Tinikling Steps Flashcards
A.) Take seven tinikling steps right and left alternatively. (7 Measures)
Music A - Tinikling Steps
B.) Step the right foot outside Pole Number 2 (count 1), hop twice with left foot between, turning right about (counts 2,3). (1 Measure)
Music A - Tinikling Steps
C.) Take seven Tinikling steps right and left alternately (7 Measures)
Music A - Tinikling Steps
D. The Female performer hops on her left foot outside pole Number 2, hops on the right twice between the poles, going backward near bamboo player Number 1 (8 Measures)
Music A - Tinikling Steps
A.) Starting with the right foot, take four waltz steps forwards. Arms are in lateral position moving sideward right and left alternately or inside hands joined. (4 measures)
Music B - Waltz Steps
B. Repeat A moving backward (4 measures). The female performer dances in front of her partner.
Music B - Waltz Steps
C. Hop on the outside foot once outside the poles. Hop on the inside foot twice between the poles.
Music B - Waltz Steps
D. Repeat C five times moving forward little by little (5 measures)
Music B - Waltz Steps
E. The male performer jumps over to the left side of the female performer and they join right hands. The female performer makes a three-step turn left in place passing under the arch of arms (1 measure), and both bow to the audience (1 Measure)
Music B - Waltz Steps
A.) Hop on the left foot outside the poles (count 1), hop on the right diagonally forward to the center of the poles (count2). Hop on the left on the same spot (count 3). Join the right hands on counts 2,3 (Measure 1)
Music B - Diagonal
B. Hop one foot diagonally backward across the other pole (the female performer across pole number 1, the male performer across pole number 2.). Release the hold of right hands (count 1), hop on the left (count 2) and right (count 3) between the poles as described previously. Join the right hands on counts 2,3.
Music B - Diagonal
D. Leap to exchange places
Music B - Diagonal
F. the male performer leaps to the left side of pole number 1 and the female performer leaps at the right side of pole number 2 near bamboo player number 2
Music B - Diagonal
Hop on the left foot across pole number 2 and raise the right foot in rear (count 1), hop on the right twice between the poles (counts 2,3). The female performer’s right hand is on her waist and the left hand holds her skirt.
Music A: Cross-Step
Hop on the left outside pole number 1 and raise the right foot in front (count 1), hop on the right twice between the poles (counts 2,3).
Music A: Cross-Step
Repeat A and B three times more. On the last two counts of the eighth measure, hop on the right foot twice turning right about. (6 measures)
Music A: Cross-Step
- The female performer hops on the left outside pole number 2 (count 1), hops on the right foot twice between poles moving backward near bamboo player number 1 (counts 2,3)
The male performer hops on the left outside pole number 1 (count 1), hops on the right foot between poles moving forward near bamboo player (count 2), hop on the right again and face right about (count 3)
Music A: Cross-Step
The female performer turns right and the male performer turns left (facing each other), jumps with both feet apart outside the poles (number 1, and number 2), joins both hands and swings them sideways (count 1), jump twice with feet together between the poles, swing hands down in front between them (2,3)
Music A: Feet Apart
Jump with feet apart outside the poles (count 1), release hands and jump twice between the poles turning right about (2,3). Partners are back in position.
Music A: Feet Apart
Repeat all (a, b, c, and d) except on the sixteenth measure, the female performer does not turn. The male performer turns to the audience.
Music A: Feet Apart
A.) Hop on the left foot outside the poles (count 1)
Music B: Step sideways
B.) Hop forward on the right foot outside across pole number 1 (Count 1). Hop on the left (Count 2)
And the right foot between the poles (Count 3)
Music B: Step sideways
D.) Hop on the right twice, outside the pole number 1, turning right about. Release the hold of inside hands (counts 1,2). Hop on the left, closae the right food in place (count 3)
Music B: Step sideways
E.) Join inside hands. Repeat A, B, and C. (7 Measures)
Music B: Step sideways
F.) Hop on the right foot outside pole number 2. Release the hold of inside hands (count 1), pause (count 2)
Music B: Step sideways
Take eight kuradang steps right and left alternatively. Arms are in the fourth position, right and left high alternately (16 Measures). On the last measure, the male performer jumps over to the left side of his partner facing the same direction.
Music B: Kuradang Step
A.) The female performer stands at the left side of the pole Number 2 and the male performer stands at the left side of the pole Number 1. Starting with the left foot, take four steps forward outside the poles (counts 1,2,3,4); turn right about and hop on the left (count 5) and right foot (count 6) between the poles. (2 Measures)
Clockwise & Counterclockwise
B.) Repeat (A) Three times more, going clockwise, on the eight measure hop on the left twice between the poles (counts 5,6) (6 Measures)
Clockwise & Counterclockwise
C.) Repeat all (A,B,C) starting with the right foot on the other side of the poles (7 measures)
Clockwise & Counterclockwise
D.) The female performer takes three steps forward about two feet away from pole number 2 (1 Measure). The male performer takes three steps forward two feet away from pole number 1.
The female performer and the male performer finish facing each other (1 Measure)
Clockwise & Counterclockwise