Title 19 - Customs Duties Flashcards
Transferred or Delegated Authority
19 CFR 0
Vessels in Foreign and Domestic Trades
19 CFR 4
Customs Relations with Insular Possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station
19 CFR 7
Articles Conditionally Free, Subject to a Reduced Rate, Etc.
19 CFR 10
Packing and Stamping; Marking
19 CFR 11
Special Classes of Merchandise
19 CFR 12
Transportation in Bond and Merchandise in Transit
19 CFR 18
Customs Warehouses, Container Stations and Control of Merchandise Therein
19 CFR 19
Customs Financial and Accounting Procedure
19 CFR 24
Certain Importations Temporarily Free of Duty
19 CFR 54
General Provisions
19 CFR 101
Rules of Origin
19 CFR 102
Availability of Information
19 CFR 103
Customs Brokers
19 CFR 111
Carriers, Cartmen, and Lightermen
19 CFR 112
CBP Bonds
19 CFR 113
19 CFR 114
Cargo Container and Road Vehicle Certification Pursuant to International Customs Conventions
19 CFR 115
Centralized Examination Stations
19 CFR 118
Air Commerce Regulations
19 CFR 122
CBP Relations with Canada and Mexico
19 CFR 123
Cartage and Lighterage of Merchandise
19 CFR 125
General Order, Unclaimed, and Abandoned Merchandise
19 CFR 127
Express Consignments
19 CFR 128
19 CFR 132
Trademarks, Trade Names, and Copyrights
19 CFR 133
Country of Origin Marking
19 CFR 134
Entry of Merchandise
19 CFR 141
Entry Process
19 CFR 142
Special Entry Procedures
19 CFR 143
Warehouse and Rewarehouse Entries and Withdrawals
19 CFR 144
Mail Importations
19 CFR 145
Foreign Trade Zones
19 CFR 146
Trade Fairs
19 CFR 147
Personal Declarations and Exemptions
19 CFR 148
Importer Security Filing
19 CFR 149
Examination, Sampling, and Testing of Merchandise
19 CFR 151
Classification and Appraisement of Merchandise
19 CFR 152
Relief from Duties on Merchandise Lost, Damaged, Abandoned, or Exported
19 CFR 158
Liquidation of Duties
19 CFR 159
General Enforcement Provisions
19 CFR 161
Inspection, Search, and Seizure
19 CFR 162
19 CFR 163
Investigation of Claims of Evasion of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
19 CFR 165
Fines, Penalties, and Forfeitures
19 CFR 171
Claims for Liquidated Damages; Penalties Secured by Bonds
19 CFR 172
Administrative Review in General
19 CFR 173
19 CFR 174
Petitions by Domestic Interested Parties
19 CFR 175
Proceedings in the Court of International Trade
19 CFR 176
Administrative Rulings
19 CFR 177
Approval of Information Collection Requirements
19 CFR 178
North American Free Trade Agreement
19 CFR 181
United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
19 CFR 182
Modernized Drawback
19 CFR 190
19 CFR 191
Export Control
19 CFR 192
Antidumping and Countervailing Duties
19 CFR 351
Procedures for Imposing Sanctions for Violation of an Antidumping or Countervailing Duty Administrative Protective Order
19 CFR 354
Procedures and Rules for Article 10.12 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement
19 CFR 356
Procedures Covering Suspension of Liquidation, Duties and Estimated Duties in Accord with Presidential Proclamation 10414
19 CFR 362