Tips to Remember Lyrics Easily Flashcards
Review the tips in this deck. Then try the tips you think will help you learn the songs in this class.
Tip #1
Learn the music and the lyrics separately
- If you have to play an instrument and sing simultaneously, learn to play the music first.
- Learn the music first, then focus on the lyrics.
Tip #2
Surround yourself with the song
When you’re learning the lyrics to a new song, your brain is constantly sorting the musical information patterns. Much of this is subconscious.
- Have a copy of the song everywhere.
- Play it when you wake up.
- Listen to it while you cook.
- Listen to it while you drive.
- Etc.
Be careful not to overplay the song. You want to keep the song fresh so that you stay motivated.
Tip #3
Sing Along
- Print out a sheet of the lyrics and start singing along.
- Sing along while you are doing other things. Many people learn primarily by doing.
Tip #4
Memorize the first lines of each stanza (section of the song)
The mind remembers information by association. Start by memorizing the first line of each stanza as shown in the picture below.

Tip #5
Stack the Phrases
Now that you’ve gotten the first lines of the song memorized, stack the 2nd and 3rd lines on top of it. (Index cards work good.)
Sometimes this happens automatically. Often if you’ve memorized the starting line, the rest of the lines will naturally follow.
This method works best for students who are more visual.
Tip #6
Remember the Rhyme
Rhyme has been with us since at lease the 10th century BC. Rhyme has been used by poets and songwriters for millennia because of its amazing ability for memorization.
So, use the power of rhyme to help memorize the lyrics.
Notice the picture below. In each stanza the rhyming words are colored green and purple.

Tip #7
Create a Story
What is a song? Basically it is a story set to music.
Whatever the song you have to memorize, try to create a story from it.
If the lyrics are more complicated, try to create a story line from each verse.
Tip #8
Research the Song Meaning
The first step is to learn something about the historical events depicted in the song.
What is the inspiration for the song you have to learn?…
- A person?
- A quality?
- A Bible verse?
Tip #9
Connect Emotionally with the Song
Try to connect with the emotion that the song gives you.
This will not only improve your performance, but it will help you remember lyrics if you recall the feeling it evokes.
Tip #10
Write the Lyrics Down
Writing the lyrics down repeatedly (10 times) will help engrain them in your mind.
The lyrics will also be more familiar to visual learners since they will see it in their own hand.
This technique tends to work best for lyrics that are so complicated that just singing through them or creating a story won’t help.
Tip #11
Fall Asleep Listening to the Song
This tip came from a professional singer/musician. When you go to sleep for the night, put on your headphones or earbuds and set the song to repeat.
You’re subconscious brain will recall the lyrics the next time you sing the song.