Title 17 Part 525 Flashcards
What permit allows an individual to charge a fee for taking game mammals, fur bearing animals, bats and game birds that are causing damage to property, risk to human health, or nuisance on the land of another.
Class A NWC Permit
What permit allows for an individual to charge a fee for taking migratory birds that are causing damage to property, risk to human health, or nuisance on the land of another.
Class D NWC Permit allow?
Which are approved methods of land take sets?
Box trap Cage trap Colony trap Or traps of a similar design Foot hold traps (see specs.) Bailey beaver traps Cushion hold; offset laminated and wide-jaw foothold traps (see specs) Body grip traps (see specs) Deadfall trap
Box trap Cage trap Colony trap Or traps of a similar design Foot hold traps (see specs.) Cushion hold; offset laminated and wide-jaw foothold traps (see specs) Body grip traps (see specs)
Foot hold traps regulations
Enclosed foot hold traps (with single access opening no larger than 3 square inches e.g. D-P [dog-proof], EGG, Lil’ Grizz traps)
Unenclosed foot hold traps (with single access opening no larger than 3 square inches e.g. D-P [dog-proof], EGG, Lil’ Grizz traps)
Enclosed foot hold traps (with single access opening no larger than 6 square inches e.g. D-P [dog-proof], EGG, Lil’ Grizz traps)
Enclosed foot hold traps (with single access opening no larger than 3 square inches e.g. D-P [dog-proof], EGG, Lil’ Grizz traps)
Cushion hold regulations
Cushion hold; offset laminated and wide-jaw foothold traps (must be listed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies as Best Management Practices for Trapping Coyote in Eastern US; and have an inside jaw spread of 8.5 inches or less)
Cushion hold; offset laminated and wide-jaw foothold traps (must be listed by Fish & Game as Best Management Practices for Trapping Coyote in Eastern US; and have an inside jaw spread of 9.5 inches or less)
Cushion hold; offset laminated and wide-jaw foothold traps (must be listed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies as Best Management Practices for Trapping Coyote in Eastern US; and have an inside jaw spread of 6.5 inches or less)
Cushion hold; offset laminated and wide-jaw foothold traps (must be listed by the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies as Best Management Practices for Trapping Coyote in Eastern US; and have an inside jaw spread of 6.5 inches or less)
Body grip regulations for INSIDE of a residence
Body grip traps (powered by 2 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 49 square inches may be used if set INSIDE a residence 4 inches from any outside surface of the structure)
Body grip traps (powered by 2 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 39 square inches may be used if set INSIDE a residence 4 inches from any outside surface of the structure)
Body grip traps (powered by 2 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 49 square inches may be used if set INSIDE a residence 14 inches from any outside surface of the structure)
Body grip traps (powered by 2 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 49 square inches may be used if set INSIDE a residence 4 inches from any outside surface of the structure)
Body grip regulations for OUTSIDE of a residence
Body grip traps (powered by 2 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 49 square inches may be used if set OUTSIDE at least 8 feet from the ground and enclosed in a tube, cylinder, or open-ended box constructed of wood, metal, or plastic so that the trigger is located at least 12 inches from any entrance to the enclosure in which it is set)
Body grip traps (powered by 1 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 49 square inches may be used if set OUTSIDE at least 18 feet from the ground and enclosed in a tube, cylinder, or open-ended box constructed of wood, metal, or plastic so that the trigger is located at least 12 inches from any entrance to the enclosure in which it is set)
Body grip traps (powered by 2 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 69 square inches may be used if set OUTSIDE at least 8 feet from the ground and enclosed in a tube, cylinder, or open-ended box constructed of wood, metal, or plastic so that the trigger is located at least 12 inches from any entrance to the enclosure in which it is set)
Body grip traps (powered by 2 springs and having inside jaw spread of no more than 49 square inches may be used if set OUTSIDE at least 8 feet from the ground and enclosed in a tube, cylinder, or open-ended box constructed of wood, metal, or plastic so that the trigger is located at least 12 inches from any entrance to the enclosure in which it is set)
Which are approved water set takes:
body-gripping traps cushion-hold traps foot-hold traps enclosed foot-hold traps see specs)(with single access opening no larger than 3 square inches) Bailey beaver traps Hancock beaver traps Or traps of a similar design Colony traps Cage traps Box traps Or traps of a similar design Snares that are not powered by springs or other mechanical devices (see specs)
body-gripping traps cushion-hold traps foot-hold traps enclosed foot-hold traps see specs)(with single access opening no larger than 3 square inches) Bailey beaver traps Hancock beaver traps Or traps of a similar design Colony traps Cage traps Box traps Or traps of a similar design Snares that are not powered by springs or other mechanical devices (see specs)
Violation of appropriate take method results in class ____ misdemeanor?
