Tissue Organisation- Topographical Basis Flashcards
Refers to the body as a whole
Describes the elements which make up the walls of the trunk and limbs
eg. Bone, cartilage skeletal muscle
all are controlled by the somatic nervous system
Refers to all the organs in the trunk, head and neck
Supplied by the autonomic nervous system (both sympathetic and parasympathetic )
What is skin ?
It covers the outer layer of the body and the integral structures
it is separated by connective tissue
What is the function of skin?
Protection (water proof)
Providing sensory information about surrounding environment - touching hot surface, texture and pressure
Vitamin D synthesis
Where is the nerve supply and blood supply in the skin
In the connective tussle - NOT epidermis
What are the different layers of the skin?
The epidermis
The dermis
The superficial fascia
The deep fascia
Describe the epidermis
90% keratinocytes
less abundant are melanocytes, langerhans cells, Merkel cells
Describe the dermis
Composed mainly of CT: collagen, elastic fibres, fibroblasts, macrophages and adipocytes
present in blood vessels, nerves, glands and hair follicles
Describe the superficial fascia
Beneath the dermis
Contains collagen and elastic fibres but varying amount of fat
What are the functions of the superficial fascia
Storage of both the fat (high energy content ) and water (the shape is allowed to change but not the volume)
provides protection against mechanical shock- fat and water act as a cushion
Thermal insulation- fat and water provide an effective barrier against rapid loss of body heat
Conduction- transport- nerves and blood vessels to the skin
Describe deep fascia
Beneath the superficial fascia layer
Highly organised and dense connective tissue layer which invests deep structures, dividing body into comportments- LITTLE FAT
Organised collagen fibres- running parallel
What is the function of the deep fascia?
Conduction- blood vessels, nerves are transported via fascias (neurovascular bundles)
Movement of Muscle- muscles are wrapped in deep fascia- can slide over each other
Attachment for some muscles- some muscles gain partial attachments for deep fascia eg temporalis
Capsules around organs and glands (kidney and lymph nodes)
What are neurovascular bundles?
Deep fascia will surround nerves and blood vessels
Describe the fascia of the thigh
Deep fascia encloses the muscle completely - good as each muscle can work separately, won’t slide past each other.
Inserted into bone
there are also spaces where nerves blood capillaries are positioned
What is the disadvantage of the structure of the fascia of the leg?
If there was an infection , it would causes inflammation which would result in cutting off blood supply and nerve conduction. This is because the walls being inelastic.
Known as compartment syndrome
necessary to open up compartments to release pressure
Describe the fascia of the skin in the foot
Condensations in the foot will hold the tendons and muscles coming from the anterior part of the leg in position
This increases the efficiency of the muscles actions
What are serous membranes?
They line the internal cavities of the body
They are thin double layered structures
Consists of mesophelium
It is supported by loose connective tissue
Describe the serous membranes and what is their function?
Inner layer intimate with viscera
Outer layer anchored to the body wall
Small space between the 2 layers- filled with fluid to minimise friction during movement
eg. the Pleura- lungs
The pericardium- Heart
The peritoneum- Abdomen contents
What are the 3 layers of blood vessels- (not capillaries)
tunica intima- internal elastic layer and endothelium
tunica media
tunica externa
What are the different regions defined in arterial system
Ileum- illac
Tibia- in the tibia
laterally from the trunk- Brachiocephalic- arm and head subclavian - behind the clavicle axillary- goes through the axila brachial- arm Radial- thumb Ulnar - finger
NB arteries can be divided into section by the position of a muscle
Describe the mode of veins in the way blood returns to the heart
The pressure is low- hence in order to increase the pressure of the region that the blood is in- skeletal muscle is present to push the walls in both directions so blood moves distal to proximal.
However to maintain the direction- valves present