TIOBE Flashcards
Name three features of Roman Comedy
+ Subplots and parallel plots
+ Wordplay and Puns
+ Heavy Reliance on Stock Characters
Algernon quote, relates to misogyny: “ T– O— W– T- B—– T- A W—- I- T- M— L— T- H–, I- S– I- P—–, A– T- S—— E—, I- S– I- P—-.”
“The only way to behave to a woman is to make love to her, if she is pretty, and to someone else, if she is plain.”
Algernon quote, relates to social class and morality, Act 1 colloquy with Lane: “T— S— A- A C—-, T- H— A——— N- S—- O- M——-“
“They seem, as a class, to have absolutely no sense of morality”
Algernon quote, Relates to Hypocrisy and wasteful/superficial/luxury lifestyle: P—- D–’- T—- T– C——- S———. T— A– O—— S——– F– A— A—— (T—- O– A– E— I-)”
“Please don’t touch the cucumber sandwiches. They are ordered specially for Aunt Augusta (takes one and eats it)”
Algernon Quote, relates to Gwendolen, Gender Roles, Lady Bracknell and Aestheticism:” A– W—- B—– L— T—- M——, T— I- T—- T——. N- M– D—. T—’s H–. Jack’s line; I- T— C—–? Algernon; I- I- P——– P——!
“All women become like their mothers, that is their tragedy. No man does. That’s his. is that clever, It is perfectly phrased!”
Algernon Quote, relates to aestheticism and his nonsense character: “M—- I H—- A B——— F—-? I N—- H— A– A——- U—– I H— A B——— F—-“
“Might I have a buttonhole first? I never have any appetite unless I have a buttonhole first”
Algernon Quote, Relates to his nonsense character and fantasy life: C—–, I A- V— M— H— I—– T- H— Y– B—- I- O–. P———– W— T– W—— W– S- C——-“
“ Cecily, I am very much hurt indeed to hear you broke it off. Particularly when the weather was so charming”
Algernon Quote, relates to triviality, Subversion and the Victorian Gentleman: W—, O– M— B- S—— A—- S——–, I- O– W—- T- H— A– A——– I- L—”
“Well one must be serious about something, if one wants to have any amusement in life”
Algernon Quote, relates to ignorance and privilige, as well as Algernon’s food-driven nature: “Y– C– N– P——- A– M- T- G- W—— D—–, N- O– D—, E—– V———- A– P—– L— T—”
“You can not possibly ask me to go without dinner, I never go without dinner, no one does, except vegetarians and people like that”
Algernon Quote, Relates to Farce, Fashion, Upper Class Pretenses and Conceitedness: “ W–, I D–‘t L— Y— C——…… I- A- O———– O———, I M— U- F– I- B- B—- I——– O— E——-“
“ Well, I don’t like your clothes………If I am occasionally overdressed, I make up for it by being immensely over educated”
Gwendolen Quote, Subvert the separate spheres debate: “T– H— S—- T- M- T- B- T– P—– S—– F– A M–. A– C——– O— A M– B—– T- N—— D——- D—– H- B—— P——– E———”
“The home seems to me to be the proper sphere for a man. And certainly once a man begins to neglect domestic duties he becomes painfully effeminate”
gwendolen Quote, relates to the menotony of the upper class: “M- P— W—— C—–….. Y– W— C— M- S—–, W— Y– N–?”
“My poor wounded Cecily– You will call me sister, will you not? ”
Cecily Quote, relates to subversion of gender norms and Cecily’s fantastical/fanciful imagination: “Y– S—- B–! O- C—–, W- H— B— E—— F– T– L— T—- M—–”
‘You silly boy! Of course, we have been engaged for the last three months”
Cecily Quote, relates to subversion of the upper class being sensible and courtly love: “ O-, I D— T—- I S—– C— T- C—- A S——- M–”
“ Oh, I don’t think I should care to catch a sensible man”
Gwendolen Quote, relates to the pretenses of the upper class and the difference between public and private behavior (could relate to subversion of the separate sphere gender expectations): “I H— Y– A—– L— A- M- J— L— T—, E——— W— T—- A– O—- P—– P—–.”
”I hope you always look at me just like that, especially when there are other people present.”