TMJ Flashcards
What muscle does blowing?
What is the fusion of the joint called?
What moves the jaw lateral and forward to the right?
Left medial and lateral pterygoid
Depressing the jaw against resistance uses what muscles?
Digastric and suprahyoid
Patients with what are more likely to develop TMD?
RA Pts
What is the procedure of choice for TMJ?
Myofascial bilateral stretch doc contacts where?
Stretch where?
Both angles of mandible
Where is the tender point in masseter?
Treat how?
Inferior to zygomatic in belly of masseter muscle
Depress mandible, place hand on mandible and translate towards side of tender point until pain decreased 70%
How much does the mouth normally open?
What can indicate TMJ?
What muscle does snarl (doesn’t raise lateral angle)
Levator anguli oris
What muscle protrudes upper lip?
Zygomatic minor
What force is induced in a pterygoid fascial stretch?
May see what?
Superior and lateral
Tearing due to stimulation of sphenopalatine ganglion
C shape is unilateral and deviates to which side?
Side of SD
What is a class 3 tooth occlusion?
Lower 1st molar anterior to posterior
What muscle draws tip of chin upward?
What is a class 2 tooth occlusion?
Lower 1st molar posterior to upper
Large overbite
How do you describe the TMJ meniscus?
A neural and avascular at force bearing zone
What is a class 1 tooth occlusion?
1st molars normal, irregularities elsewhere
What is the only synovial joint in the cranium?
What muscle does smile?
Zygomaticus major
What muscle does pouting?
Depressor labib inferior
What “other Sx” may TMJ cause?
Neck pain
Eye pain
Arm/back pain
What muscle does grimace?
what is the treatment for S shape?
Warm towel over TMJ for 10-15 min
Have patient resist their own motion for 20-30 sec, sets of 10, 2x a day
What clenches the jaw?
Temporal is
Medial pterygoid
Describe the thirds of the face
Hair line to bipupital line
Bipupital to nose
Nose to chin
The mandible is ___?
Where is the TMJ tender point?
Tx position?
Posterior aspect of angle of mandible
Rotate head to the opposite side of the tender point
What muscle draws corner of mouth down?
Depressor anguli oris and platysma
Unilateral stretch of TMJ patient is turned which way?
What stretch?
Turned away from side of SD
Reduction of anterior disc tx?
4th and 5th fingers lift mandible anteriorly
2nd and 3rd lift cephalad
Opposite hand applies medial force to mandible
S shape deviation means what?
Bilateral muscle imbalance
Pts with TMJ may present with what?
Ear pain
What muscle compresses lips?
Orbicularis oris