Ligament limits excess opening of mandible and attaches lingula to sphenoid spine
sphenomandibular ligament
Ligament that limits excessive protrusion and attaches to angle of mandible.
stylomandibular ligament
Nerve that innervates TMJ
Nerve that provides motor and sensory innervation to mm of TMJ
MM that elevates and retrudes mandible
MM that elevates and protrudes mandible
Medial pterygoid
MM is inactive when closing jaw
inferior lateral pterygoid
MM moves articular disk forward, does not elevate the mandible, and positions the condyle and disk against the eminence during closing.
superior lateral pterygoid
MM elevates the hyoid bone and depresses the mandible
Anterior and posterior digastric
All infrahyoid mm are innervated by the ansa cervicalis except
thyrohyoid- C1 via hypoglossus
All Extrinsic mm of the tongue are innervated by CN12 except
palatoglossus- CNX
Centric relation is when
the condyle is most superior and midmost position
70% of the population has this class of occlusion
1st molar MB cusp centered
Molar and canine centered
25% of the population has this class of occlusion
class 2 mandible positioned distally
5% of the population has this class of occlusion
class 3 mandible position mesially
class 1 occlusion is defined as
the mesial buccal cusp of max. 1sr molar lying betwwen MB groove of mandib 1st molar
Max canine lying between mandib, 1st premolar and canine
Working cusps on maxilla
working on mandible
man- buccal
Non working cusps tend to be
sharper, no contact, and oppose grooves and embrasures
In general a _______tooth contacts its counter part and the posterior tooth opposing it
In the intercuspal position, the cusp tip of the permanent max canine is in direct alignment with which anatomic feature of the mandibular teeth?
a. incisal embrasure
b. facial embrasure
c. interproximal space
Facial embrasure