Tissue, Organ And System Terms Flashcards
What does ‘Abdominal’ refer to?
Space between the diaphragm and hip bones; houses the major digestive organs.
What does ‘Alimentary’ mean?
Pertaining to food or nutrition (alimentary canal).
What is meant by ‘Arterial’?
Pertaining to arteries or the blood in them.
What does ‘Articular’ refer to?
Pertaining to a joint.
What does ‘Autonomic’ mean?
Occurring involuntarily.
What does ‘Axial’ refer to?
Trunk or skull (skeleton).
What is ‘Bowel’?
Division of the Intestine.
What does ‘Bronchial’ pertain to?
Pertaining to air tubes of the lungs.
What are ‘Capillary’ vessels?
Smallest blood vessels.
What does ‘Cardiac’ refer to?
Pertaining to the heart.
What is ‘Cardiac muscle tissue’?
Specialized form of involuntary muscle tissue found only in the heart.
What does ‘Cardiovascular’ mean?
Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels.
What is a ‘Cavity’?
Space or hollow within the body.
What does ‘Cerebral’ refer to?
Pertaining to the brain, particularly the cerebrum.
What does ‘Cervical’ mean?
Pertaining to the neck or cervix.
What are ‘Cilia’?
Small hairlike structures.
What does ‘Circulatory’ pertain to?
Pertaining to blood circulation.
What is ‘Cloaca’?
Urogenital chamber of birds into which the intestinal, urinary, and generative canals discharge.
Tail area
Secondary or accessory
Part of the large intestine
Connective Tissue
Tissue specializing in connection and support of body parts
Pertaining to sexual intercourse
Regarding the heart
Pertaining to the space enclosed by the skull; houses the brain and pituitary gland
Relating to the skin
Falling out at the end of a stage or season; first set of teeth
Pertaining to teeth or dentistry
Muscular wall dividing thoracic and abdominal cavities