Tissues and Organs Flashcards
Nerve tissue
- capable of conducting electrical impulses
- function = communication throughout the body, sensory, coordination of body functions
- examples = brain, nerves in sensory organs
Epithelial tissue
- cells covering surfaces and lining internal organs
- function = protection from dehydration, low-friction surface
- examples = skin, lining of digestive system
Connective tissue
- various types of cells and fibers held together by a liquid, a solid, or a gel, known as a matrix
- function = support, insulation
- examples = bone, tendons, blood
Muscle tissue
- muscle fibers that are capable of shortening or contracting
- function = movement
- skeletal = muscles that make bones move, voluntary
- smooth = muscles surrounding the digestive tract = involuntary
- cardiac = heart, involuntary
Meristematic tissue
- these are the plant cells that divide by mitosis
* they are found at the tips of roots and shoots and under the bark of woody plants
Dermal tissue
- found on the outermost layer of plants
- epidermal covers leaves, stems and roots, while periderm gives rise to bark
- root epidermis = help absorb water and minerals from soil
- leaf epidermis = produce a layer of wax that help waterproof the leaf’s surface, some are adapted for defense
- guard cells = found on the opening of the leaf, open and close the stomates to conserve water and to allow carbon dioxide to enter for photosynthesis
Vascular tissue
- xylem = hollow tubes with rigid walls, not living tissue, transport water and dissolved minerals upward from the roots
- phloem = elongated cells, living tissue, transport solutions of sugars produced by photosynthesis downward to the roots
Ground tissue
- parenchyma = photosynthesis, carbohydrate storage
- collenchyma = structural support for growing roots and leaves
- sclerenchyma = structural support, extremely thick cell walls
Intergumentary system
- organs = skin, hair, nails, glands
* function = covers and protects body, glands help control body temperature
Skeletal system
- organs = bones, cartilage
* function = supports body, allows movement, protects body
Muscular system
- organs = skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, tendons, ligaments
- function = works with skeletal system to provide movement, moves materials within body
Digestive system
- organs = mouth, esophagus, stomach, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, intestines, rectum
- function = ingestion, digestion, absorption of nutrients, elimination of solid wastes
Respiratory system
- organs = nose, mouth, trachea, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli, diaphragm
- function = exchange of gases
Circulatory system
- organs = heart, blood vessels, blood
* function = transportation of materials, such as oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and wastes, within body
Nervous system
- organs = brain, nerves, spinal cord
* function = contract body functions, coordinates responses and activities
Endocrine system
- organs = glands, pancreas, ovaries (females), testes (males)
- function = controls growth and development, controls metabolism
Excretory system
- organs = skin, kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra
* function = elimination of wastes
Reproductive system
- female organs = ovaries, fallopian tubes, vagina, uterus
- male organs = testes, epididymus, vas deferens, penis, urethra
- function = reproduction
Lymphatic system
- organs = white blood cells, thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, lymph vessels
- functions = protects body from disease, circulates fluid called lymph, absorbs and transports fats
Shoot system
- organs = stem, leaves, buds, flowers, fruits
* function = transpiration
Root system
- organs = roots, including aerial roots
* function = push water up the stem