TKAM Flashcards
What does ‘formidable’ mean?
challenging; difficult; dreadful; terrible; herculean
What does ‘myopic’ mean?
near-sighted; lacking in foresight or discernment
What is ‘inflection’?
modulation; alteration in tone or pitch of voice
What is a ‘caste’?
stratified level in society based on economic or social separation
What does ‘infallible’ mean?
unable to make a mistake; unerring; can do no wrong
What does ‘encumbered’ mean?
burdened; weighed down; hindered
What is ‘fortitude’?
strength of mind; endurance
What does ‘rankling’ mean?
causing irritation; festering
What does ‘acrimonious’ mean?
bitter; ill-natured animosity; irritating
What is ‘volition’?
will; power of choosing or determining
What is a ‘chifforobe’?
dresser; wardrobe
What does ‘cynical’ mean?
always seeing the worst in people’s motives; distrusting
What does ‘fatalistic’ mean?
belief in predetermined events; acceptance of inevitable
What is ‘duress’?
use of force or threats to get someone to do something against their will; coercion
What does ‘bovine’ mean?
slow; dull; stupid; sheepish
What does ‘demise’ mean?
What is a ‘recluse’?
hermit; one who enjoys solitude
What is ‘diction’?
form of speaking or writing
What does ‘untrammeled’ mean?
free; unentangled; unrestrained
What is ‘gait’?
manner of walking or running; hobble; trot
What does ‘pinioned’ mean?
restrained; immobilized; fixed in one place
What does ‘venerable’ mean?
worthy; commanding reverence or respect
What does ‘ingenuous’ mean?
artless; straightforward; candid
What does ‘furtive’ mean?
sneaky; tricky; not candid
What does ‘expunge’ mean?
cancel; remove
What does ‘unobtrusive’ mean?
welcome; invited; not forceful or pushy
What are ‘subordinates’?
people of lesser position, usually in a place of work; servants