Tissue Defs. Flashcards
Fibroblasts func.
produce fibers by secreting proteins into the extracellular matrix
What do macrophages originate as?
Macrophages func.
repair damaged tissue
Mast Cells func.
Usually near blood cells
Starts the reaction that is associated with inflammation and allergies
Elastic fibers are built with…
Fibroblast func.
Produce fibers
Macrophages func.
carry on phagocytosis
Mast cells func.
Secrete heparin and histamine
Collagen fibers func.
Hold structures together with great strength
Elastic fibers func.
Stretch easily
Reticular fiber func.
Lend delicate support
Ground substance
Fills in spaces around cells and fibers
Areolar func.
supports and helps protect many organs, muscles, and other tissues.
Acts as an insulator
Stores fat