Tissue Flashcards
‘Paper that lets light shine through.’
‘Paper’ begins the poem and is used at the start of the first 2 sentences (both in first stanza).
-‘Light’ allows things to be seen rather than hidden. This hints at Dharker’s idea of CHANGE.
-The ‘light’ may be a biblical reference to Christianity (Jesus is the light of the world) - light connotes purity, God and our spirits which sanctify human endeavour.
‘In the well-used books, the back of the Koran.’
-Conveys the important of nature. Paper can make ‘well-used books’ which have a big influential impact on humanity implies that paper is very significant.
-Reference to the Koran emphasises the importance of paper and how much it actually affects our lives without us realising.
-‘Koran’ connotes religion, culture.
-Suggests that we frequently use paper.
‘Sepia date’
Sepia was a chemical filter used on paper to ensure it lasted longer and endured a plentiful life.
Emphasises the age of paper and how it can be handed down generations and still survive ; outlives humanity, very crucial.
Tissue is an ALLEGORY for materialistic life taking control over society, rather than humanity focusing on the things that TRULY matter; like, culture, religion and others around them.
First few quatrains show POWER of something so fragile (POWER).
Next few quatrains show WEAKNESS of paper as it’s unsuitable for the capitalistic ways of life.
Enjambment; freedom can be found even when restricted by control - mocking those in power.
-CONFLICT IN POEM: humans create severe conflict by holding tightly onto power and control.
-The poem looks at modern politics and warfare; the koran is symbolic of a wider issue.
-The things we build around us corrupt society and are at odds of our own existence.