Class B
Are permitees who rent, and, or transfer traps to a second non permitted party are responsible for any damage incurred by the party and for reporting any animals taken,
Remote trap checking systems may be used if:
are used in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications
have a control unit that reports trap status to a centralized application database at least once per calendar day
have notification alarms that report trap closures and/or system health issues within one hour after detection via email or text
have on demand control unit testing capabilities for determining trap status, signal strength, and battery conditions via remote system check in
How often must traps be checked
Once per calendar day
How must a trap be tagged or inscribed?
must have permits name and address
What is the maximum legal jaw-spread of a cushion-hold trap placed in water?
- 5 inches
- 5 inches
- 5 inches
7.5 inches
Are traps with serrated, saw-toothed, spiked, or toothed jaws legal?
How must bait be placed in relation to a cushion-hold or foot-hold trap?
Trap must be placed more than 60 feet unless it is completely covered and concealed from sight but this does not apply to water set traps.
Trap must be placed more than 30 feet unless it is completely covered and concealed from sight but this does not apply to water set traps.
Trap must be placed more than 30 feet unless and uncovered and unconcealed from sight but this does not apply to water set traps.
Trap must be placed more than 30 feet unless it is completely covered and concealed from sight but this does not apply to water set traps.
Can you disturb the traps or animals caught of another trapper?
Are the use of guns subject to all state restrictions?
Use of guns are subject to municipal restrictions unless..
Authorized in writing by an official of the municipality
How must a gun be carried in a vehicle?
Unloaded and enclosed in a case
When is the only time it is lawful to fire a firearm over or into state waters?
Only when performing euthanasia of game mammals or furbearing animals that are restrained by traps
Is it lawful to discharge a gun on a public right of way or highway?
Can commercially available gas cartridges that emit carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide in accordance to manufacturers specs be used?
Drugs to take protected species must be acquired according to:
Illinois Controlled Substance Act
EPA controlled Substance Act
US Controlled Substance Act
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
NAFTA Drug Act
Animal Medicinal Drug Clarification Act of 1994
US Drug Enforcement Administration Regulations
Illinois Controlled Substance Act
US Controlled Substance Act
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
Animal Medicinal Drug Clarification Act of 1994
US Drug Enforcement Administration Regulations
What type of traps are unlawful?
deadfall, pit trap, spear, gig, hook, crossbow, colony trap, poison, cushion-hold traps, adhesive, chemical, explosive, cage trap
deadfall, pit trap, spear, gig, hook, crossbow, poison, adhesive, chemical, explosive, or any like trap
All forbearing animals MUST be released alive or euthanized except…
how must striped skunks be dealt with?
how must raccoons be dealt with
striped skunks MUST be euthanized
raccoons must be euthanized or released on the same property and within 100 yards of where captured or surrendered to a licensed vet who is licensed as a wildlife rehabilitator
Release may only be after an observation period of 45 days
Bats may be…
Permanently evicted
Released alive
Transported to a local health department, animal control office, or vet for submission to a laboratory if there is concern about human exposure to rabies
Permanently evicted
Released alive
Transported to a local health department, animal control office, or vet for submission to a laboratory if there is concern about human exposure to rabies
How must migratory birds be handled once caught
Released alive or surrendered to a licensed wildlife rehabilitator
Animals, animal by-products, or animal parts may NOT be offered for sale, shipped, or bartered, true or false? Violation is what class of offense?
True. Class A misdemeanor
What are the three ways to dispose of a dead animal or the eggs of a migratory bird?
Transferred to licensed renderer
Disposed at a solid waste facility
Disposed in accordance with Illinois Dead Animal Disposal Act
Transferred to licensed renderer
Disposed at a solid waste facility
disposed in accordance with Illinois Dead Animal Disposal Act
How soon must animals taken and then released alive be released?
Within 24 hours of capture
What minimum and maximum range must released animals be released within? Does this law apply to migratory birds?
At least 10 but not more than 40 miles from the capture site unless department grants exception:
Does not apply to migratory birds they may be released in a suitable habitat more than 40 miles from capture site