Title Assurance Flashcards
- pub records office records all instruments affecting land titles: deeds, mortgages, liens, wills, etc.
- state registers title and issues title certificate to owner
- assurance to title left in hands of private entities; and the govts job is providing parties access to the land in question thru recording system
recording system
Land title recs include copies of docs filed w the recorder and indexes to these copied docs; does not in any way affect transfer of the land
functions of rec system
- establishes system of pub recordation of land title
- preserves in a secure place documents that could be lost
- protects purchasers for value and lien creditors against prior unrecorded interests. (at common law used to be 1st in time 1st in right - prior interest was always successful)
steps in recording
- filing - go to office and file instrument relating to the land
- recording - does not gives notice to subsequent purchasers
- indexing - various methods, done by title companies
Purpose of the recording acts
adopted and broadened the equitable doctrine of BFP, bc under them a subsequent BFP is protected against prior unrecorded interests
Race statute
- rare, earliest type
- fleet of foot - person who wins race to record prevails
- limits inquiry to matters off record
Notice statute
- protects subsequent purchaser who purchased w/o notice of prior unrecorded instrument - pure of heart
- protects sub purchaser against prior unrec instruments even tho subsequent purchaser failed to record
race notice statute
- use of this and notice is about 50/50 in US
- protected against prior unrecorded instruments only if subsequent purchaser:
(1) w/o notice of prior instrument
(2) records before prior instrument recorded - by punishing non recording, provides motivation to record making pub records complete
Lewis v. Superior Court
Lewis K’d to buy resident from Shipley. On 2/24 Fontana Films recorded a lis pendens (suit for claim against prop) against Shipley which affected the resident Lewises purchased. Lewises received title at closing on 2/28, lis pendens indexed on 2/29. In march the Lewises finishes paying off prop and spent $ improving it. In Sept they were served w Fontana’s lawsuit which was 1st notice of lis pendens.
Fontana: Even if they took title before the indexing, they were not BFPs bc they didn’t fully pay until after indexing.
Lewis: Paid for prop, should be able to keep it.
Lewis v. Superior Court
Whether BFP of property may be charged w constructive knowledge of an encumbrance on the land where the encumbrance was recorded but not indexed prior to sale.
Lewis v. Superior Court
F’s interest was not fully recorded until it was indexed, and it was not at the time they bought the house so Lewises are BFPs. Under race notice, Lewis was FOF bc although Fontana filed 1st Lewis indexed 1st. POH bc final downpayment and initial payment were before F indexed so he had no notice.
Lewis v. Superior Court
David v. Ward not applicable to this case bc (1) one who commits to paying certain amt for land is entitled to believe that once purchase price is complete he will receive clean title (2) case here involved constructive notice - it would be unr’able to burden on buyers to perform record check at each installation payment - they only usually perf rec check before purchase.
Lewis v. Superior Court
If BFP has already received title by time a lien recorded and was not on constructive notice at time he received title, he is protected. Only unprotected when BFP has actual knowledge of facts showing transferor had fraudulent intent - then they acted in bad faith.
actual notice
when one is personally aware of a conflicting interest in real property, often due to anothers possession of the property
record notice (constructive)
noticed based on properly recorded instruments - if properly recorded provides notice to all.