TLB: Key locations and their significance Flashcards


Where in the book mentions the Salmon family home and neighbourhood?

Why were these places significant,


pg. 19 - susie described the ‘sameness’ of her neighbourhood.
- Lacked individuality

pg. 47 - Jacks study - he smashes the boats in bottles that he made with Susie.
- the act of violence reveals Jack’s tried and anger, and is self-destuctive. The grave-rubbing is. foreshadowing of susie’s death.

pg. 91 - Buckley and Nate playing in the house. Buckley says he sees Susie. The grave-rubbing.

pg. 135 - Jacks study; outside house. Jack sees light in cornfield and thinks it’s Harvey - he goes out with a baseball bat, Brian beats him up.
- Candle - symbolises of Susie’s fragility; also fragility of Jack and Abigail’s marriage and the 2 family unit.
- Jack’s intentions are murderous - show his greed and anger have temporarily changed him.

169 - Neighbourhood - identical house huge
- Sebold suggests that Harvey has got to go away with his crimes because he can be anonymous in this place.

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