TKAM Characters (All Chapters) Flashcards
Jean Louise (Scout) Finch
The narrator and protagonist of the story
Atticus Finch
Maycomb attorney and state representative. The father of Jean Louise (Scout) and Jem Finch.
Jeremy Atticus (Jem) Finch
Scout’s older brother who ages from 10-13 throughout the story.
Aunt Alexandra Hancock
Atticus’ sister. She lives on Finch’s landing but moves in with Atticus and his family during the Tom Robinson trial.
Francis Hancock
Aunt Alexandra’s grandson, he taunts Scout about Atticus
Uncle John Hale (Jack) Finch
Atticus and Aunt Alexandra’s brother who comes to visit every Christmas, he is a doctor
The Finch’s African-American housekeeper, she grew up at Finch’s landing and moved with Atticus to Maycomb, she is the closest thing the children have to a mother
Calpurnia’s son and the town garbage collector. He leads the hymns at First Purchase African M.E. Church.
Mr. Arthur (Boo) Radley
The mysterious neighbor who is one of the key interest points of the story, the children want to meet him face to face
Nathan Radley
Boo Radley’s brother who comes back to live with the family when Mr. Radley dies.
Mr. and Mrs. Radley
Boo and Nathan Radley’s parents
Charles Baker (Dill) Harris
Jem and Scout’s friend, he lives in Meridian, Mississippi and visits his aunt in Maycomb every summer
Miss Rachel Haverford
Dill’s aunt who lives next door to the Finches
Miss Maudie Atkinson
A lady who lives across the street from the Finches. She’s an avid gardener and often spends time talking with the children.
Miss Stephanie Crawford
The neighborhood gossip
Mrs. Henry Lafayette Dubose
An elderly woman who is originally disliked by Scout and Jem but teaches them a valuable lesson
Mrs. Grace Merriweather
A devout Methodist, she writes the Halloween pageant
Mrs. Gertrude Farrow
The “second most devout lady in Maycomb”, belongs to the local Missionary Society
Tom Robinson
The black man who is accused of raping and beating Mayella Ewell.
Helen Robinson
Tom Robinson’s wife
Link Deas
Tom and Helen Robinson’s employer. He makes sure that Helen can pass safely by the Ewells’ after Tom is arrested.
Robert E. Lee (Bob) Ewell
The head of the Ewell household, he is a lazy worker who spends his welfare checks on alcohol. He claims to have witnessed Tom attacking Mayella.
Mayella Violet Ewell
Tom’s 19-year-old accuser of rape.
Burris Ewell
One of Bob Ewell’s children. He attends school only one day a year.