Sec. 200
Chief Officials of the Bureau
The Bureau shall be headed by a Commissioner and shall be assisted by ________________.
a. at least 3 but not more than 6 Deputy Commissioner.
b. at least 3 but not more than 7 Deputy Commissioner.
c. at least 4 but not more than 6 Deputy Commissioner.
d. at least 4 but not more than 7 Deputy Commissioner.
c. at least 4 but not more than 6 Deputy Commissioner.
(Based on Sec. 200.)
This was lifted from sec. 601 of the TCCP with modification. This amended the number of Chief Officials of the Bureau of Customs from 5 Deputy Commissioner to at least 4 Deputy Commissioner, but not more than 6 with the mandate that at least majority of the Deputy Commissioners shall come from the ranks of the Bureau
According to Sec. 200, the Commissioner shall be appointed by the _________________.
President of the Philippines
(Based on Sec. 200.)
According to Sec. 200, the Deputy Commissioner shall also be appointed by the _________________ and at least majority of whom shall come form the ranks of the Bureau.
(Based on Sec. 200.)
If the Commissioner is appointed by the President. the who appoint the Deputy Commissioners?
According to Sec. 200, Deputy Commissioner shall also be appointed by the President and at least majority of whom shall come form the ranks of the Bureau.
(Based on Sec. 200.)
Sec. 201
Powers and Functions of the Commissioner
True or False
One of the power and function of the Commissioner is:
Exclusive and original jurisdiction to interpret the provisions of this Act, in collaboration with other relevant government agencies, subject to review by the Secretary of Finance.
Based on Sec. 201
True or False
One of the power and function of the Commissioner is:
Exercise any customs power, duties and functions, directly or indirectly
Based on Sec. 201
True or False
One of the power and function of the Commissioner is:
Review any action or ruling of any customs officer performed pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
Review any action or decision of any customs officer performed pursuant to the provisions of this Act.
(Based on Sec. 201)
True or False
One of the power and function of the Commissioner is :
Review and decide dispute settlement and other matters related thereto, subject to review by the Secretary of Finance and exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA)
Review and decide dispute assessments and other matters related thereto, subject to review by the Secretary of Finance and exclusive appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA).
(Based on Sec. 201)
One of the power and function of the Commissioner is:
e. Delegate the powers vested under this Act to any customs officer with the rank equivalent to division chief or higher except for the following powers and functions.:
i. Promulgation of rules and regulations.
ii. Issuance, revocation or modification of rulings; and
iii. Compromise or abatement customs obligations.
(Based on Sec. 201)
True or False
The power and function of the Commissioner as stated in subparagraph (f) and (g) are:
f. Assignment or reassignment of any customs officer subject to the approval of the Secretary of Finance; Provided, That District Collectors and other customs officers that perform assessment functions shall not remain in the same area of assignment for more than three (3) years; and
g. Perform all other duties and functions as may be necessary for the effective implementation of this Act and other customs related laws.
Based on Sec. 201
Sec. 202
Functions of the Bureau
True or False
One of the functions of the Bureau is:
Assessment and collection of customs revenues from imported goods and other duties, fees, charges, fines and penalties accruing under this Act.
Based on Sec. 202
True or False
One of the functions of the Bureau is:
Simplification and Harmonization of customs procedures to facilitate movement of goods in international trade.
Based on Sec. 202