TLP's More Info Flashcards
What are different ways to “receive the mission”?
Verbally, Written, Radio, FBCB2, etc
At a minimum the WARNO should include:
6 things
1) Mission or nature of the operation
2) Time and place for issuing the OPORD
3) Units or elements participating in the operation
4) Specific tasks
5) Timeline for the operation with a detailed focus prior to SP
6) Rehearsal guidance
Now that you have conducted your hasty analysis, we will discuss the WARNO and what is briefed to your subordinates. Squad leaders conduct an: ____________
4 things
1) Initial hasty Mission Analysis in order to give a warning order out to their men
2) A WARNO is the output from step 1 of the TLPs. It is important to conduct your hasty analysis quickly. It should take max: 20min
3) The product of their analysis is a warning order, issues to your subordinates NLT 30min. Do not withhold information or wait for more information
4) Arm your subordinates with as much information on the upcoming mission as possible, so they have time to plan and prepare.