TKAM Quotes Flashcards
My folks said…
your daddy was a disgrace an’ that nigger oughta hang from the water tank
What has this…
world come to when a Finch goes against his raising?
It was rumoured…
she kept a CSA pistol concealed beneath her numerous shawls and robes.
The one thing…
that doesn’t abide by majority rules is a person’s conscience.
There’s his…
Chillun, or Yonder’s some Finches. They c’n go loose and rae up the countryside for all of them who run this country care.
The court…
appointed Atticus to defend him. Atticus aimed to defend him. That’s what they didn’t like about it. It was confusing.
Negroes worshipped…
in it on Sundays and white men gambled in it on weekdays.
He stood and…
pointed his finger at Tom Robinson.”I seen that black n-yonder ruttin’ on my Mayella
She looked at him…
as if he were dirt beneath her feet
I wondered if anybody…
had ever called her ‘Ma’am’ or Miss Mayella in her life; probably not
This case is…
as simple as black and white
He likened…
Tom’s death the senseless slaughter of songbirds
How do you know…
a match don’t hurt him? Turtles can’t feel stupid. Were you ever a turtle, huh?
Put my bag…
in the front room, Calpurnia…I’ll take it, said Jem.
Dill asked…
if I’d like to have a poke at Boo Radley. I said I didn’t think it’d be nice to bother him.