Title XIII Flashcards
Special Corporations
Enumerate the laws that governs educational corporations.
General provisions of the RCCP and Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, as amended by Republic Act No. 7798, otherwise knows as “Education Act of 1982”.
Term of educational corporations?
perpetual term
What is the number of trustees required in a nonstock educational corporation
It shall not be less than five nor more than 15. In addition, the number of trustees shall be in multiple of five and staggering of terms is also required.
What provisions in the RCCP govern educational stock corporations?
It shall be governed by the provisions on stock corporations.
Is registration mandatory for religious denomination, sec or church, society, or organization?
No. provided that they do not want to acquire juridical personality separate and distinct from its members.
Enumerate the kinds of corporations that a religious denomination, sect, or church can incorporate to acquire juridical personality
- Corporation sole
- Corporation aggregate / religious society
- Ordinary nonstock religious corporation
What is the nature of a corporation sole
A corporation sole is a special form of corporation usually associated with the clergy.
It only consist of one person only, and his successors (who will always be one at a time), in some particular station who are incorporated by law in order to give them some legal capacities and advantages, particularly that of perpetuity which in their natural persons they could not have had.
Are bylaws necessary in corporation sole?
No. A corporation sole is not required to file bylaws.
Does the state have jurisdiction over ecclesiastical affairs?
Term of a religious corporation
Can a corporation sole convert into an aggregate corporation? Yes or no? How?
Yes. A corporation sole can be converted into an aggregate corporation by mere amendment of its articles of incorporation.