TLE Flashcards
provides a straightworking edge necessary for constructing
horizontal and vertical lines.
Drawing Board
used to construct horizontal lines. it also serves as a base for
triangles when drawing vertical lines
T- square
It moves up and down the drawing surface by means of
pulleys and guide rope.The guide rope orwire keeps it in a
parallel position
Parallel rule
30-60-90degree and 45-45-90degree angles are used
for drawing vertical lineswith theT-square or parallel rules
as the horizontal support
Used to drawangles other than the usual 15degree
increments.Proper angles can be set and other linescan be
drawn parallel to the set angle.
Adjustable triangle
used to measure and drawangles not divisible by 15degrees
when neither the30-60-90degree nor the 45-45-90
degree triangle can be used
used to reproduce the dimensions of an object in a full
reduced or enlarged size on a drawing
Metric Scale
used for drawing circles and arcs
a type of compasswith needle points on both ends and is
used for laying off points or transferring dimensions. it’
also used for dividing lines into any number of equal parts
basic instruments used in mechanical drawing and come in
varying degrees of hardness.
precision inking tools that comewith points of varying
thickness from 0.10 mm to 2.0 mm depending on the line
Technical Pen
made of thin flat metal or plasticwith cut outs of various
sizes and shapes. it restricts the erasing area.
Erasing Shield
various tools used for creating sharp conical pencil points.
Cutter, Sharpener, Sandpaper
used to remove loose dirt particles that collect on the
Dusting Brush
FrenchCurve - made of clear plastic and is used for
drawing a noncircular curve
Flexi-Curve - another tool used for drawing irregular
curves. it is made of a rubber or plastic outer shellwith a
flexible metal inner spine.
French Curve and Flexi-Curve
used for drafting symbols or repetitive figures. they greatly
facilitate drawing speed and precision
combination of several drafting tools in a single contraption
Drafting Machine
is the process bywhich letters, including numbers, are
composed for providing ease and speed in communicating
ideas. it’
s considered as thewritten language of the drafting
applies to all letters that have uniform width elements.
further classified as single-stroke, round, or gold. it’
s the
plainest and most legible among the styles of letters.
Gothic Styles or Sans Serif