Tirana Albania Flashcards
Art and science
A craft that visited it was named for Giotto based on the story that 680 years earlier the painter depicted it as the star of Bethlehem
Halley’s Comet
Was visited by Giotto
Halley’s Comet appeared in 1301 and served as a model for Giotto’s ‘Star of Bethlehem’. ESA named its mission to Halley’s Comet ‘Giotto’ in recognition of the fact that Giotto di Bondone made the first ‘scientific’ drawing of the comet recorded in history.
This protective white outer layer of the eyeball is an opaque continuation of the cornea
Sccc lar uh
With deep set buttoning high rolled arms and a nailhead trim this leather sofa is said to be named for a British earl
Honoring queen Elizabeth 1 this work is one of the longest English written poems
Edmund Spenser
Faerie queene
Fairy queen
First Secretary of the treasury
Only speaker of the house to become president
K Polk
Dolly Parton
Holds the record for most 3 point career fGs
Ray Allen university of Connecticut
He got game with Denzel
Steff took over and also has single season record
City of Atlanta does not have an NHL team but has been home to these 2 teams in the past
Bonus where did they move
Thrashers moved to Winnipeg
Flames moved to Calgary
Which 2 college teams participated in the first televised football game to feature instant replay which fittingly took place on December 7 1963
Army navy
Pearl Harbor day
Navy won led by roger stalbach who went on to be a Dallas cowboy
Barbadian entertainer and businesswoman started the claruh line ul foundation
Bonus beauty line
Rihanna fenti
Natty D?
This Colombian musician founded a charity in 97 called the barefoot foundation providing education and meals to over 400 Colombian children;performs barefoot herself demanding the floor has no imperfections
Soap operas
Actress and bond girl Denise Richards is actually still acting today
In fact she’s a regular on this day time soap opera which is no stranger to have stars join the cast
Wayne Brady
Patrixk Duffy
Betty white
Lopez alll cast members after becoming household names
The bold and the beautiful
Betty grabel
Michael flatly and
Tina turner
Have each had this body part insured by this insurance company
Legs by Lloyd’s of London
Paid nasa a space shuttle up to get a satellite rather than pay for the insurance claim
Flatly-river dance and lord of the dance
Ray Lewis finished his career with a super bowl win against this head coach who played QB and the victim of ray Lewis first professional sack
Jim harbaugh
Brother John of the ravens
The har baugh bowl
With approximately this percentage of all consumer milk coming from cows what animal is the next largest source at 12%
Buffalo 12
He originally made Kermit the frog from his mothers old felt coat and used this type of ball for his eye
Ping pong
If you get close enough you may notice that the primary exterior of the White House is made of this kind or rock
The name of this ancient writing style translates as wedge shaped
Cue nay uh form
Hanson robotics built an android that looks and converses like this sci-fi author known for writing about androids
Philip K dick
Who was the first elected US president born after WW2
According to the group that introduced it over 20 years ago the term Wi-Fi stand for
Sounded good
Analogous to hi-fi
In 1759 this Irish company secured a 9000 year lease for its Dublin location
Looking to scare predators away this North American desert dweller can shoot blood out of it eyes
Horned lizard
The first reconstructed Neanderthal Skelton was a specimen that had this unfortunate condition.
Because it contains the protein melting enzyme bromelain this food dissolves your tongue as you eat it
Bra muh Lin
Tongue repairs itself
You’re eating it and it’s eating you
Goes into the stomach and then hydrochloride acid really wins the battle
Only edible bru mel e ayed fruit
About how many times can the smallest state fit into the largest state
Rhode Island can fit into Alaska 450
This Oscar winner often ends the view with the signature sign off take a little time to enjoy the view
Whoopi Goldberg
At the age of 2 this prodigy and future PGA winner pitted against bob hope on an episode of the Mike Douglas show
Tiger woods
Studio execs wanted to change this George Lucas movie title fearing audiences would think it was an Italian film
American graffiti
This is an ornamental textile design using the boteh (Persian: بته) or buta, a teardrop-shaped motif with a curved upper end.
Paisley or paisley pattern